ADL (AMD Display Library) Public APIs  Version 17.1
Modules | Functions
Display Related APIs

This group outlines all display related APIs. More...


 Color related APIs
 This group describes the Color related APIs.
 Component Video APIs
 This group outlines all component video related APIs.
 Customized Modes APIs
 This group describes the APIs related to Customized modes.
 Digital Flat Panel APIs
 This group outlines all digital flat panel related APIs.
 Eyefinity APIs
 This group outlines the Eyefinity related APIs.
 This group outlines I2C, DDC and EDID related APIs.
 Overlay APIs
 This group outlines all Overlay related APIs.
 Overscan/Underscan APIs
 This group outlines Overscan and Underscan related APIs.
 PowerXpress APIs
 This group outlines PowerXpress Related APIs.
 This group outlines all television related APIs.
 Timing Override APIs
 This group describes the Timing Overide related APIs.
 ViewPort APIs
 This group outlines ViewPort Related APIs.


int ADL2_Adapter_VariBright_Caps (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int *iSupported, int *iEnabled, int *iVersion)
int ADL2_Adapter_VariBrightEnable_Set (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int iEnabled)
int ADL2_Adapter_VariBrightLevel_Get (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int *iDefaultLevel, int *iNumberOfLevels, int *iStep, int *iCurrentLevel)
int ADL2_Adapter_VariBrightLevel_Set (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int iCurrentLevel, int iApplyImmediately)
int ADL2_Display_AdjustCaps_Get (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int iDisplayIndex, int *lpInfo)
 Function to retrieve the adjustment display information. More...
int ADL2_Display_AdjustmentCoherent_Get (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int iDisplayIndex, int *lpAdjustmentCoherentCurrent, int *lpAdjustmentCoherentDefault)
 Function to retrieve the adjustment coherent setting. More...
int ADL2_Display_AdjustmentCoherent_Set (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int iDisplayIndex, int iAdjustmentCoherent)
 Function to set the adjustment coherent setting. More...
int ADL2_Display_Capabilities_Get (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int *lpNumberOfControlers, int *lpNumberOfDisplays)
 Function to get the number of displays and controllers supported by an adapter. More...
int ADL2_Display_ColorDepth_Get (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int iDisplayIndex, int *lpColorDepth)
 Function to get color depth. HDMI and DPonly. More...
int ADL2_Display_ColorDepth_Set (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int iDisplayIndex, int iColorDepth)
 Function to set color depth. HDMI and DPonly. More...
int ADL2_Display_ColorDepthDefault_Get (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int iDisplayIndex, int *lpColorDepthDefault)
int ADL2_Display_ConnectedDisplays_Get (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int *lpConnections)
 Function to indicate whether displays are physically connected to an adapter. More...
int ADL2_Display_DeviceConfig_Get (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int iDisplayIndex, ADLDisplayConfig *lpDisplayConfig)
 Function to get HDTV capability settings. More...
int ADL2_Display_DisplayInfo_Get (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int *lpNumDisplays, ADLDisplayInfo **lppInfo, int iForceDetect)
 Function to retrieve the adapter display information. More...
int ADL2_Display_DitherState_Get (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int iDisplayIndex, int *lpDitherState)
 Function to retrieve the dither state. More...
int ADL2_Display_DitherState_Set (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int iDisplayIndex, int iDitherState)
 Function to set the dither state. More...
int ADL2_Display_DpMstInfo_Get (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int *lpNumDisplays, ADLDisplayDPMSTInfo **lppDisplayDPMstInfo, int iForceDetect)
 Function to retrieve the Display Port MST information. More...
int ADL2_Display_DummyVirtual_Destroy (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iTargetID)
int ADL2_Display_DummyVirtual_Get (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iVirtualDisplayType, int *iTargetID)
int ADL2_Display_FormatsOverride_Get (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int iDisplayIndex, int *lpSettingsSupported, int *lpSettingsSupportedEx, int *lpCurSettings)
 Function to retrieve the available display formats. More...
int ADL2_Display_FormatsOverride_Set (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int iDisplayIndex, int iOverrideSettings)
 Function to overide the display formats. More...
int ADL2_Display_HDCP_Get (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int iDisplayIndex, ADLHDCPSettings *lpHDCPSettings)
int ADL2_Display_HDCP_Set (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int iDisplayIndex, int iSetToDefault, int iEnable)
int ADL2_Display_HDRState_Get (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, ADLDisplayID displayID, int *iSupport, int *iEnable)
int ADL2_Display_HDRState_Set (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, ADLDisplayID displayID, int iEnable)
int ADL2_Display_ImageExpansion_Get (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int iDisplayIndex, int *lpSupport, int *lpCurrent, int *lpDefault)
 Function to retrieve the display image expansion setting. More...
int ADL2_Display_ImageExpansion_Set (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int iDisplayIndex, int iCurrent)
 Function to set the display image expansion setting. More...
int ADL2_Display_Limits_Get (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int iDisplayIndex, int *lpMaxHRes, int *lpMaxVRes, int *lpMaxRefresh)
int ADL2_Display_MVPUCaps_Get (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, ADLMVPUCaps *lpMvpuCaps)
 Function to retrieve the information about MultiVPU capabilities. More...
int ADL2_Display_MVPUStatus_Get (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, ADLMVPUStatus *lpMvpuStatus)
 Function to retrieve information about MultiVPU status. More...
int ADL2_Display_NumberOfDisplays_Get (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int *lpNumDisplays)
 Function to retrieve the number of displays supported by an adapter. More...
int ADL2_Display_ODClockConfig_Set (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, ADLAdapterODClockConfig *lpOdClockConfig)
 Function to set the OD clock configuration. More...
int ADL2_Display_ODClockInfo_Get (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, ADLAdapterODClockInfo *lpOdClockInfo)
 Function to retrieve the OD clock information. More...
int ADL2_Display_PixelFormat_Get (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int iDisplayIndex, int *lpPixelFormat)
 Function to retrieve the current display pixel format. HDMI only. More...
int ADL2_Display_PixelFormat_Set (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int iDisplayIndex, int iPixelFormat)
 Function to set the current display pixel format. HDMI only. More...
int ADL2_Display_PixelFormatDefault_Get (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int iDisplayIndex, int *lpDefPixelFormat)
 Function to retrieve the current display pixel format. HDMI only. More...
int ADL2_Display_Position_Get (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int iDisplayIndex, int *lpX, int *lpY, int *lpXDefault, int *lpYDefault, int *lpMinX, int *lpMinY, int *lpMaxX, int *lpMaxY, int *lpStepX, int *lpStepY)
 Function to get Device Display Position. More...
int ADL2_Display_Position_Set (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int iDisplayIndex, int iX, int iY)
 Function to set the Device Display Position. More...
int ADL2_Display_PreferredMode_Get (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int iDisplayIndex, int *lpNumModes, ADLMode **lppModes)
int ADL2_Display_PreservedAspectRatio_Get (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int iDisplayIndex, int *lpSupport, int *lpCurrent, int *lpDefault)
 Function to retrieve the display perserved aspect ratio of an adapter. More...
int ADL2_Display_PreservedAspectRatio_Set (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int iDisplayIndex, int iCurrent)
 Function to set the display preserved aspect ratio. More...
int ADL2_Display_Property_Get (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int iDisplayIndex, ADLDisplayProperty *lpDisplayProperty)
 Function to get the current display property value. More...
int ADL2_Display_Property_Set (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int iDisplayIndex, ADLDisplayProperty *lpDisplayProperty)
 Function to set current display property value. More...
int ADL2_Display_ReducedBlanking_Get (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int iDisplayIndex, int *lpReducedBlankingCurrent, int *lpReducedBlankingDefault)
 Function to retrieve the reduced blanking setting. More...
int ADL2_Display_ReducedBlanking_Set (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int iDisplayIndex, int iReducedBlanking)
 Function to set the reduced blanking setting. More...
int ADL2_Display_Size_Get (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int iDisplayIndex, int *lpWidth, int *lpHeight, int *lpDefaultWidth, int *lpDefaultHeight, int *lpMinWidth, int *lpMinHeight, int *lpMaxWidth, int *lpMaxHeight, int *lpStepWidth, int *lpStepHeight)
 Function to get the Device Display Size. More...
int ADL2_Display_Size_Set (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int iDisplayIndex, int iWidth, int iHeight)
 Function to set the Device Display Size. More...
int ADL2_Display_SupportedColorDepth_Get (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int iDisplayIndex, int *lpColorDepth)
 Function to retrieve the supported color depth. HDMI and DPonly. More...
int ADL2_Display_SupportedPixelFormat_Get (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int iDisplayIndex, int *lpPixelFormat)
 Function to retrieve the supported pixel format. HDMI only. More...
int ADL2_Display_SwitchingCapability_Get (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int *lpResult)
 Function to retrieve the Display Switching Flag from the registry. More...
int ADL2_Display_VirtualType_Get (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int iDisplayIndex, ADL_VIRTUALDISPLAY_TYPE *iVirtualType)
int ADL2_Display_WriteAndReadI2CLargePayload (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, ADLI2CLargePayload *plI2C)
int ADL_Adapter_VariBright_Caps (int iAdapterIndex, int *iSupported, int *iEnabled, int *iVersion)
int ADL_Adapter_VariBrightEnable_Set (int iAdapterIndex, int iEnabled)
int ADL_Adapter_VariBrightLevel_Get (int iAdapterIndex, int *iDefaultLevel, int *iNumberOfLevels, int *iStep, int *iCurrentLevel)
int ADL_Adapter_VariBrightLevel_Set (int iAdapterIndex, int iCurrentLevel, int iApplyImmediately)
int ADL_Display_AdjustCaps_Get (int iAdapterIndex, int iDisplayIndex, int *lpInfo)
 Function to retrieve the adjustment display information. More...
int ADL_Display_AdjustmentCoherent_Get (int iAdapterIndex, int iDisplayIndex, int *lpAdjustmentCoherentCurrent, int *lpAdjustmentCoherentDefault)
 Function to retrieve the adjustment coherent setting. More...
int ADL_Display_AdjustmentCoherent_Set (int iAdapterIndex, int iDisplayIndex, int iAdjustmentCoherent)
 Function to set the adjustment coherent setting. More...
int ADL_Display_Capabilities_Get (int iAdapterIndex, int *lpNumberOfControlers, int *lpNumberOfDisplays)
 Function to get the number of displays and controllers supported by an adapter. More...
int ADL_Display_ColorDepth_Get (int iAdapterIndex, int iDisplayIndex, int *lpColorDepth)
 Function to get color depth. HDMI and DPonly. More...
int ADL_Display_ColorDepth_Set (int iAdapterIndex, int iDisplayIndex, int iColorDepth)
 Function to set color depth. HDMI and DPonly. More...
int ADL_Display_ConnectedDisplays_Get (int iAdapterIndex, int *lpConnections)
 Function to indicate whether displays are physically connected to an adapter. More...
int ADL_Display_DeviceConfig_Get (int iAdapterIndex, int iDisplayIndex, ADLDisplayConfig *lpDisplayConfig)
 Function to get HDTV capability settings. More...
int ADL_Display_DisplayInfo_Get (int iAdapterIndex, int *lpNumDisplays, ADLDisplayInfo **lppInfo, int iForceDetect)
 Function to retrieve the adapter display information. More...
int ADL_Display_DitherState_Get (int iAdapterIndex, int iDisplayIndex, int *lpDitherState)
 Function to retrieve the dither state. More...
int ADL_Display_DitherState_Set (int iAdapterIndex, int iDisplayIndex, int iDitherState)
 Function to set the dither state. More...
int ADL_Display_DpMstInfo_Get (int iAdapterIndex, int *lpNumDisplays, ADLDisplayDPMSTInfo **lppDisplayDPMstInfo, int iForceDetect)
 Function to retrieve the Display Port MST information. More...
int ADL_Display_FormatsOverride_Get (int iAdapterIndex, int iDisplayIndex, int *lpSettingsSupported, int *lpSettingsSupportedEx, int *lpCurSettings)
 Function to retrieve the available display formats. More...
int ADL_Display_FormatsOverride_Set (int iAdapterIndex, int iDisplayIndex, int iOverrideSettings)
 Function to overide the display formats. More...
int ADL_Display_ImageExpansion_Get (int iAdapterIndex, int iDisplayIndex, int *lpSupport, int *lpCurrent, int *lpDefault)
 Function to retrieve the display image expansion setting. More...
int ADL_Display_ImageExpansion_Set (int iAdapterIndex, int iDisplayIndex, int iCurrent)
 Function to set the display image expansion setting. More...
int ADL_Display_Limits_Get (int iAdapterIndex, int iDisplayIndex, int *lpMaxHRes, int *lpMaxVRes, int *lpMaxRefresh)
int ADL_Display_MVPUCaps_Get (int iAdapterIndex, ADLMVPUCaps *lpMvpuCaps)
 Function to retrieve the information about MultiVPU capabilities. More...
int ADL_Display_MVPUStatus_Get (int iAdapterIndex, ADLMVPUStatus *lpMvpuStatus)
 Function to retrieve information about MultiVPU status. More...
int ADL_Display_NumberOfDisplays_Get (int iAdapterIndex, int *lpNumDisplays)
 Function to retrieve the number of displays supported by an adapter. More...
int ADL_Display_ODClockConfig_Set (int iAdapterIndex, ADLAdapterODClockConfig *lpOdClockConfig)
 Function to set the OD clock configuration. More...
int ADL_Display_ODClockInfo_Get (int iAdapterIndex, ADLAdapterODClockInfo *lpOdClockInfo)
 Function to retrieve the OD clock information. More...
int ADL_Display_PixelFormat_Get (int iAdapterIndex, int iDisplayIndex, int *lpPixelFormat)
 Function to retrieve the current display pixel format. HDMI only. More...
int ADL_Display_PixelFormat_Set (int iAdapterIndex, int iDisplayIndex, int iPixelFormat)
 Function to set the current display pixel format. HDMI only. More...
int ADL_Display_Position_Get (int iAdapterIndex, int iDisplayIndex, int *lpX, int *lpY, int *lpXDefault, int *lpYDefault, int *lpMinX, int *lpMinY, int *lpMaxX, int *lpMaxY, int *lpStepX, int *lpStepY)
 Function to get Device Display Position. More...
int ADL_Display_Position_Set (int iAdapterIndex, int iDisplayIndex, int iX, int iY)
 Function to set the Device Display Position. More...
int ADL_Display_PreservedAspectRatio_Get (int iAdapterIndex, int iDisplayIndex, int *lpSupport, int *lpCurrent, int *lpDefault)
 Function to retrieve the display perserved aspect ratio of an adapter. More...
int ADL_Display_PreservedAspectRatio_Set (int iAdapterIndex, int iDisplayIndex, int iCurrent)
 Function to set the display preserved aspect ratio. More...
int ADL_Display_Property_Get (int iAdapterIndex, int iDisplayIndex, ADLDisplayProperty *lpDisplayProperty)
 Function to get the current display property value. More...
int ADL_Display_Property_Set (int iAdapterIndex, int iDisplayIndex, ADLDisplayProperty *lpDisplayProperty)
 Function to set current display property value. More...
int ADL_Display_ReducedBlanking_Get (int iAdapterIndex, int iDisplayIndex, int *lpReducedBlankingCurrent, int *lpReducedBlankingDefault)
 Function to retrieve the reduced blanking setting. More...
int ADL_Display_ReducedBlanking_Set (int iAdapterIndex, int iDisplayIndex, int iReducedBlanking)
 Function to set the reduced blanking setting. More...
int ADL_Display_Size_Get (int iAdapterIndex, int iDisplayIndex, int *lpWidth, int *lpHeight, int *lpDefaultWidth, int *lpDefaultHeight, int *lpMinWidth, int *lpMinHeight, int *lpMaxWidth, int *lpMaxHeight, int *lpStepWidth, int *lpStepHeight)
 Function to get the Device Display Size. More...
int ADL_Display_Size_Set (int iAdapterIndex, int iDisplayIndex, int iWidth, int iHeight)
 Function to set the Device Display Size. More...
int ADL_Display_SupportedColorDepth_Get (int iAdapterIndex, int iDisplayIndex, int *lpColorDepth)
 Function to retrieve the supported color depth. HDMI and DPonly. More...
int ADL_Display_SupportedPixelFormat_Get (int iAdapterIndex, int iDisplayIndex, int *lpPixelFormat)
 Function to retrieve the supported pixel format. HDMI only. More...
int ADL_Display_SwitchingCapability_Get (int iAdapterIndex, int *lpResult)
int ADL_Display_WriteAndReadI2CLargePayload (int iAdapterIndex, ADLI2CLargePayload *plI2C)

