ADL (AMD Display Library) Public APIs  Version 17.1
Adapter Related APIs

This group outlines Graphics version and architechture specific APIs. More...


int ADL2_Adapter_Accessibility_Get (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int *lpAccessibility)
 Function to check if the GPU is accessible or not at the time of this call. More...
int ADL2_Adapter_AceDefaults_Restore (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex)
int ADL2_Adapter_Active_Get (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int *lpStatus)
 Function to determine if the adapter is active or not. More...
int ADL2_Adapter_Active_Set (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int iStatus, int *lpNewlyActivate)
 Function to set the current extended desktop mode status for a display. More...
int ADL2_Adapter_Active_SetPrefer (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int iStatus, int iNumPreferTarget, ADLDisplayTarget *lpPreferTarget, int *lpNewlyActivate)
 Function to set the current extended desktop mode status for the display. More...
int ADL2_Adapter_AdapterInfo_Get (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, LPAdapterInfo lpInfo, int iInputSize)
 Retrieves all OS-known adapter information. More...
int ADL2_Adapter_AdapterInfoX2_Get (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, AdapterInfo **lppAdapterInfo)
 Retrieves all OS-known adapter information. More...
int ADL2_Adapter_AdapterInfoX3_Get (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int *numAdapters, AdapterInfo **lppAdapterInfo)
int ADL2_Adapter_AdapterInfoX4_Get (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int *numAdapters, AdapterInfoX2 **lppAdapterInfoX2)
int ADL2_Adapter_AdapterList_Disable (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iNumAdapters, int *lpAdapterIndexList, bool isSkipSaveDB=false)
int ADL2_Adapter_ASICFamilyType_Get (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int *lpAsicTypes, int *lpValids)
 Function to get the ASICFamilyType from the adapter. More...
int ADL2_Adapter_Aspects_Get (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, char *lpAspects, int iSize)
 ADL local interface. Function to retrieve the supported aspects list. More...
int ADL2_Adapter_BigSw_Info_Get (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int *lpBigSwSupportMajor, int *lpBigSwSupportMinor, int *lpRedStoneSupport)
int ADL2_Adapter_Caps (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, ADLAdapterCaps *adapterCaps)
int ADL2_Adapter_ChipSetInfo_Get (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, ADLChipSetInfo *lpChipSetInfo)
int ADL2_Adapter_DedicatedVRAMUsage_Get (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int *iVRAMUsageInMB)
int ADL2_Adapter_Feature_Caps (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, ADL_UIFEATURES_GROUP iFeatureID, int *iIsFeatureSupported)
int ADL2_Adapter_HBC_Caps (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int *lpHbcCapable)
int ADL2_Adapter_Headless_Get (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int *lpHeadless)
int ADL2_Adapter_ID_Get (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int *lpAdapterID)
 Function to get the unique identifier of an adapter. More...
int ADL2_Adapter_IsGamingDriver_Info_Get (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int *lpCwgSupport, int *lpIsGamingMode)
int ADL2_Adapter_LED_Support_Cap (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int *iSupported, int *iEnabled, int *iVersion)
int ADL2_Adapter_MemoryInfo2_Get (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, ADLMemoryInfo2 *lpMemoryInfo2)
int ADL2_Adapter_MemoryInfoX4_Get (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, ADLMemoryInfoX4 *lpMemoryInfoX4)
int ADL2_Adapter_Modes_ReEnumerate (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context)
int ADL2_Adapter_ModeSwitch (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex)
 Function to perform a mode switch for an adapter. More...
int ADL2_Adapter_NumberOfAdapters_Get (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int *lpNumAdapters)
 Function to retrieve the number of OS-known adapters. More...
int ADL2_Adapter_ObservedClockInfo_Get (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int *lpCoreClock, int *lpMemoryClock)
 Function to get the core and memory clock info of an adapter.  This is the clock displayed on CCC information center.  Specific logic is used to select appropriate clock for display in current configuration. More...
int ADL2_Adapter_Primary_Get (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int *lpPrimaryAdapterIndex)
 Function to retrieve the primary display adapter index. More...
int ADL2_Adapter_Primary_Set (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex)
 Function to set the primary display adapter index. More...
int ADL2_Adapter_RegValueInt_Get (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int iDriverPathOption, char *szSubKey, char *szKeyName, int *lpKeyValue)
 ADL local interface. Function to query a integer registry value set by driver. More...
int ADL2_Adapter_RegValueInt_Set (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int iDriverPathOption, char *szSubKey, char *szKeyName, int iKeyValue)
 ADL local interface. Function to set a driver registry integer value. More...
int ADL2_Adapter_RegValueString_Get (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int iDriverPathOption, char *szSubKey, char *szKeyName, int iSize, char *lpKeyValue)
 ADL local interface. Function to query a string registry value set by driver. More...
int ADL2_Adapter_RegValueString_Set (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int iDriverPathOption, char *szSubKey, char *szKeyName, int iSize, char *lpKeyValue)
 ADL local interface. Function to set a driver registry string value. More...
int ADL2_Adapter_Speed_Caps (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int *lpCaps, int *lpValid)
 Function to get the current Force3DClock setting from the adapter. More...
int ADL2_Adapter_Speed_Get (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int *lpCurrent, int *lpDefault)
 Function to get the current Speed setting from the adapter. More...
int ADL2_Adapter_Speed_Set (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int iSpeed)
 Function to set the current Speed setting from the adapter. More...
int ADL2_Adapter_TRNG_Get (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int iTRNGSize, int iTRNGBufferSize, char *lpTRNGBuffer)