Detailed Description

This group outlines all display related APIs.

Function Documentation

◆ ADL2_Adapter_VariBright_Caps()

int ADL2_Adapter_VariBright_Caps ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
int *  iSupported,
int *  iEnabled,
int *  iVersion 
Function to get the VariBright capabilities This function retrieves the VariBright capabilities for a specified display adapter.
Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexThe index of the desired adapter.
[in]iSupportedThe pointer to an int variable which indicates if VariBright is supported ( ADL_TRUE : supported, ADL_FALSE : not supported)
[in]iEnabledThe pointer to an int variable which indicates if VariBright is enabled ( ADL_TRUE : enabled, ADL_FALSE : disabled)
[in]iEnabledThe pointer to an int variable receiving the VariBright version.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK (zero). Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code (non-zero). Result Codes
Call this API first. Only if VariBright feature is supported and enabled call ADL_Adapter_VariBrightLevel_Get() or ADL_Adapter_VariBrightLevel_Set()
Clients can use ADL2 version of the API to assure that there is no interference with other ADL clients that are running in the same process . Such clients have to call ADL2_Main_Control_Create first to obtain ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE instance that has to be passed to each subsequent ADL2 call and finally destroyed using ADL2_Main_Control_Destroy.

◆ ADL2_Adapter_VariBrightEnable_Set()

int ADL2_Adapter_VariBrightEnable_Set ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
int  iEnabled 
Function to enable or disable VariBright capabilities This function enables or disables VariBright for a specified display adapter.
Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexThe index of the desired adapter.
[in]iEnabledADL_TRUE : enables VariBright, ADL_FALSE : disables VariBright.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK (zero). Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code (non-zero). Result Codes
Call ADL_Adapter_VariBright_CapsX2() first to determine if VariBright feature is supported.
Clients can use ADL2 version of the API to assure that there is no interference with other ADL clients that are running in the same process . Such clients have to call ADL2_Main_Control_Create first to obtain ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE instance that has to be passed to each subsequent ADL2 call and finally destroyed using ADL2_Main_Control_Destroy.

◆ ADL2_Adapter_VariBrightLevel_Get()

int ADL2_Adapter_VariBrightLevel_Get ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
int *  iDefaultLevel,
int *  iNumberOfLevels,
int *  iStep,
int *  iCurrentLevel 
Function to get the current VariBright level This function retrieves the VariBright level for a specified display adapter.
Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexThe index of the desired adapter.
[in]iDefaultLevelThe pointer to an int variable with the default VariBright level.
[in]iNumberOfLevelsThe pointer to an int variable receiving the number of VariBright levels (the Maximum value for VariBright level).
[in]iStepThe pointer to an int variable receiving the VariBright step. Determines the increments of the VariBright transition from one level to another.
[in]iCurrentLevelThe pointer to an int variable receiving the Current VariBright level.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK (zero). Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code (non-zero). Result Codes
Call ADL_Adapter_VariBright_CapsX2() first to determine if VariBright feature is supported.
Clients can use ADL2 version of the API to assure that there is no interference with other ADL clients that are running in the same process . Such clients have to call ADL2_Main_Control_Create first to obtain ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE instance that has to be passed to each subsequent ADL2 call and finally destroyed using ADL2_Main_Control_Destroy.

◆ ADL2_Adapter_VariBrightLevel_Set()

int ADL2_Adapter_VariBrightLevel_Set ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
int  iCurrentLevel,
int  iApplyImmediately 
Function to set the current VariBright level This function sets the VariBright level for a specified display adapter.
Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexThe index of the desired adapter.
[in]iCurrentLevelThe VariBright level to be set. The range is from zero to iNumberOfLevels returned from ADL_Adapter_VariBrightLevel_Get()
[in]iApplyImmediatelyIf set to ADL_TRUE the VariBright level is applied immediately. If ADL_FALSE - the level is applied gradually.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK (zero). Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code (non-zero). Result Codes.
Call ADL_Adapter_VariBright_CapsX2() first to determine if VariBright feature is supported.
Clients can use ADL2 version of the API to assure that there is no interference with other ADL clients that are running in the same process . Such clients have to call ADL2_Main_Control_Create first to obtain ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE instance that has to be passed to each subsequent ADL2 call and finally destroyed using ADL2_Main_Control_Destroy.

◆ ADL2_Display_AdjustCaps_Get()

int ADL2_Display_AdjustCaps_Get ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
int  iDisplayIndex,
int *  lpInfo 

Function to retrieve the adjustment display information.