int ADL2_Adapter_VerndorID_Int_get (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex)
 Retrieves adapter vendor id. More...
int ADL2_Adapter_VideoBiosInfo_Get (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, ADLBiosInfo *lpBiosInfo)
 ADL local interface. Function to retrieve BIOS information. More...
int ADL2_Adapter_VRAMUsage_Get (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int *iVRAMUsageInMB)
int ADL2_AdapterX2_Caps (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, ADLAdapterCapsX2 *adapterCaps)
 Function to retrieve adapter caps information. More...
int ADL2_Feature_Settings_Get (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, ADL_UIFEATURES_GROUP iFeatureID, int *iCurrent)
int ADL2_Feature_Settings_Set (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, ADL_UIFEATURES_GROUP iFeatureID, int iCurrent)
int ADL2_Flush_Driver_Data (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex)
 Function to save driver data. More...
int ADL2_GcnAsicInfo_Get (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, ADLGcnInfo *gcnInfo)
int ADL2_GPUVMPageSize_Info_Get (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int *iVMPageSizeSupport, int *iVMPageSizeType)
int ADL2_GPUVMPageSize_Info_Set (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int iVMPageSizeType)
int ADL2_SmartShift_DeltaGain_Set (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int iMode, int iValue)
int ADL2_SmartShift_Settings_Get (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, ADLSmartShiftSettings *lpCurrent)
int ADL2_SmartShift_Support (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int *lpSupported, int *lpVersion)
int ADL2_Stress_Test_Cap (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int *iSupported, int *iEnabled, int *iVersion)
int ADL2_Throttle_Notification_Cap (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int *iSupported, int *iEnabled, int *iVersion)
int ADL_Adapter_Accessibility_Get (int iAdapterIndex, int *lpAccessibility)
 Function to check if the GPU is accessible or not at the time of this call. More...
int ADL_Adapter_Active_Get (int iAdapterIndex, int *lpStatus)
 Function to determine if the adapter is active or not. More...
int ADL_Adapter_Active_Set (int iAdapterIndex, int iStatus, int *lpNewlyActivate)
 Function to set the current extended desktop mode status for a display. More...
int ADL_Adapter_Active_SetPrefer (int iAdapterIndex, int iStatus, int iNumPreferTarget, ADLDisplayTarget *lpPreferTarget, int *lpNewlyActivate)
 Function to set the current extended desktop mode status for the display. More...
int ADL_Adapter_AdapterInfo_Get (LPAdapterInfo lpInfo, int iInputSize)
 Retrieves all OS-known adapter information. More...
int ADL_Adapter_AdapterInfoX2_Get (AdapterInfo **lppAdapterInfo)
 Retrieves all OS-known adapter information. More...
int ADL_Adapter_AdapterList_Disable (int iNumAdapters, int *lpAdapterIndexList)
int ADL_Adapter_ASICFamilyType_Get (int iAdapterIndex, int *lpAsicTypes, int *lpValids)
 Function to get the ASICFamilyType from the adapter. More...
int ADL_Adapter_Aspects_Get (int iAdapterIndex, char *lpAspects, int iSize)
 ADL local interface. Function to retrieve the supported aspects list. More...
int ADL_Adapter_BigSw_Info_Get (int iAdapterIndex, int *lpBigSwSupportMajor, int *lpBigSwSupportMinor, int *lpRedStoneSupport)
int ADL_Adapter_Caps (int iAdapterIndex, ADLAdapterCaps *adapterCaps)
int ADL_Adapter_ChipSetInfo_Get (int iAdapterIndex, ADLChipSetInfo *lpChipSetInfo)
int ADL_Adapter_ID_Get (int iAdapterIndex, int *lpAdapterID)
 Function to get the unique identifier of an adapter. More...
int ADL_Adapter_MemoryInfo2_Get (int iAdapterIndex, ADLMemoryInfo2 *lpMemoryInfo2)
int ADL_Adapter_Modes_ReEnumerate ()
int ADL_Adapter_ModeSwitch (int iAdapterIndex)
 Function to perform a mode switch for an adapter. More...
int ADL_Adapter_NumberOfAdapters_Get (int *lpNumAdapters)
 Function to retrieve the number of OS-known adapters. More...
int ADL_Adapter_ObservedClockInfo_Get (int iAdapterIndex, int *lpCoreClock, int *lpMemoryClock)
 Function to get the core and memory clock info of an adapter.  This is the clock displayed on CCC information center.          Specific logic is used to select appropriate clock for display in current configuration. More...
int ADL_Adapter_ObservedGameClockInfo_Get (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int *lpBaseClock, int *lpGameClock, int *lpBoostClock, int *lpMemoryClock)
 Function to get the base, game, boost and memory clock info of an adapter.          Specific logic is used to select appropriate clock for display in current configuration. More...
int ADL_Adapter_Primary_Get (int *lpPrimaryAdapterIndex)
 Function to retrieve the primary display adapter index. More...
int ADL_Adapter_Primary_Set (int iAdapterIndex)
 Function to set the primary display adapter index. More...
int ADL_Adapter_RegValueInt_Get (int iAdapterIndex, int iDriverPathOption, char *szSubKey, char *szKeyName, int *lpKeyValue)
 ADL local interface. Function to query a integer registry value set by driver. More...
int ADL_Adapter_RegValueInt_Set (int iAdapterIndex, int iDriverPathOption, char *szSubKey, char *szKeyName, int iKeyValue)
 ADL local interface. Function to set a driver registry integer value. More...
int ADL_Adapter_RegValueString_Get (int iAdapterIndex, int iDriverPathOption, char *szSubKey, char *szKeyName, int iSize, char *lpKeyValue)
 ADL local interface. Function to query a string registry value set by driver. More...
int ADL_Adapter_RegValueString_Set (int iAdapterIndex, int iDriverPathOption, char *szSubKey, char *szKeyName, int iSize, char *lpKeyValue)
 ADL local interface. Function to set a driver registry string value. More...
int ADL_Adapter_Speed_Caps (int iAdapterIndex, int *lpCaps, int *lpValid)
 Function to get the current Force3DClock setting from the adapter. More...
int ADL_Adapter_Speed_Get (int iAdapterIndex, int *lpCurrent, int *lpDefault)
 Function to get the current Speed setting from the adapter. More...
int ADL_Adapter_Speed_Set (int iAdapterIndex, int iSpeed)
 Function to set the current Speed setting from the adapter. More...
int ADL_Adapter_VideoBiosInfo_Get (int iAdapterIndex, ADLBiosInfo *lpBiosInfo)
 ADL local interface. Function to retrieve BIOS information. More...
int ADL_AdapterX2_Caps (int iAdapterIndex, ADLAdapterCapsX2 *adapterCaps)
 Function to retrieve adapter caps information. More...
int ADL_Flush_Driver_Data (int iAdapterIndex)
 Function to save driver data. More...

Detailed Description

This group outlines Graphics version and architechture specific APIs.

Function Documentation

◆ ADL2_Adapter_Accessibility_Get()

int ADL2_Adapter_Accessibility_Get ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
int *  lpAccessibility 

Function to check if the GPU is accessible or not at the time of this call.

Some GPUs enter into various power savings mode when not in use, and during this time, direct access to the GPU can result in failures. Access through proper channels (such as via ADL) always works because the software accounts for the GPU's accessibility. However, direct access outside of authorised mechanisms may fail. Use this API to find out if the GPU is currently accessible or not. If API returns GPU accessible, this status will be maintained for 2 seconds.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[out]lpAccessibilityThe pointer to an int value which indicates if the adapter is accessible or not (ADL_TRUE : Accessible, ADL_FALSE : Not accessible)
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes
Clients can use ADL2 version of the API to assure that there is no interference with other ADL clients that are running in the same process . Such clients have to call ADL2_Main_Control_Create first to obtain ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE instance that has to be passed to each subsequent ADL2 call and finally destroyed using ADL2_Main_Control_Destroy.

◆ ADL2_Adapter_AceDefaults_Restore()

int ADL2_Adapter_AceDefaults_Restore ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex 
ADL local interface Function to restore all the ACE's INF registry defaults.

This function restores the ACE INF registry defaults.

[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes

◆ ADL2_Adapter_Active_Get()

int ADL2_Adapter_Active_Get ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
int *  lpStatus 

Function to determine if the adapter is active or not.

The function is used to check if the adapter associated with iAdapterIndex is active which has enabled desktop mapped on it.

Supported Platforms:
Windows 7, 10 and above; 32bit and 64bit
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[out]lpStatusThe pointer to the retrieved status. ADL_TRUE : Active; ADL_FALSE : Disabled.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes
Clients can use ADL2 version of the API to assure that there is no interference with other ADL clients that are running in the same process . Such clients have to call ADL2_Main_Control_Create first to obtain ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE instance that has to be passed to each subsequent ADL2 call and finally destroyed using ADL2_Main_Control_Destroy.

◆ ADL2_Adapter_Active_Set()

int ADL2_Adapter_Active_Set ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
int  iStatus,
int *  lpNewlyActivate 

Function to set the current extended desktop mode status for a display.

This function enables or disables extended desktop mode for a specified display.

Supported Platforms:
Windows 7, 10 and above; 32bit and 64bit
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[in]iStatusThe desired display extended desktop mode status. ADL_TRUE : extended desktop mode; ADL_FALSE : otherwise.
[out]lpNewlyActivateThe pointer to the retrieved adapter activation information. ADL_TRUE : the adapter is activated for the first time; ADL_FALSE : otherwise.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes
Clients can use ADL2 version of the API to assure that there is no interference with other ADL clients that are running in the same process . Such clients have to call ADL2_Main_Control_Create first to obtain ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE instance that has to be passed to each subsequent ADL2 call and finally destroyed using ADL2_Main_Control_Destroy.

◆ ADL2_Adapter_Active_SetPrefer()

int ADL2_Adapter_Active_SetPrefer ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
int  iStatus,
int  iNumPreferTarget,
ADLDisplayTarget lpPreferTarget,
int *  lpNewlyActivate 

Function to set the current extended desktop mode status for the display.

This function enables or disables the input adapter for a specified display. In addition, this function allows the user to enable the input adapter and pass in the preferred targets.

Supported Platforms:
Windows 7, 10 and above; 32bit and 64bit
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[in]iStatusThe desired display extended desktop mode status. ADL_TRUE : extended desktop mode; ADL_FALSE : otherwise.
[in]iNumPreferTargetIf iStatus is TRUE, the user can pass the size of preferred Display Targets array.
[in]lpPreferTargetIf iStatus is TRUE, the user can pass the preferred Display Targets array to be enabled (with targets cloned).
[out]lpNewlyActivateThe pointer to the retrieved adapter activation information. ADL_TRUE : the adapter is activated for the first time; ADL_FALSE : otherwise.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes
Clients can use ADL2 version of the API to assure that there is no interference with other ADL clients that are running in the same process . Such clients have to call ADL2_Main_Control_Create first to obtain ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE instance that has to be passed to each subsequent ADL2 call and finally destroyed using ADL2_Main_Control_Destroy.

◆ ADL2_Adapter_AdapterInfo_Get()

int ADL2_Adapter_AdapterInfo_Get ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
LPAdapterInfo  lpInfo,
int  iInputSize 

Retrieves all OS-known adapter information.

This function retrieves the adapter information of all OS-known adapters in the system. OS-known adapters can include adapters that are physically present in the system (logical adapters)
as well as ones that are no longer present in the system but are still recognized by the OS.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iInputSizeThe size of the lpInfo buffer.
[out]lpInfoThe pointer to the buffer containing the retrieved adapter information.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes
This API take a fixed-size output array. For dynamic-size output, use ADL_Adapter_AdapterInfoX2_Get function.
Clients can use ADL2 version of the API to assure that there is no interference with other ADL clients that are running in the same process . Such clients have to call ADL2_Main_Control_Create first to obtain ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE instance that has to be passed to each subsequent ADL2 call and finally destroyed using ADL2_Main_Control_Destroy.

◆ ADL2_Adapter_AdapterInfoX2_Get()

int ADL2_Adapter_AdapterInfoX2_Get ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
AdapterInfo **  lppAdapterInfo 

Retrieves all OS-known adapter information.