This function retrieves the display adjustment information for a specified adapter and display.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[in]iDisplayIndexThe desired display index. It can be retrieved from the ADLDisplayInfo data structure.
[out]lpInfoThe pointer to the adjustment information retrieved from the driver.
Display Adjustment Capabilities
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes
Clients can use ADL2 version of the API to assure that there is no interference with other ADL clients that are running in the same process . Such clients have to call ADL2_Main_Control_Create first to obtain ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE instance that has to be passed to each subsequent ADL2 call and finally destroyed using ADL2_Main_Control_Destroy.

◆ ADL2_Display_AdjustmentCoherent_Get()

int ADL2_Display_AdjustmentCoherent_Get ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
int  iDisplayIndex,
int *  lpAdjustmentCoherentCurrent,
int *  lpAdjustmentCoherentDefault 

Function to retrieve the adjustment coherent setting.

This function retrieves the current adjustment coherent setting
It is applicable to DFP/DFP2 display types.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[in]iDisplayIndexThe desired display index. It can be retrieved from the ADLDisplayInfo data structure.
[out]lpAdjustmentCoherentCurrentThe pointer to the retrieved adjustment coherent setting. 1: Coherent; 0: non-coherent
[out]lpAdjustmentCoherentDefaultThe pointer to the retrieved default setting. 1: Coherent; 0: Non-coherent
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes
Clients can use ADL2 version of the API to assure that there is no interference with other ADL clients that are running in the same process . Such clients have to call ADL2_Main_Control_Create first to obtain ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE instance that has to be passed to each subsequent ADL2 call and finally destroyed using ADL2_Main_Control_Destroy.

◆ ADL2_Display_AdjustmentCoherent_Set()

int ADL2_Display_AdjustmentCoherent_Set ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
int  iDisplayIndex,
int  iAdjustmentCoherent 

Function to set the adjustment coherent setting.

This function sets the current adjustment coherent setting to a specified setting.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[in]iDisplayIndexThe desired display index. It can be retrieved from the ADLDisplayInfo data structure.
[in]iAdjustmentCoherentThe desired adjustment coherent setting. 1: Coherent; 0: Non-coherent
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes
Call ADL_Flush_Driver_Data() after to persist settings on reboot.
Clients can use ADL2 version of the API to assure that there is no interference with other ADL clients that are running in the same process . Such clients have to call ADL2_Main_Control_Create first to obtain ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE instance that has to be passed to each subsequent ADL2 call and finally destroyed using ADL2_Main_Control_Destroy.

◆ ADL2_Display_Capabilities_Get()

int ADL2_Display_Capabilities_Get ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
int *  lpNumberOfControlers,
int *  lpNumberOfDisplays 

Function to get the number of displays and controllers supported by an adapter.

This function retrieves the number of displays and controllers that are supported by a specified adapter.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[out]lpNumberOfControlersThe pointer to the variable storing the total number of controllers. This variable must be initialized.
[out]lpNumberOfDisplaysThe pointer to the variable storing the total number of displays. This variable must be initialized.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes
Clients can use ADL2 version of the API to assure that there is no interference with other ADL clients that are running in the same process . Such clients have to call ADL2_Main_Control_Create first to obtain ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE instance that has to be passed to each subsequent ADL2 call and finally destroyed using ADL2_Main_Control_Destroy.

◆ ADL2_Display_ColorDepth_Get()

int ADL2_Display_ColorDepth_Get ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
int  iDisplayIndex,
int *  lpColorDepth 

Function to get color depth. HDMI and DPonly.

This function retrieves the current display on given adpater's current color depth.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter per physical GPU.
[in]iDisplayIndexThe desired display index. It can be retrieved from the ADLDisplayInfo data structure.
[out]lpColorDepthThe pointer to the current color depth setting for given display. Define_colordepth_constants
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes

◆ ADL2_Display_ColorDepth_Set()

int ADL2_Display_ColorDepth_Set ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
int  iDisplayIndex,
int  iColorDepth 

Function to set color depth. HDMI and DPonly.

This function sets a user select color depth to current display on given adapter.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter per physical GPU.
[in]iDisplayIndexThe desired display index. It can be retrieved from the ADLDisplayInfo data structure.
[in]iColorDepthRequested color depth. Define_colordepth_constants
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes

◆ ADL2_Display_ColorDepthDefault_Get()

int ADL2_Display_ColorDepthDefault_Get ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
int  iDisplayIndex,
int *  lpColorDepthDefault 
Function to get color depth default value. HDMI and DP only

This function retrieves the current display on given adpater's default color depth.

Supported Platforms:
Windows 7, 10 and above; 32bit and 64bit
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter per physical GPU.
[in]iDisplayIndexThe desired display index. It can be retrieved from the ADLDisplayInfo data structure.
[out]lpColorDepthDefaultThe pointer to the default color depth setting for given display. Define_colordepth_constants
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes

◆ ADL2_Display_ConnectedDisplays_Get()

int ADL2_Display_ConnectedDisplays_Get ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
int *  lpConnections 

Function to indicate whether displays are physically connected to an adapter.

This function indicates whether displays are physically connected to a specified adapter.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[out]lpConnectionsThe pointer to the bit field indicating whether the output connectors on the specified adapter have devices physically attached to them.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes
Clients can use ADL2 version of the API to assure that there is no interference with other ADL clients that are running in the same process . Such clients have to call ADL2_Main_Control_Create first to obtain ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE instance that has to be passed to each subsequent ADL2 call and finally destroyed using ADL2_Main_Control_Destroy.

◆ ADL2_Display_DeviceConfig_Get()

int ADL2_Display_DeviceConfig_Get ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
int  iDisplayIndex,
ADLDisplayConfig lpDisplayConfig 

Function to get HDTV capability settings.

This function retrieves HDTV capability settings for a specified display.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[in]iDisplayIndexThe desired display index. It can be retrieved from the ADLDisplayInfo data structure.
[out]lpDisplayConfigThe pointer to the retrieved display configuration.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes
Clients can use ADL2 version of the API to assure that there is no interference with other ADL clients that are running in the same process . Such clients have to call ADL2_Main_Control_Create first to obtain ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE instance that has to be passed to each subsequent ADL2 call and finally destroyed using ADL2_Main_Control_Destroy.

◆ ADL2_Display_DisplayInfo_Get()

int ADL2_Display_DisplayInfo_Get ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
int *  lpNumDisplays,
ADLDisplayInfo **  lppInfo,
int  iForceDetect 

Function to retrieve the adapter display information.

This function retrieves display information for a specified adapter. Display information includes display index, name, type, and display connection status, etc.
This API uses the Caller's Memory Allocation Callback Function to allocate memory pointed by lppInfo. Caller is responsible to de-alocate the memory.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[out]lpNumDisplaysThe pointer to the number of displays detected.
[out]lppInfoThe pointer to the pointer to the retrieved display information array. Initialize to NULL before calling this API. Refer to the ADLDisplayInfo structure for more information.
[in]iForceDetect0: Do not force detection of the adapters in the system; 1 : Force detection
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes
This API uses the memory allocation callback function provided by the user.
Clients can use ADL2 version of the API to assure that there is no interference with other ADL clients that are running in the same process . Such clients have to call ADL2_Main_Control_Create first to obtain ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE instance that has to be passed to each subsequent ADL2 call and finally destroyed using ADL2_Main_Control_Destroy.

◆ ADL2_Display_DitherState_Get()

int ADL2_Display_DitherState_Get ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
int  iDisplayIndex,
int *  lpDitherState 

Function to retrieve the dither state.

This function retrieves the dither state for a specified display.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[in]iDisplayIndexThe desired display index. It can be retrieved from the ADLDisplayInfo data structure.
[out]lpDitherStateThe pointer to the value storing the retrieved dither state. See Dithering options
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes
Clients can use ADL2 version of the API to assure that there is no interference with other ADL clients that are running in the same process . Such clients have to call ADL2_Main_Control_Create first to obtain ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE instance that has to be passed to each subsequent ADL2 call and finally destroyed using ADL2_Main_Control_Destroy.

◆ ADL2_Display_DitherState_Set()

int ADL2_Display_DitherState_Set ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
int  iDisplayIndex,
int  iDitherState 

Function to set the dither state.

This function sets the dither state.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[in]iDisplayIndexThe desired display index. It can be retrieved from the ADLDisplayInfo data structure.
[in]iDitherStateThe desired dither state. For the list of valid states see Dithering options
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes
The final bit depth after dithering must match the input bit depth of the monitor. The function call will fail if it doesn't.
The settings are immediately persisted, no need to call ADL_Flush_Driver_Data().
Clients can use ADL2 version of the API to assure that there is no interference with other ADL clients that are running in the same process . Such clients have to call ADL2_Main_Control_Create first to obtain ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE instance that has to be passed to each subsequent ADL2 call and finally destroyed using ADL2_Main_Control_Destroy.

◆ ADL2_Display_DpMstInfo_Get()

int ADL2_Display_DpMstInfo_Get ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
int *  lpNumDisplays,
ADLDisplayDPMSTInfo **  lppDisplayDPMstInfo,
int  iForceDetect 

Function to retrieve the Display Port MST information.

This function retrieves display port MST information for a specified adapter. Display port MST information includes display indexes, names, bandwidth, identifiers, relative address and display connection, etc.
This API uses the Caller's Memory Allocation Callback Function to allocate memory pointed by lppDisplayDPMstInfo. Caller is responsible to de-alocate the memory.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter. A value of -1 returns all displays in the system across multiple GPUs.
[out]lpNumDisplaysThe pointer to the number of displays detected.
[out]lppDisplayDPMstInfoThe pointer to the list of the retrieved display port MST information array. Initialize to NULL before calling this API. Refer to the ADLDisplayDPMSTInfo structure for more information.
[in]iForceDetectADL_FALSE: Do not force detection of the adapters in the system; ADL_TRUE: Force detection
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes
This API uses the memory allocation callback function provided by the user.
Clients can use ADL2 version of the API to assure that there is no interference with other ADL clients that are running in the same process . Such clients have to call ADL2_Main_Control_Create first to obtain ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE instance that has to be passed to each subsequent ADL2 call and finally destroyed using ADL2_Main_Control_Destroy.

◆ ADL2_Display_DummyVirtual_Destroy()

int ADL2_Display_DummyVirtual_Destroy ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iTargetID 
Function to destroy the dummy monitor

This function scans to all the adapters and tries to destroy the dummy virtual monitor in each. The driver only allows this type of monitor on one of the GPUs and it is its responsibility to make sure the call succeeds as expected. This is part of a temporary implementation for supporting a virtual xInput device hacked in software until we have a driver for such a device.