This function retrieves the adapter information of all OS-known adapters in the system. OS-known adapters can include adapters that are physically present in the system (logical adapters)
as well as ones that are no longer present in the system but are still recognized by the OS.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[out]lppAdapterInfois pointer to the pointer of AdapterInfo array. Initialize to NULL before calling this API. ADL will allocate the necessary memory, using the user provided callback function.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes
This API uses the memory allocation callback function provided by the user.
Clients can use ADL2 version of the API to assure that there is no interference with other ADL clients that are running in the same process . Such clients have to call ADL2_Main_Control_Create first to obtain ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE instance that has to be passed to each subsequent ADL2 call and finally destroyed using ADL2_Main_Control_Destroy.

◆ ADL2_Adapter_AdapterInfoX3_Get()

int ADL2_Adapter_AdapterInfoX3_Get ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
int *  numAdapters,
AdapterInfo **  lppAdapterInfo 
ADL local interface. Retrieves adapter information for given adapter or all OS-known adapters.

This function retrieves information for passed adapter or if pass -1, information of all OS-known adapters in the system. OS-known adapters can include adapters that are physically present in the system (logical adapters)
as well as ones that are no longer present in the system but are still recognized by the OS.

[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter or -1 if all adapters are desired
[out]numberof items in the lppAdapterInfo array. Can pass NULL pointer if passign an adapter index (in which case only one AdapterInfo is returned)
[out]lppAdapterInfopointer to the pointer of AdapterInfo array. Initialize to NULL before calling this API. ADL will allocate the necessary memory, using the user provided callback function.
Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
If the function valid, the return value is 1. Otherwise it is 0.
This API uses the memory allocation callback function provided by the user.
Clients can use ADL2 version of the API to assure that there is no interference with other ADL clients that are running in the same process . Such clients have to call ADL2_Main_Control_Create first to obtain ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE instance that has to be passed to each subsequent ADL2 call and finally destroyed using ADL2_Main_Control_Destroy.

◆ ADL2_Adapter_AdapterInfoX4_Get()

int ADL2_Adapter_AdapterInfoX4_Get ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
int *  numAdapters,
AdapterInfoX2 **  lppAdapterInfoX2 
ADL local interface. Retrieves extended adapter information for given adapter or all OS-known adapters.

This function retrieves information for passed adapter or if pass -1, information of all OS-known adapters in the system. OS-known adapters can include adapters that are physically present in the system (logical adapters)
as well as ones that are no longer present in the system but are still recognized by the OS.

[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter or -1 if all adapters are desired
[out]numberof items in the lppAdapterInfo array. Can pass NULL pointer if passing an adapter index (in which case only one AdapterInfo is returned)
[out]lppAdapterInfoX2pointer to the pointer of AdapterInfoX2 array. Initialize to NULL before calling this API. ADL will allocate the necessary memory, using the user provided callback function.
Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
If the function valid, the return value is 1. Otherwise it is 0.
This API uses the memory allocation callback function provided by the user.
Clients can use ADL2 version of the API to assure that there is no interference with other ADL clients that are running in the same process . Such clients have to call ADL2_Main_Control_Create first to obtain ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE instance that has to be passed to each subsequent ADL2 call and finally destroyed using ADL2_Main_Control_Destroy.

◆ ADL2_Adapter_AdapterList_Disable()

int ADL2_Adapter_AdapterList_Disable ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iNumAdapters,
int *  lpAdapterIndexList,
bool  isSkipSaveDB = false 
Function to disable a list of logic adapters once.

This function disable multiple adapters in one CCD call for Win7 and later in order to improve the performace. the fucntion will fail if the current primary adapter is in the disabled adapter list

Supported Platforms:
Windows 7; 32bit and 64bit,WIN8
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iNumAdaptersAn integer indicates the number of desktops to be disabled.
[in]lpAdapterIndexListThe pointer to the integer array that contains the list of logicl adapter indexes to be disabled
[in]isSkipSaveDBA bool flag to indicate a temporary Display config setting (no SDC_SAVE_TO_DATABASE)
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes
Clients can use ADL2 version of the API to assure that there is no interference with other ADL clients that are running in the same process . Such clients have to call ADL2_Main_Control_Create first to obtain ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE instance that has to be passed to each subsequent ADL2 call and finally destroyed using ADL2_Main_Control_Destroy.

◆ ADL2_Adapter_ASICFamilyType_Get()

int ADL2_Adapter_ASICFamilyType_Get ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
int *  lpAsicTypes,
int *  lpValids 

Function to get the ASICFamilyType from the adapter.

This function retrieves the ASIC family types for a specified adapter.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[out]lpAsicTypesThe pointer to the Detailed asic types information retrieved from the driver.
[out]lpValidsThe pointer to the bit vector indicating which bit is valid on the lpAsicTypes returned.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK (zero). Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code (non-zero). Result Codes
Clients can use ADL2 version of the API to assure that there is no interference with other ADL clients that are running in the same process . Such clients have to call ADL2_Main_Control_Create first to obtain ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE instance that has to be passed to each subsequent ADL2 call and finally destroyed using ADL2_Main_Control_Destroy.

◆ ADL2_Adapter_Aspects_Get()

int ADL2_Adapter_Aspects_Get ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
char *  lpAspects,
int  iSize 

ADL local interface. Function to retrieve the supported aspects list.

This function retrieves the list of supported aspects for a specified adapter.

[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[out]lpAspectsThe pointer to the buffer storing the list of aspects supported for the specified adapter.
[in]iSizeThe size of the lpAspects buffer.
Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
If the function valid, the return value is 1. Otherwise it is 0.
Clients can use ADL2 version of the API to assure that there is no interference with other ADL clients that are running in the same process . Such clients have to call ADL2_Main_Control_Create first to obtain ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE instance that has to be passed to each subsequent ADL2 call and finally destroyed using ADL2_Main_Control_Destroy.

◆ ADL2_Adapter_BigSw_Info_Get()

int ADL2_Adapter_BigSw_Info_Get ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
int *  lpBigSwSupportMajor,
int *  lpBigSwSupportMinor,
int *  lpRedStoneSupport 

This function retrieves the Big Software & Red Stone support information for a specified adapter.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[out]lpBigSwSupportMajorThe pointer to the Big Software major version information retrieved from the driver. Detailed asic types
[out]lpBigSwSupportMinorThe pointer to the Big Software minor version information retrieved from the driver. Detailed asic types
[out]lpRedStoneSupportThe pointer to the Red Stone support information retrieved from the driver.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK (zero). Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code (non-zero). Result Codes

◆ ADL2_Adapter_Caps()

int ADL2_Adapter_Caps ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
ADLAdapterCaps adapterCaps 
Function to retrieve adapter caps information.

This function implements a DI call to retrieve adapter capability information .

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[out]adapterCapsThe pointer to the structure storing the retrieved adapter capability information.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK, or an ADL error code otherwise. Result Codes
Clients can use ADL2 version of the API to assure that there is no interference with other ADL clients that are running in the same process . Such clients have to call ADL2_Main_Control_Create first to obtain ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE instance that has to be passed to each subsequent ADL2 call and finally destroyed using ADL2_Main_Control_Destroy.

◆ ADL2_Adapter_ChipSetInfo_Get()

int ADL2_Adapter_ChipSetInfo_Get ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
ADLChipSetInfo lpChipSetInfo 
ADL local interface. Function to retrieve chipset information.

This function retrieves the chipset information for a specified adapter.

[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[out]lpChipSetInfoThe pointer to the structure storing the retrieved chipset information.
Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes
Clients can use ADL2 version of the API to assure that there is no interference with other ADL clients that are running in the same process . Such clients have to call ADL2_Main_Control_Create first to obtain ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE instance that has to be passed to each subsequent ADL2 call and finally destroyed using ADL2_Main_Control_Destroy.

◆ ADL2_Adapter_DedicatedVRAMUsage_Get()

int ADL2_Adapter_DedicatedVRAMUsage_Get ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
int *  iVRAMUsageInMB 

This function retrieves the Dedicated VRAM usage of given adapter

The function is used to get Dedicated VRAM usge by calling MS Counter.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexThe index of the desired adapter.
[in]iVRAMUsageInMBThe pointer to an int variable retrives the current usage of VRAM.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK (zero). Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code (non-zero). Result Codes
Clients can use ADL2 version of the API to assure that there is no interference with other ADL clients that are running in the same process . Such clients have to call ADL2_Main_Control_Create first to obtain ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE instance that has to be passed to each subsequent ADL2 call and finally destroyed using ADL2_Main_Control_Destroy.

◆ ADL2_Adapter_Feature_Caps()

int ADL2_Adapter_Feature_Caps ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
int *  iIsFeatureSupported 
Function to Checks the feature if given GPU (identified by adapter id) supports or not.

Checks if given GPU (identified by adapter id) supports feature (iFeatureID) or not.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[in]iFeatureIDThe Feature index of the desired feature. ADL_UIFEATURES_GROUP
[out]iIsFeatureSupportedThe pointer to the structure storing the retrieved adapter capability information.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK, or an ADL error code otherwise. Result Codes

◆ ADL2_Adapter_HBC_Caps()

int ADL2_Adapter_HBC_Caps ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
int *  lpHbcCapable 
Function to retrieve HBC Capability.

This function retrieves the HBC Capability for a specified graphics adapter.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]context: Client's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndex: The ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[out]lpHbcCapable: Will be set to 1 to indicate that given GPU supports HBC.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes
Clients can use ADL2 version of the API to assure that there is no interference with other ADL clients that are running in the same process . Such clients have to call ADL2_Main_Control_Create first to obtain ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE instance that has to be passed to each subsequent ADL2 call and finally destroyed using ADL2_Main_Control_Destroy.

◆ ADL2_Adapter_Headless_Get()

int ADL2_Adapter_Headless_Get ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
int *  lpHeadless 
Function to retrieve whether an adapter is Headless or not.

This function implements private adapter info to retrieve the configuration state of a specified adapter.

Supported Platforms:
Windows 7, 10 and above; 32bit and 64bit
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[out]lpHeadlessInteger indicating the state of the adapter.

◆ ADL2_Adapter_ID_Get()

int ADL2_Adapter_ID_Get ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
int *  lpAdapterID 

Function to get the unique identifier of an adapter.

This function retrieves the unique identifier of a specified adapter.
The adapter ID is a unique value and will be used to determine what other controllers share the same adapter.
The desktop will use this to find which HDCs are associated with an adapter.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[out]lpAdapterIDThe pointer to the adapter identifier. Zero means: The adapter is not AMD.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes
This API is a duplicate to ADL_Display_AdapterID_Get()
Clients can use ADL2 version of the API to assure that there is no interference with other ADL clients that are running in the same process . Such clients have to call ADL2_Main_Control_Create first to obtain ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE instance that has to be passed to each subsequent ADL2 call and finally destroyed using ADL2_Main_Control_Destroy.

◆ ADL2_Adapter_IsGamingDriver_Info_Get()

int ADL2_Adapter_IsGamingDriver_Info_Get ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
int *  lpCwgSupport,
int *  lpIsGamingMode 
This function retrieves the creator who game support information for a specified adapter.
Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[out]lpCwgSupportWill be set to 1 to indicate that given GPU supports CWG. Detailed asic types
[out]lpIsGamingModeWill be set to 1 to indicate that given GPU supports Gaming Mode. Detailed asic types
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK (zero). Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code (non-zero). Result Codes

◆ ADL2_Adapter_LED_Support_Cap()

int ADL2_Adapter_LED_Support_Cap ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
int *  iSupported,
int *  iEnabled,
int *  iVersion 
Function to retrieve current LED support capability

This function retrieves current status of LED supported for a specified adapter.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iSupportedThe pointer to an int variable which indicates if LED is supported ( ADL_TRUE : supported, ADL_FALSE : not supported)
[in]iEnabledThe pointer to an int variable which indicates if LED is enabled ( ADL_TRUE : enabled, ADL_FALSE : disabled)
[in]iVersionThe pointer to an int variable receiving the LED feature version.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK (zero). Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code (non-zero). Result Codes. If Overdrive feature is not supported the return code is ADL_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED
Call this API prior to calling any other LED APIs to determine if this feature is supported and enabled.
Clients can use ADL2 version of the API to assure that there is no interference with other ADL clients that are running in the same process . Such clients have to call ADL2_Main_Control_Create first to obtain ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE instance that has to be passed to each subsequent ADL2 call and finally destroyed using ADL2_Main_Control_Destroy.