Supported Platforms:
\Win7 and above
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iTargetIDThe display ID of the dummy virtual display.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes

◆ ADL2_Display_DummyVirtual_Get()

int ADL2_Display_DummyVirtual_Get ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iVirtualDisplayType,
int *  iTargetID 
Function to enable or get the dummy monitor

This function scans to all the adapters and tries to find or enable a dummy virtual monitor. The driver only allows this type of monitor on one of the GPUs and it is its responsibility to make sure the call succeeds as expected. This is part of a temporary implementation for supporting a virtual xInput device hacked in software until we have a driver for such a device.

Supported Platforms:
\Win7 and above
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iVirtualDisplayTypeThe type of virtual display.
[out]iTargetIDThe display ID of the dummy virtual display.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes

◆ ADL2_Display_FormatsOverride_Get()

int ADL2_Display_FormatsOverride_Get ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
int  iDisplayIndex,
int *  lpSettingsSupported,
int *  lpSettingsSupportedEx,
int *  lpCurSettings 

Function to retrieve the available display formats.

This call retrieves the available display formats

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[in]iDisplayIndexThe desired display index. It can be retrieved from the ADLDisplayInfo data structure.
[out]lpSettingsSupportedThe pointer to the supported settings. Formats Override Settings
[out]lpSettingsSupportedExThe pointer to the extended supported settings. Formats Override Settings
[out]lpCurSettingsThe pointer to the current override settings Formats Override Settings
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes
Clients can use ADL2 version of the API to assure that there is no interference with other ADL clients that are running in the same process . Such clients have to call ADL2_Main_Control_Create first to obtain ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE instance that has to be passed to each subsequent ADL2 call and finally destroyed using ADL2_Main_Control_Destroy.

◆ ADL2_Display_FormatsOverride_Set()

int ADL2_Display_FormatsOverride_Set ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
int  iDisplayIndex,
int  iOverrideSettings 

Function to overide the display formats.

This call overrides the display formats

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[in]iDisplayIndexThe desired display index. It can be retrieved from the ADLDisplayInfo data structure.
[in]iOverrideSettingsThe new format settings Formats Override Settings
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes
Call ADL_Flush_Driver_Data() after to persist settings on reboot.
Clients can use ADL2 version of the API to assure that there is no interference with other ADL clients that are running in the same process . Such clients have to call ADL2_Main_Control_Create first to obtain ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE instance that has to be passed to each subsequent ADL2 call and finally destroyed using ADL2_Main_Control_Destroy.

◆ ADL2_Display_HDCP_Get()

int ADL2_Display_HDCP_Get ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
int  iDisplayIndex,
ADLHDCPSettings lpHDCPSettings 
Function to retrieve per display HDCP information.

This function retrieves the HDCP settings of a display.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[in]iDisplayIndexThe desired display index.
[out]lpHDCPSettingsThe pointer to the ADLHDCPSettings structure
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes

◆ ADL2_Display_HDCP_Set()

int ADL2_Display_HDCP_Set ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
int  iDisplayIndex,
int  iSetToDefault,
int  iEnable 
Function to set per display HDCP settings.

This function sets the HDCP settings of a display. Will require reboot to have settings changed. This reboot does not need to be immediate.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[in]iDisplayIndexThe desired display index.
[in]iSetToDefaultiSetToDefault ==1, set to default value and ignore iEnable value.
[in]iEnableIf iSetToDefault ==0 use iEnable.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK or ADL_OK_RESTART. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes

◆ ADL2_Display_HDRState_Get()

int ADL2_Display_HDRState_Get ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
ADLDisplayID  displayID,
int *  iSupport,
int *  iEnable 
Function to query whether a display is HDR Supported and Enabled

This function retrieves whether a display is HDR supported and Enabled

Supported Platforms:
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[in]displayIDThe desired display ID.
[out]iSupportThe pointer to the int whose value is set to true if the display supports HDR
[out]iEnableThe pointer to the int whose value is set to true if the display HDR is enabled
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes

◆ ADL2_Display_HDRState_Set()

int ADL2_Display_HDRState_Set ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
ADLDisplayID  displayID,
int  iEnable 
Function to set HDR state to display

This function sets HDR state to display

Supported Platforms:
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[in]displayIDThe desired display ID.
[in]iEnableenable HDR state of Display
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes

◆ ADL2_Display_ImageExpansion_Get()

int ADL2_Display_ImageExpansion_Get ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
int  iDisplayIndex,
int *  lpSupport,
int *  lpCurrent,
int *  lpDefault 

Function to retrieve the display image expansion setting.

This function retrieves the current, default, and the feature supported values of the image expansion setting.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[in]iDisplayIndexThe desired display index. It can be retrieved from the ADLDisplayInfo data structure.
[out]lpSupportThe pointer to the value indicating whether the feature is supported by the driver. 1: feature is supported; 0: feature is not supported.
[out]lpCurrentThe pointer to the current setting of display image expansion. Its alternative value is 1 or 0.
[out]lpDefaultThe pointer to the default setting of display image expansion. Its alternative value is 1 or 0.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes
Clients can use ADL2 version of the API to assure that there is no interference with other ADL clients that are running in the same process . Such clients have to call ADL2_Main_Control_Create first to obtain ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE instance that has to be passed to each subsequent ADL2 call and finally destroyed using ADL2_Main_Control_Destroy.

◆ ADL2_Display_ImageExpansion_Set()

int ADL2_Display_ImageExpansion_Set ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
int  iDisplayIndex,
int  iCurrent 

Function to set the display image expansion setting.

This function sets the current value of display image expansion setting.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[in]iDisplayIndexThe desired display index. It can be retrieved from the ADLDisplayInfo data structure.
[in]iCurrentThe desired setting of display image expansion. Possible values are 1 or 0.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes
Call ADL_Flush_Driver_Data() after to persist settings on reboot.
Clients can use ADL2 version of the API to assure that there is no interference with other ADL clients that are running in the same process . Such clients have to call ADL2_Main_Control_Create first to obtain ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE instance that has to be passed to each subsequent ADL2 call and finally destroyed using ADL2_Main_Control_Destroy.

◆ ADL2_Display_Limits_Get()

int ADL2_Display_Limits_Get ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
int  iDisplayIndex,
int *  lpMaxHRes,
int *  lpMaxVRes,
int *  lpMaxRefresh 
ADL local interface. Function to retrieve the maximum resolution* and maximum refresh rate* information for a display.
  • Note: These values may not be valid combinations in some applications.

This function retrieves the maximum horizontal and vertical resolution as well as the maximum refresh rate for a specified display and adapter.

[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the graphics adapter corresponding to the desired display.
[in]iDisplayIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired display.
[out]lpMaxHResThe pointer to the maximum horizontal resolution for the specified display.
[out]lpMaxVResThe pointer to the maximum vertical resolution for the specified display.
[out]lpMaxRefreshThe pointer to the maximum refresh rate for the specfied display.
Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes
Clients can use ADL2 version of the API to assure that there is no interference with other ADL clients that are running in the same process . Such clients have to call ADL2_Main_Control_Create first to obtain ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE instance that has to be passed to each subsequent ADL2 call and finally destroyed using ADL2_Main_Control_Destroy.

◆ ADL2_Display_MVPUCaps_Get()

int ADL2_Display_MVPUCaps_Get ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
ADLMVPUCaps lpMvpuCaps 

Function to retrieve the information about MultiVPU capabilities.

This function retrieves the information about MultiVPU capabilities.

Supported Platforms:
Windows 7, 10 and above; 32bit and 64bit
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[in,out]lpMvpuCapsThe structure storing the retrieved information about MultiVPU capabilities.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes
The maximum number of adapters is ADL_DL_MAX_MVPU_ADAPTERS
Clients can use ADL2 version of the API to assure that there is no interference with other ADL clients that are running in the same process . Such clients have to call ADL2_Main_Control_Create first to obtain ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE instance that has to be passed to each subsequent ADL2 call and finally destroyed using ADL2_Main_Control_Destroy.

◆ ADL2_Display_MVPUStatus_Get()

int ADL2_Display_MVPUStatus_Get ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
ADLMVPUStatus lpMvpuStatus 

Function to retrieve information about MultiVPU status.

This function retrieves information about MultiVPU status.

Supported Platforms:
Windows 7, 10 and above; 32bit and 64bit
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[in,out]lpMvpuStatusThe structure storing the retrieved information about MultiVPU status.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes
Clients can use ADL2 version of the API to assure that there is no interference with other ADL clients that are running in the same process . Such clients have to call ADL2_Main_Control_Create first to obtain ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE instance that has to be passed to each subsequent ADL2 call and finally destroyed using ADL2_Main_Control_Destroy.

◆ ADL2_Display_NumberOfDisplays_Get()

int ADL2_Display_NumberOfDisplays_Get ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
int *  lpNumDisplays 

Function to retrieve the number of displays supported by an adapter.

This function retrieves the number of displays that is supported by a specified adapter. Supported displays include devices that are connected and disconnected together with those enabled and disabled devices.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[out]lpNumDisplaysThe pointer to the number of displays supported by the adapter.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes
Clients can use ADL2 version of the API to assure that there is no interference with other ADL clients that are running in the same process . Such clients have to call ADL2_Main_Control_Create first to obtain ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE instance that has to be passed to each subsequent ADL2 call and finally destroyed using ADL2_Main_Control_Destroy.

◆ ADL2_Display_ODClockConfig_Set()

int ADL2_Display_ODClockConfig_Set ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
ADLAdapterODClockConfig lpOdClockConfig 

Function to set the OD clock configuration.

This function sets the OD clock configuration.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[in]lpOdClockConfigThe pointer to the structure used to set the OD clock configuration.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes
Call ADL_Flush_Driver_Data() after to persist settings on reboot.
Clients can use ADL2 version of the API to assure that there is no interference with other ADL clients that are running in the same process . Such clients have to call ADL2_Main_Control_Create first to obtain ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE instance that has to be passed to each subsequent ADL2 call and finally destroyed using ADL2_Main_Control_Destroy.

◆ ADL2_Display_ODClockInfo_Get()

int ADL2_Display_ODClockInfo_Get ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
ADLAdapterODClockInfo lpOdClockInfo 

Function to retrieve the OD clock information.

This function retrieves the OD clock information.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[out]lpOdClockInfoThe pointer to the structure storing the retrieved clock information.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes
Clients can use ADL2 version of the API to assure that there is no interference with other ADL clients that are running in the same process . Such clients have to call ADL2_Main_Control_Create first to obtain ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE instance that has to be passed to each subsequent ADL2 call and finally destroyed using ADL2_Main_Control_Destroy.