◆ ADL2_Adapter_MemoryInfo2_Get()

int ADL2_Adapter_MemoryInfo2_Get ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
ADLMemoryInfo2 lpMemoryInfo2 
Function to retrieve memory information from the adapter. Version 2

This function retrieves the memory information for a specified graphics adapter.

Supported Platforms:
Linux; 32bit and 64bit
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[out]lpMemoryInfo2The pointer to the structure storing the retrieved memory information.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes
Clients can use ADL2 version of the API to assure that there is no interference with other ADL clients that are running in the same process . Such clients have to call ADL2_Main_Control_Create first to obtain ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE instance that has to be passed to each subsequent ADL2 call and finally destroyed using ADL2_Main_Control_Destroy.

◆ ADL2_Adapter_MemoryInfoX4_Get()

int ADL2_Adapter_MemoryInfoX4_Get ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
ADLMemoryInfoX4 lpMemoryInfoX4 
Function to retrieve memory information from the adapter. Version 4

This function retrieves the memory information for a specified graphics adapter.

Supported Platforms:
Linux; 32bit and 64bit
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[out]lpMemoryInfoX4The pointer to the structure storing the retrieved memory information.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes
Clients can use ADL2 version of the API to assure that there is no interference with other ADL clients that are running in the same process . Such clients have to call ADL2_Main_Control_Create first to obtain ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE instance that has to be passed to each subsequent ADL2 call and finally destroyed using ADL2_Main_Control_Destroy.

◆ ADL2_Adapter_Modes_ReEnumerate()

int ADL2_Adapter_Modes_ReEnumerate ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context)
Function to re-enumerate adapter modes.

This function re-enumerates adapter modes

Supported Platforms:
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes
For Win7 only. This internal AMD API is used to test driver's SLS middle mode feature.
Clients can use ADL2 version of the API to assure that there is no interference with other ADL clients that are running in the same process . Such clients have to call ADL2_Main_Control_Create first to obtain ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE instance that has to be passed to each subsequent ADL2 call and finally destroyed using ADL2_Main_Control_Destroy.

◆ ADL2_Adapter_ModeSwitch()

int ADL2_Adapter_ModeSwitch ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex 

Function to perform a mode switch for an adapter.

This function performs a mode switch for a specified adapter.

Supported Platforms:
Windows 7, 10 and above; 32bit and 64bit
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes
Clients can use ADL2 version of the API to assure that there is no interference with other ADL clients that are running in the same process . Such clients have to call ADL2_Main_Control_Create first to obtain ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE instance that has to be passed to each subsequent ADL2 call and finally destroyed using ADL2_Main_Control_Destroy.

◆ ADL2_Adapter_NumberOfAdapters_Get()

int ADL2_Adapter_NumberOfAdapters_Get ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int *  lpNumAdapters 

Function to retrieve the number of OS-known adapters.

This function retrieves the number of graphics adapters recognized by the OS (OS-known adapters). OS-known adapters can include adapters that are physically present in the system (logical adapters)
as well as ones that no longer present in the system but are still recognized by the OS.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[out]lpNumAdaptersThe pointer to the number of OS-known adapters.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes
Clients can use ADL2 version of the API to assure that there is no interference with other ADL clients that are running in the same process . Such clients have to call ADL2_Main_Control_Create first to obtain ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE instance that has to be passed to each subsequent ADL2 call and finally destroyed using ADL2_Main_Control_Destroy.

◆ ADL2_Adapter_ObservedClockInfo_Get()

int ADL2_Adapter_ObservedClockInfo_Get ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
int *  lpCoreClock,
int *  lpMemoryClock 

Function to get the core and memory clock info of an adapter.  This is the clock displayed on CCC information center.  Specific logic is used to select appropriate clock for display in current configuration.

This function retrieves the core and memory clock of an adapter.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.

◆ ADL2_Adapter_Primary_Get()

int ADL2_Adapter_Primary_Get ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int *  lpPrimaryAdapterIndex 

Function to retrieve the primary display adapter index.

This function retrieves the adapter index for the primary display adapter.

Supported Platforms:
Windows 7, 10 and above; 32bit and 64bit
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[out]lpPrimaryAdapterIndexThe pointer to the ADL index handle of the primary adapter.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes
Clients can use ADL2 version of the API to assure that there is no interference with other ADL clients that are running in the same process . Such clients have to call ADL2_Main_Control_Create first to obtain ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE instance that has to be passed to each subsequent ADL2 call and finally destroyed using ADL2_Main_Control_Destroy.

◆ ADL2_Adapter_Primary_Set()

int ADL2_Adapter_Primary_Set ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex 

Function to set the primary display adapter index.

This function sets the adapter index for a specified primary display adapter.

Supported Platforms:
Windows 7, 10 and above; 32bit and 64bit
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes
Clients can use ADL2 version of the API to assure that there is no interference with other ADL clients that are running in the same process . Such clients have to call ADL2_Main_Control_Create first to obtain ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE instance that has to be passed to each subsequent ADL2 call and finally destroyed using ADL2_Main_Control_Destroy.

◆ ADL2_Adapter_RegValueInt_Get()

int ADL2_Adapter_RegValueInt_Get ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
int  iDriverPathOption,
char *  szSubKey,
char *  szKeyName,
int *  lpKeyValue 

ADL local interface. Function to query a integer registry value set by driver.

This function queries a driver registry integer value for a specified adapter by specifying the subkey path and key name.

[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[in]iDriverPathOptionThe option of the driver path. 0: Current; 1: function1; 2: function2; 0xFFFF for all device.
[in]szSubKeyThe path of registry subkey to be accessed. This is a null terminated string and the parameter can be NULL.
[in]szKeyNameThe name of registry value to be got. This is a null terminated string.
[out]lpKeyValueThe pointer to registry value to be got.
Supported Platforms:
Windows 7, 10 and above; 32bit and 64bit
If the function valid, the return value is 1. Otherwise it is 0.
Clients can use ADL2 version of the API to assure that there is no interference with other ADL clients that are running in the same process . Such clients have to call ADL2_Main_Control_Create first to obtain ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE instance that has to be passed to each subsequent ADL2 call and finally destroyed using ADL2_Main_Control_Destroy.

◆ ADL2_Adapter_RegValueInt_Set()

int ADL2_Adapter_RegValueInt_Set ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
int  iDriverPathOption,
char *  szSubKey,
char *  szKeyName,
int  iKeyValue 

ADL local interface. Function to set a driver registry integer value.

This function sets a driver registry integer value for a specified adapter by specifying the subkey path and key name.

[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[in]iDriverPathOptionThe option of the driver path. 0: Current; 1: function1; 2: function2; 0xFFFF for all device.
[in]szSubKeyThe path of registry subkey to be accessed. This is a null terminated string and the parameter can be NULL.
[in]szKeyNameThe name of registry value to be set. This is a null terminated string.
[in]iKeyValueThe integer registry value to be set.
Supported Platforms:
Windows 7, 10 and above; 32bit and 64bit
If the function valid, the return value is 1. Otherwise it is 0.
Clients can use ADL2 version of the API to assure that there is no interference with other ADL clients that are running in the same process . Such clients have to call ADL2_Main_Control_Create first to obtain ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE instance that has to be passed to each subsequent ADL2 call and finally destroyed using ADL2_Main_Control_Destroy.

◆ ADL2_Adapter_RegValueString_Get()

int ADL2_Adapter_RegValueString_Get ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
int  iDriverPathOption,
char *  szSubKey,
char *  szKeyName,
int  iSize,
char *  lpKeyValue 

ADL local interface. Function to query a string registry value set by driver.

This function queries a driver registry string value for a specified adapter by specifying the subkey path and key name.

[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[in]iDriverPathOptionThe option of the driver path. 0: Current; 1: function1; 2: function2; 0xFFFF for all device.
[in]szSubKeyThe path of registry sub key to be accessed. This is a null terminated string and the parameter can be NULL.
[in]szKeyNameThe name of registry value to be got. This is a null terminated string.
[in]iSizeThe size of registry value to be got.
[out]lpKeyValueThe pointer to registry value to be got.
Supported Platforms:
Windows 7, 10 and above; 32bit and 64bit
If the function valid, the return value is 1. Otherwise it is 0.
Clients can use ADL2 version of the API to assure that there is no interference with other ADL clients that are running in the same process . Such clients have to call ADL2_Main_Control_Create first to obtain ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE instance that has to be passed to each subsequent ADL2 call and finally destroyed using ADL2_Main_Control_Destroy.

◆ ADL2_Adapter_RegValueString_Set()

int ADL2_Adapter_RegValueString_Set ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
int  iDriverPathOption,
char *  szSubKey,
char *  szKeyName,
int  iSize,
char *  lpKeyValue 

ADL local interface. Function to set a driver registry string value.

This function sets a driver registry string value for a specified adapter by specifying the subkey path and key name.

[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[in]iDriverPathOptionThe option of the driver path. 0: Current; 1: function1; 2: function2; 0xFFFF for all device.
[in]szSubKeyThe path of registry sub key to be accessed. This is a null terminated string and the parameter can be NULL.
[in]szKeyNameThe name of registry value to be set. This is a null terminated string.
[in]iSizeThe size of registry value to be set.
[in]lpKeyValueThe pointer to registry value to be set.
Supported Platforms:
Windows 7, 10 and above; 32bit and 64bit
If the function valid, the return value is 1. Otherwise it is 0.
Clients can use ADL2 version of the API to assure that there is no interference with other ADL clients that are running in the same process . Such clients have to call ADL2_Main_Control_Create first to obtain ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE instance that has to be passed to each subsequent ADL2 call and finally destroyed using ADL2_Main_Control_Destroy.

◆ ADL2_Adapter_Speed_Caps()

int ADL2_Adapter_Speed_Caps ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
int *  lpCaps,
int *  lpValid 

Function to get the current Force3DClock setting from the adapter.

This function retrieves the adapter speed information for a specified adapter. Return valud can be ADL_ADAPTER_SPEEDCAPS_SUPPORTED or “0”

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[out]lpCapsThe caps of adapter speed settings
[out]lpValidThe valid bits of adapter speed settings
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK (zero). Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code (non-zero). Result Codes
Clients can use ADL2 version of the API to assure that there is no interference with other ADL clients that are running in the same process . Such clients have to call ADL2_Main_Control_Create first to obtain ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE instance that has to be passed to each subsequent ADL2 call and finally destroyed using ADL2_Main_Control_Destroy.

◆ ADL2_Adapter_Speed_Get()

int ADL2_Adapter_Speed_Get ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
int *  lpCurrent,
int *  lpDefault 

Function to get the current Speed setting from the adapter.

This function retrieves the adapter speed information for a specified adapter. Return value is either ADL_CONTEXT_SPEED_UNFORCED or ADL_CONTEXT_SPEED_FORCEHIGH

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[out]lpCurrentThe current speed setting
[out]lpDefaultThe default speed setting
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK (zero). Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code (non-zero). Result Codes
Clients can use ADL2 version of the API to assure that there is no interference with other ADL clients that are running in the same process . Such clients have to call ADL2_Main_Control_Create first to obtain ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE instance that has to be passed to each subsequent ADL2 call and finally destroyed using ADL2_Main_Control_Destroy.

◆ ADL2_Adapter_Speed_Set()

int ADL2_Adapter_Speed_Set ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
int  iSpeed 

Function to set the current Speed setting from the adapter.

This function set the adapter speed information for a specified adapter. Input value is either ADL_CONTEXT_SPEED_UNFORCED or ADL_CONTEXT_SPEED_FORCEHIGH

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[in]iSpeedThe speed to set on specified adapter
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK (zero). Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code (non-zero). Result Codes
Clients can use ADL2 version of the API to assure that there is no interference with other ADL clients that are running in the same process . Such clients have to call ADL2_Main_Control_Create first to obtain ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE instance that has to be passed to each subsequent ADL2 call and finally destroyed using ADL2_Main_Control_Destroy.