◆ ADL2_Display_PixelFormat_Get()

int ADL2_Display_PixelFormat_Get ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
int  iDisplayIndex,
int *  lpPixelFormat 

Function to retrieve the current display pixel format. HDMI only.

This function retrieves the current display pixel format.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[in]iDisplayIndexThe desired display index. It can be retrieved from the ADLDisplayInfo data structure.
[out]lpPixelFormatThe pointer to the pixel format. Pixel Formats values
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes
Clients can use ADL2 version of the API to assure that there is no interference with other ADL clients that are running in the same process . Such clients have to call ADL2_Main_Control_Create first to obtain ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE instance that has to be passed to each subsequent ADL2 call and finally destroyed using ADL2_Main_Control_Destroy.

◆ ADL2_Display_PixelFormat_Set()

int ADL2_Display_PixelFormat_Set ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
int  iDisplayIndex,
int  iPixelFormat 

Function to set the current display pixel format. HDMI only.

This function sets the current display pixel format.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[in]iDisplayIndexThe desired display index. It can be retrieved from the ADLDisplayInfo data structure.
[in]iPixelFormatThe desired pixel format. Pixel Formats values
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes
Call ADL_Flush_Driver_Data() after to persist settings on reboot.
Clients can use ADL2 version of the API to assure that there is no interference with other ADL clients that are running in the same process . Such clients have to call ADL2_Main_Control_Create first to obtain ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE instance that has to be passed to each subsequent ADL2 call and finally destroyed using ADL2_Main_Control_Destroy.

◆ ADL2_Display_PixelFormatDefault_Get()

int ADL2_Display_PixelFormatDefault_Get ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
int  iDisplayIndex,
int *  lpDefPixelFormat 

Function to retrieve the current display pixel format. HDMI only.

This function retrieves the current display pixel format.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[in]iDisplayIndexThe desired display index. It can be retrieved from the ADLDisplayInfo data structure.
[out]lpDefPixelFormatThe pointer to the default pixel format. Pixel Formats values
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes
Clients can use ADL2 version of the API to assure that there is no interference with other ADL clients that are running in the same process . Such clients have to call ADL2_Main_Control_Create first to obtain ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE instance that has to be passed to each subsequent ADL2 call and finally destroyed using ADL2_Main_Control_Destroy.

◆ ADL2_Display_Position_Get()

int ADL2_Display_Position_Get ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
int  iDisplayIndex,
int *  lpX,
int *  lpY,
int *  lpXDefault,
int *  lpYDefault,
int *  lpMinX,
int *  lpMinY,
int *  lpMaxX,
int *  lpMaxY,
int *  lpStepX,
int *  lpStepY 

Function to get Device Display Position.

This function retrieves the display position parameters for a specified adapter and display.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[in]iDisplayIndexThe desired display index. It can be retrieved from the ADLDisplayInfo data structure.
[out]lpXThe pointer to the current X coordinate display position.
[out]lpYThe pointer to the current Y coordinate display position.
[out]lpXDefaultThe pointer to the default X coordinate display position.
[out]lpYDefaultThe pointer to the default Y coordinate display position.
[out]lpMinXThe pointer to the minimum X display size.
[out]lpMinYThe pointer to the minimum Y display size.
[out]lpMaxXThe pointer to the maximum X display size.
[out]lpMaxYThe pointer to the maximum Y display size.
[out]lpStepXThe pointer to the step size along the X axis.
[out]lpStepYThe pointer to the step size along the Y axis.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes
Clients can use ADL2 version of the API to assure that there is no interference with other ADL clients that are running in the same process . Such clients have to call ADL2_Main_Control_Create first to obtain ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE instance that has to be passed to each subsequent ADL2 call and finally destroyed using ADL2_Main_Control_Destroy.

◆ ADL2_Display_Position_Set()

int ADL2_Display_Position_Set ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
int  iDisplayIndex,
int  iX,
int  iY 

Function to set the Device Display Position.

This function sets the display X and Y position values for a specified adapter and display.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[in]iDisplayIndexThe desired display index. It can be retrieved from the ADLDisplayInfo data structure.
[in]iXThe desired X coordinate position.
[in]iYThe desired Y coordinate position.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes
Call ADL_Flush_Driver_Data() after to persist settings on reboot.
Clients can use ADL2 version of the API to assure that there is no interference with other ADL clients that are running in the same process . Such clients have to call ADL2_Main_Control_Create first to obtain ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE instance that has to be passed to each subsequent ADL2 call and finally destroyed using ADL2_Main_Control_Destroy.

◆ ADL2_Display_PreferredMode_Get()

int ADL2_Display_PreferredMode_Get ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
int  iDisplayIndex,
int *  lpNumModes,
ADLMode **  lppModes 
Function to retrieve the display preferred mode information.

This function retrieves the preferred display mode information.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter. A value of -1 retrieves all modes for the system across multiple GPUs.
[in]iDisplayIndexThe desired display index. If the index is -1, this field is ignored.
[out]lpNumModesThe pointer to the number of modes retrieved.
[out]lppModesThe pointer to the pointer to the retrieved preffered display modes. Refer to the Display ADLMode structure for more information.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes
This API uses the memory allocation callback function provided by the user.
On Linux platform iXPos,iYPos,iColourDepth,iOrientation & iModeFlag are not supported. iXPos and iYPos can be retrieved from xrandr.
Clients can use ADL2 version of the API to assure that there is no interference with other ADL clients that are running in the same process . Such clients have to call ADL2_Main_Control_Create first to obtain ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE instance that has to be passed to each subsequent ADL2 call and finally destroyed using ADL2_Main_Control_Destroy.

◆ ADL2_Display_PreservedAspectRatio_Get()

int ADL2_Display_PreservedAspectRatio_Get ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
int  iDisplayIndex,
int *  lpSupport,
int *  lpCurrent,
int *  lpDefault 

Function to retrieve the display perserved aspect ratio of an adapter.

This function retrieves the current, default, and the feature supported values of the display preserved aspect ratio.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[in]iDisplayIndexThe desired display index. It can be retrieved from the ADLDisplayInfo data structure.
[out]lpSupportThe pointer to the value indicating whether the feature is supported by the driver. 1: feature is supported; 0: feature is not supported.
[out]lpCurrentThe pointer to the current setting of display preserved aspect ratio. Its alternative value is 1 or 0.
[out]lpDefaultThe pointer to the default setting of display preserved aspect ratio. Its alternative value is 1 or 0.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes
Clients can use ADL2 version of the API to assure that there is no interference with other ADL clients that are running in the same process . Such clients have to call ADL2_Main_Control_Create first to obtain ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE instance that has to be passed to each subsequent ADL2 call and finally destroyed using ADL2_Main_Control_Destroy.

◆ ADL2_Display_PreservedAspectRatio_Set()

int ADL2_Display_PreservedAspectRatio_Set ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
int  iDisplayIndex,
int  iCurrent 

Function to set the display preserved aspect ratio.

This function sets the current value of display preserved aspect ratio.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[in]iDisplayIndexThe desired display index. It can be retrieved from the ADLDisplayInfo data structure.
[in]iCurrentThe desired display preserved aspect ratio setting. Possible values are 1 or 0.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes
Call ADL_Flush_Driver_Data() after to persist settings on reboot.
Clients can use ADL2 version of the API to assure that there is no interference with other ADL clients that are running in the same process . Such clients have to call ADL2_Main_Control_Create first to obtain ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE instance that has to be passed to each subsequent ADL2 call and finally destroyed using ADL2_Main_Control_Destroy.

◆ ADL2_Display_Property_Get()

int ADL2_Display_Property_Get ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
int  iDisplayIndex,
ADLDisplayProperty lpDisplayProperty 

Function to get the current display property value.

This function retrieves the current display property value for a specified display.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[in]iDisplayIndexThe desired display index. It can be retrieved from the ADLDisplayInfo data structure.
[out]lpDisplayPropertyThe pointer to the ADLDisplayProperty structure storing the retrieved display property value. lpDisplayProperty->iExpansionMode contains the Expansion Mode value.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes
Clients can use ADL2 version of the API to assure that there is no interference with other ADL clients that are running in the same process . Such clients have to call ADL2_Main_Control_Create first to obtain ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE instance that has to be passed to each subsequent ADL2 call and finally destroyed using ADL2_Main_Control_Destroy.

◆ ADL2_Display_Property_Set()

int ADL2_Display_Property_Set ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
int  iDisplayIndex,
ADLDisplayProperty lpDisplayProperty 

Function to set current display property value.

This function sets current display property value for a specified display.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[in]iDisplayIndexThe desired display index. It can be retrieved from the ADLDisplayInfo data structure.
[in]lpDisplayPropertyThe pointer to the desired ADLDisplayProperty structure. Set lpDisplayProperty->iExpansionMode with an Expansion Mode value.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes
Call ADL_Flush_Driver_Data() after to persist settings on reboot.
Clients can use ADL2 version of the API to assure that there is no interference with other ADL clients that are running in the same process . Such clients have to call ADL2_Main_Control_Create first to obtain ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE instance that has to be passed to each subsequent ADL2 call and finally destroyed using ADL2_Main_Control_Destroy.

◆ ADL2_Display_ReducedBlanking_Get()

int ADL2_Display_ReducedBlanking_Get ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
int  iDisplayIndex,
int *  lpReducedBlankingCurrent,
int *  lpReducedBlankingDefault 

Function to retrieve the reduced blanking setting.

This function retrieves the current reduced blanking setting.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[in]iDisplayIndexThe desired display index. It can be retrieved from the ADLDisplayInfo data structure.
[out]lpReducedBlankingCurrentThe pointer to the current reduced blanking setting.
[out]lpReducedBlankingDefaultThe pointer to the retrieved default setting.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes
Clients can use ADL2 version of the API to assure that there is no interference with other ADL clients that are running in the same process . Such clients have to call ADL2_Main_Control_Create first to obtain ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE instance that has to be passed to each subsequent ADL2 call and finally destroyed using ADL2_Main_Control_Destroy.

◆ ADL2_Display_ReducedBlanking_Set()

int ADL2_Display_ReducedBlanking_Set ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
int  iDisplayIndex,
int  iReducedBlanking 

Function to set the reduced blanking setting.

This function sets the current reduced blanking setting to a specified setting.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[in]iDisplayIndexThe desired display index. It can be retrieved from the ADLDisplayInfo data structure.
[in]iReducedBlankingThe desired reduced blanking setting.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes
Call ADL_Flush_Driver_Data() after to persist settings on reboot.
Clients can use ADL2 version of the API to assure that there is no interference with other ADL clients that are running in the same process . Such clients have to call ADL2_Main_Control_Create first to obtain ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE instance that has to be passed to each subsequent ADL2 call and finally destroyed using ADL2_Main_Control_Destroy.

◆ ADL2_Display_Size_Get()

int ADL2_Display_Size_Get ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
int  iDisplayIndex,
int *  lpWidth,
int *  lpHeight,
int *  lpDefaultWidth,
int *  lpDefaultHeight,
int *  lpMinWidth,
int *  lpMinHeight,
int *  lpMaxWidth,
int *  lpMaxHeight,
int *  lpStepWidth,
int *  lpStepHeight 

Function to get the Device Display Size.

This function retrieves the display position parameters.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[in]iDisplayIndexThe desired display index. It can be retrieved from the ADLDisplayInfo data structure.
[out]lpWidthThe pointer to the current display width.
[out]lpHeightThe pointer to the current display height.
[out]lpDefaultWidthThe pointer to the default display width.
[out]lpDefaultHeightThe pointer to the default display height.
[out]lpMinWidthThe pointer to the minimum display width.
[out]lpMinHeightThe pointer to the minimum display height.
[out]lpMaxWidthThe pointer to the maximum display width.
[out]lpMaxHeightThe pointer to the maximum display height.
[out]lpStepWidthThe pointer to the step width.
[out]lpStepHeightThe pointer to the step height.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes
Clients can use ADL2 version of the API to assure that there is no interference with other ADL clients that are running in the same process . Such clients have to call ADL2_Main_Control_Create first to obtain ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE instance that has to be passed to each subsequent ADL2 call and finally destroyed using ADL2_Main_Control_Destroy.

◆ ADL2_Display_Size_Set()

int ADL2_Display_Size_Set ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
int  iDisplayIndex,
int  iWidth,
int  iHeight 

Function to set the Device Display Size.

This function sets the display width and height values.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[in]iDisplayIndexThe desired display index. It can be retrieved from the ADLDisplayInfo data structure.
[in]iWidthThe desired width of the display.
[in]iHeightThe desired height of the display.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes
Call ADL_Flush_Driver_Data() after to persist settings on reboot.
Clients can use ADL2 version of the API to assure that there is no interference with other ADL clients that are running in the same process . Such clients have to call ADL2_Main_Control_Create first to obtain ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE instance that has to be passed to each subsequent ADL2 call and finally destroyed using ADL2_Main_Control_Destroy.

◆ ADL2_Display_SupportedColorDepth_Get()

int ADL2_Display_SupportedColorDepth_Get ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
int  iDisplayIndex,
int *  lpColorDepth 

Function to retrieve the supported color depth. HDMI and DPonly.

This function retrieves the current display on given adpater's supported color depths –When supported Color depth is one format only, no need expose the User interface.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexthe ADL index handle of the desired adapter per physical GPU.
[in]iDisplayIndexThe desired display index. It can be retrieved from the ADLDisplayInfo data structure.
[out]lpColorDepthThe pointer to the bit vector of all display supported color depths. define_color_depth_bits
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes

◆ ADL2_Display_SupportedPixelFormat_Get()

int ADL2_Display_SupportedPixelFormat_Get ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
int  iDisplayIndex,
int *  lpPixelFormat 

Function to retrieve the supported pixel format. HDMI only.

This function retrieves the supported pixel format.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[in]iDisplayIndexThe desired display index. It can be retrieved from the ADLDisplayInfo data structure.
[out]lpPixelFormatThe pointer to the supported pixel format. Pixel Formats values
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes
Clients can use ADL2 version of the API to assure that there is no interference with other ADL clients that are running in the same process . Such clients have to call ADL2_Main_Control_Create first to obtain ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE instance that has to be passed to each subsequent ADL2 call and finally destroyed using ADL2_Main_Control_Destroy.

◆ ADL2_Display_SwitchingCapability_Get()

int ADL2_Display_SwitchingCapability_Get ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
int *  lpResult 

Function to retrieve the Display Switching Flag from the registry.

This function retrieves the Display Switching Flag from the registery for a specified adapter.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[out]lpResultThe pointer to value storing the retrieved flag. 1: Driver will not accept display switching request; 0: User can request display switching.
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes
Clients can use ADL2 version of the API to assure that there is no interference with other ADL clients that are running in the same process . Such clients have to call ADL2_Main_Control_Create first to obtain ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE instance that has to be passed to each subsequent ADL2 call and finally destroyed using ADL2_Main_Control_Destroy.

◆ ADL2_Display_VirtualType_Get()

int ADL2_Display_VirtualType_Get ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
int  iDisplayIndex,
Function to query what sort of virtual display is this

This function retrieves the type of virtual display for the given display.

Supported Platforms:
Windows 7; 32bit and 64bit and above
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[in]iDisplayIndexThe desired display index.
[out]iVirtualTypeThe pointer to ADL_VIRTUALDISPLAY_TYPE telling virtual display type. See ADL_VIRTUALDISPLAY_TYPE
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes

◆ ADL2_Display_WriteAndReadI2CLargePayload()

int ADL2_Display_WriteAndReadI2CLargePayload ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
ADLI2CLargePayload plI2C 
Function to write and read large I2C packets up to ADL_DL_I2C_MAXLARGEPAYLOADSIZE

This function writes and reads I2C.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[in,out]plI2CA pointer to the ADLI2CLargePayload structure.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes
Clients can use ADL2 version of the API to assure that there is no interference with other ADL clients that are running in the same process . Such clients have to call ADL2_Main_Control_Create first to obtain ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE instance that has to be passed to each subsequent ADL2 call and finally destroyed using ADL2_Main_Control_Destroy.

◆ ADL_Adapter_VariBright_Caps()

int ADL_Adapter_VariBright_Caps ( int  iAdapterIndex,
int *  iSupported,
int *  iEnabled,
int *  iVersion 
Function to get the VariBright capabilities This function retrieves the VariBright capabilities for a specified display adapter.
Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]iAdapterIndexThe index of the desired adapter.
[in]iSupportedThe pointer to an int variable which indicates if VariBright is supported ( ADL_TRUE : supported, ADL_FALSE : not supported)
[in]iEnabledThe pointer to an int variable which indicates if VariBright is enabled ( ADL_TRUE : enabled, ADL_FALSE : disabled)
[in]iEnabledThe pointer to an int variable receiving the VariBright version.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK (zero). Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code (non-zero). Result Codes
Call this API first. Only if VariBright feature is supported and enabled call ADL_Adapter_VariBrightLevel_Get() or ADL_Adapter_VariBrightLevel_Set()

◆ ADL_Adapter_VariBrightEnable_Set()

int ADL_Adapter_VariBrightEnable_Set ( int  iAdapterIndex,
int  iEnabled 
Function to enable or disable VariBright capabilities This function enables or disables VariBright for a specified display adapter.
Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]iAdapterIndexThe index of the desired adapter.
[in]iEnabledADL_TRUE : enables VariBright, ADL_FALSE : disables VariBright.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK (zero). Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code (non-zero). Result Codes
Call ADL_Adapter_VariBright_CapsX2() first to determine if VariBright feature is supported.

◆ ADL_Adapter_VariBrightLevel_Get()

int ADL_Adapter_VariBrightLevel_Get ( int  iAdapterIndex,
int *  iDefaultLevel,
int *  iNumberOfLevels,
int *  iStep,
int *  iCurrentLevel 
Function to get the current VariBright level This function retrieves the VariBright level for a specified display adapter.
Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]iAdapterIndexThe index of the desired adapter.
[in]iDefaultLevelThe pointer to an int variable with the default VariBright level.
[in]iNumberOfLevelsThe pointer to an int variable receiving the number of VariBright levels (the Maximum value for VariBright level).
[in]iStepThe pointer to an int variable receiving the VariBright step. Determines the increments of the VariBright transition from one level to another.
[in]iCurrentLevelThe pointer to an int variable receiving the Current VariBright level.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK (zero). Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code (non-zero). Result Codes
Call ADL_Adapter_VariBright_CapsX2() first to determine if VariBright feature is supported.

◆ ADL_Adapter_VariBrightLevel_Set()

int ADL_Adapter_VariBrightLevel_Set ( int  iAdapterIndex,
int  iCurrentLevel,
int  iApplyImmediately 
Function to set the current VariBright level This function sets the VariBright level for a specified display adapter.
Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]iAdapterIndexThe index of the desired adapter.
[in]iCurrentLevelThe VariBright level to be set. The range is from zero to iNumberOfLevels returned from ADL_Adapter_VariBrightLevel_Get()
[in]iApplyImmediatelyIf set to ADL_TRUE the VariBright level is applied immediately. If ADL_FALSE - the level is applied gradually.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK (zero). Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code (non-zero). Result Codes.
Call ADL_Adapter_VariBright_CapsX2() first to determine if VariBright feature is supported.

◆ ADL_Display_AdjustCaps_Get()

int ADL_Display_AdjustCaps_Get ( int  iAdapterIndex,
int  iDisplayIndex,
int *  lpInfo 

Function to retrieve the adjustment display information.

This function retrieves the display adjustment information for a specified adapter and display.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[in]iDisplayIndexThe desired display index. It can be retrieved from the ADLDisplayInfo data structure.
[out]lpInfoThe pointer to the adjustment information retrieved from the driver.
Display Adjustment Capabilities
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes

◆ ADL_Display_AdjustmentCoherent_Get()

int ADL_Display_AdjustmentCoherent_Get ( int  iAdapterIndex,
int  iDisplayIndex,
int *  lpAdjustmentCoherentCurrent,
int *  lpAdjustmentCoherentDefault 

Function to retrieve the adjustment coherent setting.

This function retrieves the current adjustment coherent setting
It is applicable to DFP/DFP2 display types.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[in]iDisplayIndexThe desired display index. It can be retrieved from the ADLDisplayInfo data structure.
[out]lpAdjustmentCoherentCurrentThe pointer to the retrieved adjustment coherent setting. 1: Coherent; 0: non-coherent
[out]lpAdjustmentCoherentDefaultThe pointer to the retrieved default setting. 1: Coherent; 0: Non-coherent
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes

◆ ADL_Display_AdjustmentCoherent_Set()

int ADL_Display_AdjustmentCoherent_Set ( int  iAdapterIndex,
int  iDisplayIndex,
int  iAdjustmentCoherent 

Function to set the adjustment coherent setting.

This function sets the current adjustment coherent setting to a specified setting.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[in]iDisplayIndexThe desired display index. It can be retrieved from the ADLDisplayInfo data structure.
[in]iAdjustmentCoherentThe desired adjustment coherent setting. 1: Coherent; 0: Non-coherent
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes
Call ADL_Flush_Driver_Data() after to persist settings on reboot.

◆ ADL_Display_Capabilities_Get()

int ADL_Display_Capabilities_Get ( int  iAdapterIndex,
int *  lpNumberOfControlers,
int *  lpNumberOfDisplays 

Function to get the number of displays and controllers supported by an adapter.

This function retrieves the number of displays and controllers that are supported by a specified adapter.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[out]lpNumberOfControlersThe pointer to the variable storing the total number of controllers. This variable must be initialized.
[out]lpNumberOfDisplaysThe pointer to the variable storing the total number of displays. This variable must be initialized.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes

◆ ADL_Display_ColorDepth_Get()

int ADL_Display_ColorDepth_Get ( int  iAdapterIndex,
int  iDisplayIndex,
int *  lpColorDepth 

Function to get color depth. HDMI and DPonly.

This function retrieves the current display on given adpater's current color depth.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter per physical GPU.
[in]iDisplayIndexThe desired display index. It can be retrieved from the ADLDisplayInfo data structure.
[out]lpColorDepthThe pointer to the current color depth setting for given display. Define_colordepth_constants
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes

◆ ADL_Display_ColorDepth_Set()

int ADL_Display_ColorDepth_Set ( int  iAdapterIndex,
int  iDisplayIndex,
int  iColorDepth 

Function to set color depth. HDMI and DPonly.

This function sets a user select color depth to current display on given adapter.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter per physical GPU.
[in]iDisplayIndexThe desired display index. It can be retrieved from the ADLDisplayInfo data structure.
[in]iColorDepthRequested color depth. Define_colordepth_constants
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes

◆ ADL_Display_ConnectedDisplays_Get()

int ADL_Display_ConnectedDisplays_Get ( int  iAdapterIndex,
int *  lpConnections 

Function to indicate whether displays are physically connected to an adapter.

This function indicates whether displays are physically connected to a specified adapter.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[out]lpConnectionsThe pointer to the bit field indicating whether the output connectors on the specified adapter have devices physically attached to them.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes

◆ ADL_Display_DeviceConfig_Get()

int ADL_Display_DeviceConfig_Get ( int  iAdapterIndex,
int  iDisplayIndex,
ADLDisplayConfig lpDisplayConfig 

Function to get HDTV capability settings.

This function retrieves HDTV capability settings for a specified display.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[in]iDisplayIndexThe desired display index. It can be retrieved from the ADLDisplayInfo data structure.
[out]lpDisplayConfigThe pointer to the retrieved display configuration.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes

◆ ADL_Display_DisplayInfo_Get()

int ADL_Display_DisplayInfo_Get ( int  iAdapterIndex,
int *  lpNumDisplays,
ADLDisplayInfo **  lppInfo,
int  iForceDetect 

Function to retrieve the adapter display information.

This function retrieves display information for a specified adapter. Display information includes display index, name, type, and display connection status, etc.
This API uses the Caller's Memory Allocation Callback Function to allocate memory pointed by lppInfo. Caller is responsible to de-alocate the memory.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[out]lpNumDisplaysThe pointer to the number of displays detected.
[out]lppInfoThe pointer to the pointer to the retrieved display information array. Initialize to NULL before calling this API. Refer to the ADLDisplayInfo structure for more information.
[in]iForceDetect0: Do not force detection of the adapters in the system; 1 : Force detection
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes
This API uses the memory allocation callback function provided by the user.

◆ ADL_Display_DitherState_Get()

int ADL_Display_DitherState_Get ( int  iAdapterIndex,
int  iDisplayIndex,
int *  lpDitherState 

Function to retrieve the dither state.

This function retrieves the dither state for a specified display.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[in]iDisplayIndexThe desired display index. It can be retrieved from the ADLDisplayInfo data structure.
[out]lpDitherStateThe pointer to the value storing the retrieved dither state. See Dithering options
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes

◆ ADL_Display_DitherState_Set()

int ADL_Display_DitherState_Set ( int  iAdapterIndex,
int  iDisplayIndex,
int  iDitherState 

Function to set the dither state.

This function sets the dither state.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[in]iDisplayIndexThe desired display index. It can be retrieved from the ADLDisplayInfo data structure.
[in]iDitherStateThe desired dither state. For the list of valid states see Dithering options
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes
The final bit depth after dithering must match the input bit depth of the monitor. The function call will fail if it doesn't.
The settings are immediately persisted, no need to call ADL_Flush_Driver_Data().

◆ ADL_Display_DpMstInfo_Get()

int ADL_Display_DpMstInfo_Get ( int  iAdapterIndex,
int *  lpNumDisplays,
ADLDisplayDPMSTInfo **  lppDisplayDPMstInfo,
int  iForceDetect 

Function to retrieve the Display Port MST information.

This function retrieves display port MST information for a specified adapter. Display port MST information includes display indexes, names, bandwidth, identifiers, relative address and display connection, etc.
This API uses the Caller's Memory Allocation Callback Function to allocate memory pointed by lppDisplayDPMstInfo. Caller is responsible to de-alocate the memory.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter. A value of -1 returns all displays in the system across multiple GPUs.
[out]lpNumDisplaysThe pointer to the number of displays detected.
[out]lppDisplayDPMstInfoThe pointer to the list of the retrieved display port MST information array. Initialize to NULL before calling this API. Refer to the ADLDisplayDPMSTInfo structure for more information.
[in]iForceDetectADL_FALSE: Do not force detection of the adapters in the system; ADL_TRUE: Force detection
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes
This API uses the memory allocation callback function provided by the user.

◆ ADL_Display_FormatsOverride_Get()

int ADL_Display_FormatsOverride_Get ( int  iAdapterIndex,
int  iDisplayIndex,
int *  lpSettingsSupported,
int *  lpSettingsSupportedEx,
int *  lpCurSettings 

Function to retrieve the available display formats.

This call retrieves the available display formats

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[in]iDisplayIndexThe desired display index. It can be retrieved from the ADLDisplayInfo data structure.
[out]lpSettingsSupportedThe pointer to the supported settings. Formats Override Settings
[out]lpSettingsSupportedExThe pointer to the extended supported settings. Formats Override Settings
[out]lpCurSettingsThe pointer to the current override settings Formats Override Settings
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes

◆ ADL_Display_FormatsOverride_Set()

int ADL_Display_FormatsOverride_Set ( int  iAdapterIndex,
int  iDisplayIndex,
int  iOverrideSettings 

Function to overide the display formats.

This call overrides the display formats

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[in]iDisplayIndexThe desired display index. It can be retrieved from the ADLDisplayInfo data structure.
[in]iOverrideSettingsThe new format settings Formats Override Settings
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes
Call ADL_Flush_Driver_Data() after to persist settings on reboot.

◆ ADL_Display_ImageExpansion_Get()

int ADL_Display_ImageExpansion_Get ( int  iAdapterIndex,
int  iDisplayIndex,
int *  lpSupport,
int *  lpCurrent,
int *  lpDefault 

Function to retrieve the display image expansion setting.

This function retrieves the current, default, and the feature supported values of the image expansion setting.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[in]iDisplayIndexThe desired display index. It can be retrieved from the ADLDisplayInfo data structure.
[out]lpSupportThe pointer to the value indicating whether the feature is supported by the driver. 1: feature is supported; 0: feature is not supported.
[out]lpCurrentThe pointer to the current setting of display image expansion. Its alternative value is 1 or 0.
[out]lpDefaultThe pointer to the default setting of display image expansion. Its alternative value is 1 or 0.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes

◆ ADL_Display_ImageExpansion_Set()

int ADL_Display_ImageExpansion_Set ( int  iAdapterIndex,
int  iDisplayIndex,
int  iCurrent 

Function to set the display image expansion setting.

This function sets the current value of display image expansion setting.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[in]iDisplayIndexThe desired display index. It can be retrieved from the ADLDisplayInfo data structure.
[in]iCurrentThe desired setting of display image expansion. Possible values are 1 or 0.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes
Call ADL_Flush_Driver_Data() after to persist settings on reboot.

◆ ADL_Display_Limits_Get()

int ADL_Display_Limits_Get ( int  iAdapterIndex,
int  iDisplayIndex,
int *  lpMaxHRes,
int *  lpMaxVRes,
int *  lpMaxRefresh 
ADL local interface. Function to retrieve the maximum resolution* and maximum refresh rate* information for a display.
  • Note: These values may not be valid combinations in some applications.

This function retrieves the maximum horizontal and vertical resolution as well as the maximum refresh rate for a specified display and adapter.

[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the graphics adapter corresponding to the desired display.
[in]iDisplayIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired display.
[out]lpMaxHResThe pointer to the maximum horizontal resolution for the specified display.
[out]lpMaxVResThe pointer to the maximum vertical resolution for the specified display.
[out]lpMaxRefreshThe pointer to the maximum refresh rate for the specfied display.
Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes

◆ ADL_Display_MVPUCaps_Get()

int ADL_Display_MVPUCaps_Get ( int  iAdapterIndex,
ADLMVPUCaps lpMvpuCaps 

Function to retrieve the information about MultiVPU capabilities.

This function retrieves the information about MultiVPU capabilities.

Supported Platforms:
Windows 7, 10 and above; 32bit and 64bit
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[in,out]lpMvpuCapsThe structure storing the retrieved information about MultiVPU capabilities.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes
The maximum number of adapters is ADL_DL_MAX_MVPU_ADAPTERS

◆ ADL_Display_MVPUStatus_Get()

int ADL_Display_MVPUStatus_Get ( int  iAdapterIndex,
ADLMVPUStatus lpMvpuStatus 

Function to retrieve information about MultiVPU status.

This function retrieves information about MultiVPU status.

Supported Platforms:
Windows 7, 10 and above; 32bit and 64bit
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[in,out]lpMvpuStatusThe structure storing the retrieved information about MultiVPU status.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes

◆ ADL_Display_NumberOfDisplays_Get()

int ADL_Display_NumberOfDisplays_Get ( int  iAdapterIndex,
int *  lpNumDisplays 

Function to retrieve the number of displays supported by an adapter.

This function retrieves the number of displays that is supported by a specified adapter. Supported displays include devices that are connected and disconnected together with those enabled and disabled devices.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[out]lpNumDisplaysThe pointer to the number of displays supported by the adapter.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes

◆ ADL_Display_ODClockConfig_Set()

int ADL_Display_ODClockConfig_Set ( int  iAdapterIndex,
ADLAdapterODClockConfig lpOdClockConfig 

Function to set the OD clock configuration.

This function sets the OD clock configuration.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[in]lpOdClockConfigThe pointer to the structure used to set the OD clock configuration.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes
Call ADL_Flush_Driver_Data() after to persist settings on reboot.

◆ ADL_Display_ODClockInfo_Get()

int ADL_Display_ODClockInfo_Get ( int  iAdapterIndex,
ADLAdapterODClockInfo lpOdClockInfo 

Function to retrieve the OD clock information.

This function retrieves the OD clock information.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[out]lpOdClockInfoThe pointer to the structure storing the retrieved clock information.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes

◆ ADL_Display_PixelFormat_Get()

int ADL_Display_PixelFormat_Get ( int  iAdapterIndex,
int  iDisplayIndex,
int *  lpPixelFormat 

Function to retrieve the current display pixel format. HDMI only.

This function retrieves the current display pixel format.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[in]iDisplayIndexThe desired display index. It can be retrieved from the ADLDisplayInfo data structure.
[out]lpPixelFormatThe pointer to the pixel format. Pixel Formats values
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes

◆ ADL_Display_PixelFormat_Set()

int ADL_Display_PixelFormat_Set ( int  iAdapterIndex,
int  iDisplayIndex,
int  iPixelFormat 

Function to set the current display pixel format. HDMI only.

This function sets the current display pixel format.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[in]iDisplayIndexThe desired display index. It can be retrieved from the ADLDisplayInfo data structure.
[in]iPixelFormatThe desired pixel format. Pixel Formats values
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes
Call ADL_Flush_Driver_Data() after to persist settings on reboot.

◆ ADL_Display_Position_Get()

int ADL_Display_Position_Get ( int  iAdapterIndex,
int  iDisplayIndex,
int *  lpX,
int *  lpY,
int *  lpXDefault,
int *  lpYDefault,
int *  lpMinX,
int *  lpMinY,
int *  lpMaxX,
int *  lpMaxY,
int *  lpStepX,
int *  lpStepY 

Function to get Device Display Position.

This function retrieves the display position parameters for a specified adapter and display.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[in]iDisplayIndexThe desired display index. It can be retrieved from the ADLDisplayInfo data structure.
[out]lpXThe pointer to the current X coordinate display position.
[out]lpYThe pointer to the current Y coordinate display position.
[out]lpXDefaultThe pointer to the default X coordinate display position.
[out]lpYDefaultThe pointer to the default Y coordinate display position.
[out]lpMinXThe pointer to the minimum X display size.
[out]lpMinYThe pointer to the minimum Y display size.
[out]lpMaxXThe pointer to the maximum X display size.
[out]lpMaxYThe pointer to the maximum Y display size.
[out]lpStepXThe pointer to the step size along the X axis.
[out]lpStepYThe pointer to the step size along the Y axis.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes

◆ ADL_Display_Position_Set()

int ADL_Display_Position_Set ( int  iAdapterIndex,
int  iDisplayIndex,
int  iX,
int  iY 

Function to set the Device Display Position.

This function sets the display X and Y position values for a specified adapter and display.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[in]iDisplayIndexThe desired display index. It can be retrieved from the ADLDisplayInfo data structure.
[in]iXThe desired X coordinate position.
[in]iYThe desired Y coordinate position.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes
Call ADL_Flush_Driver_Data() after to persist settings on reboot.

◆ ADL_Display_PreservedAspectRatio_Get()

int ADL_Display_PreservedAspectRatio_Get ( int  iAdapterIndex,
int  iDisplayIndex,
int *  lpSupport,
int *  lpCurrent,
int *  lpDefault 

Function to retrieve the display perserved aspect ratio of an adapter.

This function retrieves the current, default, and the feature supported values of the display preserved aspect ratio.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[in]iDisplayIndexThe desired display index. It can be retrieved from the ADLDisplayInfo data structure.
[out]lpSupportThe pointer to the value indicating whether the feature is supported by the driver. 1: feature is supported; 0: feature is not supported.
[out]lpCurrentThe pointer to the current setting of display preserved aspect ratio. Its alternative value is 1 or 0.
[out]lpDefaultThe pointer to the default setting of display preserved aspect ratio. Its alternative value is 1 or 0.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes

◆ ADL_Display_PreservedAspectRatio_Set()

int ADL_Display_PreservedAspectRatio_Set ( int  iAdapterIndex,
int  iDisplayIndex,
int  iCurrent 

Function to set the display preserved aspect ratio.

This function sets the current value of display preserved aspect ratio.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[in]iDisplayIndexThe desired display index. It can be retrieved from the ADLDisplayInfo data structure.
[in]iCurrentThe desired display preserved aspect ratio setting. Possible values are 1 or 0.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes
Call ADL_Flush_Driver_Data() after to persist settings on reboot.

◆ ADL_Display_Property_Get()

int ADL_Display_Property_Get ( int  iAdapterIndex,
int  iDisplayIndex,
ADLDisplayProperty lpDisplayProperty 

Function to get the current display property value.

This function retrieves the current display property value for a specified display.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[in]iDisplayIndexThe desired display index. It can be retrieved from the ADLDisplayInfo data structure.
[out]lpDisplayPropertyThe pointer to the ADLDisplayProperty structure storing the retrieved display property value. lpDisplayProperty->iExpansionMode contains the Expansion Mode value.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes

◆ ADL_Display_Property_Set()

int ADL_Display_Property_Set ( int  iAdapterIndex,
int  iDisplayIndex,
ADLDisplayProperty lpDisplayProperty 

Function to set current display property value.

This function sets current display property value for a specified display.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[in]iDisplayIndexThe desired display index. It can be retrieved from the ADLDisplayInfo data structure.
[in]lpDisplayPropertyThe pointer to the desired ADLDisplayProperty structure. Set lpDisplayProperty->iExpansionMode with an Expansion Mode value.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes
Call ADL_Flush_Driver_Data() after to persist settings on reboot.

◆ ADL_Display_ReducedBlanking_Get()

int ADL_Display_ReducedBlanking_Get ( int  iAdapterIndex,
int  iDisplayIndex,
int *  lpReducedBlankingCurrent,
int *  lpReducedBlankingDefault 

Function to retrieve the reduced blanking setting.

This function retrieves the current reduced blanking setting.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[in]iDisplayIndexThe desired display index. It can be retrieved from the ADLDisplayInfo data structure.
[out]lpReducedBlankingCurrentThe pointer to the current reduced blanking setting.
[out]lpReducedBlankingDefaultThe pointer to the retrieved default setting.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes

◆ ADL_Display_ReducedBlanking_Set()

int ADL_Display_ReducedBlanking_Set ( int  iAdapterIndex,
int  iDisplayIndex,
int  iReducedBlanking 

Function to set the reduced blanking setting.

This function sets the current reduced blanking setting to a specified setting.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[in]iDisplayIndexThe desired display index. It can be retrieved from the ADLDisplayInfo data structure.
[in]iReducedBlankingThe desired reduced blanking setting.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes
Call ADL_Flush_Driver_Data() after to persist settings on reboot.

◆ ADL_Display_Size_Get()

int ADL_Display_Size_Get ( int  iAdapterIndex,
int  iDisplayIndex,
int *  lpWidth,
int *  lpHeight,
int *  lpDefaultWidth,
int *  lpDefaultHeight,
int *  lpMinWidth,
int *  lpMinHeight,
int *  lpMaxWidth,
int *  lpMaxHeight,
int *  lpStepWidth,
int *  lpStepHeight 

Function to get the Device Display Size.

This function retrieves the display position parameters.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[in]iDisplayIndexThe desired display index. It can be retrieved from the ADLDisplayInfo data structure.
[out]lpWidthThe pointer to the current display width.
[out]lpHeightThe pointer to the current display height.
[out]lpDefaultWidthThe pointer to the default display width.
[out]lpDefaultHeightThe pointer to the default display height.
[out]lpMinWidthThe pointer to the minimum display width.
[out]lpMinHeightThe pointer to the minimum display height.
[out]lpMaxWidthThe pointer to the maximum display width.
[out]lpMaxHeightThe pointer to the maximum display height.
[out]lpStepWidthThe pointer to the step width.
[out]lpStepHeightThe pointer to the step height.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes

◆ ADL_Display_Size_Set()

int ADL_Display_Size_Set ( int  iAdapterIndex,
int  iDisplayIndex,
int  iWidth,
int  iHeight 

Function to set the Device Display Size.

This function sets the display width and height values.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[in]iDisplayIndexThe desired display index. It can be retrieved from the ADLDisplayInfo data structure.
[in]iWidthThe desired width of the display.
[in]iHeightThe desired height of the display.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes
Call ADL_Flush_Driver_Data() after to persist settings on reboot.

◆ ADL_Display_SupportedColorDepth_Get()

int ADL_Display_SupportedColorDepth_Get ( int  iAdapterIndex,
int  iDisplayIndex,
int *  lpColorDepth 

Function to retrieve the supported color depth. HDMI and DPonly.

This function retrieves the current display on given adpater's supported color depths –When supported Color depth is one format only, no need expose the User interface.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]iAdapterIndexthe ADL index handle of the desired adapter per physical GPU.
[in]iDisplayIndexThe desired display index. It can be retrieved from the ADLDisplayInfo data structure.
[out]lpColorDepthThe pointer to the bit vector of all display supported color depths. define_color_depth_bits
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes

◆ ADL_Display_SupportedPixelFormat_Get()

int ADL_Display_SupportedPixelFormat_Get ( int  iAdapterIndex,
int  iDisplayIndex,
int *  lpPixelFormat 

Function to retrieve the supported pixel format. HDMI only.

This function retrieves the supported pixel format.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[in]iDisplayIndexThe desired display index. It can be retrieved from the ADLDisplayInfo data structure.
[out]lpPixelFormatThe pointer to the supported pixel format. Pixel Formats values
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes

◆ ADL_Display_SwitchingCapability_Get()

int ADL_Display_SwitchingCapability_Get ( int  iAdapterIndex,
int *  lpResult 
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes

◆ ADL_Display_WriteAndReadI2CLargePayload()

int ADL_Display_WriteAndReadI2CLargePayload ( int  iAdapterIndex,
ADLI2CLargePayload plI2C 
Function to write and read large I2C packets up to ADL_DL_I2C_MAXLARGEPAYLOADSIZE

This function writes and reads I2C.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[in,out]plI2CA pointer to the ADLI2CLargePayload structure.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes

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