◆ ADL2_Adapter_TRNG_Get()

int ADL2_Adapter_TRNG_Get ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
int  iTRNGSize,
int  iTRNGBufferSize,
char *  lpTRNGBuffer 
Function to retrieve true Hardware generated random number.

This function implements a lhEscape call to retrieve TRGN from hardware .

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[in]iTRNGSizesize of the requested TRNG
[in]iTRNGBufferSizesize of the trngBuffer
[out]trngBufferThe pointer where TRNG value is stored, buffer should be allocated at client side
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK, or an ADL error code otherwise. Result Codes
Clients can use ADL2 version of the API to assure that there is no interference with other ADL clients that are running in the same process . Such clients have to call ADL2_Main_Control_Create first to obtain ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE instance that has to be passed to each subsequent ADL2 call and finally destroyed using ADL2_Main_Control_Destroy.

◆ ADL2_Adapter_VerndorID_Int_get()

int ADL2_Adapter_VerndorID_Int_get ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex 

Retrieves adapter vendor id.

This function retrieves the parsed hex vendor id

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes

◆ ADL2_Adapter_VideoBiosInfo_Get()

int ADL2_Adapter_VideoBiosInfo_Get ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
ADLBiosInfo lpBiosInfo 

ADL local interface. Function to retrieve BIOS information.

This function retrieves the BIOS information for a specified adapter.

[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[out]lpBiosInfoThe pointer to the structure storing the retrieved BIOs information.
Supported Platforms:
Linux; 32bit and 64bit
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes
Clients can use ADL2 version of the API to assure that there is no interference with other ADL clients that are running in the same process . Such clients have to call ADL2_Main_Control_Create first to obtain ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE instance that has to be passed to each subsequent ADL2 call and finally destroyed using ADL2_Main_Control_Destroy.

◆ ADL2_Adapter_VRAMUsage_Get()

int ADL2_Adapter_VRAMUsage_Get ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
int *  iVRAMUsageInMB 

This function retrieves the VRAM usage of given adapter

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexThe index of the desired adapter.
[in]iVRAMUsageInMBThe pointer to an int variable retrives the current usage of VRAM.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK (zero). Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code (non-zero). Result Codes
Clients can use ADL2 version of the API to assure that there is no interference with other ADL clients that are running in the same process . Such clients have to call ADL2_Main_Control_Create first to obtain ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE instance that has to be passed to each subsequent ADL2 call and finally destroyed using ADL2_Main_Control_Destroy.

◆ ADL2_AdapterX2_Caps()

int ADL2_AdapterX2_Caps ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
ADLAdapterCapsX2 adapterCaps 

Function to retrieve adapter caps information.

This function implements a DI call to retrieve adapter capability information .

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[out]adapterCapsThe pointer to the structure storing the retrieved adapter capability information.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK, or an ADL error code otherwise. Result Codes
Clients can use ADL2 version of the API to assure that there is no interference with other ADL clients that are running in the same process . Such clients have to call ADL2_Main_Control_Create first to obtain ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE instance that has to be passed to each subsequent ADL2 call and finally destroyed using ADL2_Main_Control_Destroy.

◆ ADL2_Feature_Settings_Get()

int ADL2_Feature_Settings_Get ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
int *  iCurrent 
Function to retrieve the current value of given feature on a given adapter

provides the current value of the given feature

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[in]iFeatureIDThe Feature index of the desired feature. ADL_UIFEATURES_GROUP
[out]iCurrentThe pointer to the structure storing the retrieved feature current value.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK, or an ADL error code otherwise. Result Codes

◆ ADL2_Feature_Settings_Set()

int ADL2_Feature_Settings_Set ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
int  iCurrent 
Function sets the current value to driver of given adapter

sets the current value to the given adapter

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[in]iFeatureIDThe Feature index of the desired feature. ADL_UIFEATURES_GROUP
[in]iCurrentThe pointer to the feature current value
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK, or an ADL error code otherwise. Result Codes

◆ ADL2_Flush_Driver_Data()

int ADL2_Flush_Driver_Data ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex 

Function to save driver data.

This function saves all required data from driver to persist updated settings

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexThe adapter index to be flushed.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes
Clients can use ADL2 version of the API to assure that there is no interference with other ADL clients that are running in the same process . Such clients have to call ADL2_Main_Control_Create first to obtain ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE instance that has to be passed to each subsequent ADL2 call and finally destroyed using ADL2_Main_Control_Destroy.

◆ ADL2_GcnAsicInfo_Get()

int ADL2_GcnAsicInfo_Get ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
ADLGcnInfo gcnInfo 
For given ASIC returns information about components of ASIC GCN architecture. Such as number of compute units, number of Tex (Texture filtering units) , number of ROPs (render back-ends).
Supported Platforms:
Windows 7, 10 and above; 32bit and 64bit
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter. The adapter identifies the ASIC that the information will be returned for.
[out]gcnInfoThe ADL structure that contains information about components of ASIC GCN architecture.
. The method is supported only for SI+ family of the ASICs and up to Carrizzo inclusive. Otherwise ADL_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED is returned

◆ ADL2_GPUVMPageSize_Info_Get()

int ADL2_GPUVMPageSize_Info_Get ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
int *  iVMPageSizeSupport,
int *  iVMPageSizeType 
Function to gets the GPU VM PageSize info.

This function retrieves the GPU VM PageSize info for a specified adapter.

Supported Platforms:
Windows 7, 10 and above; 32bit and 64bit
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[out]iVMPageSizeSupport1 for supported and 0 for unsupported
[out]iVMPageSizeTypeType will be available only if iVMPageSizeSupport is 1. 0: Invalid; 1: Gaming; 2: Mining
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes
Clients can use ADL2 version of the API to assure that there is no interference with other ADL clients that are running in the same process . Such clients have to call ADL2_Main_Control_Create first to obtain ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE instance that has to be passed to each subsequent ADL2 call and finally destroyed using ADL2_Main_Control_Destroy.

◆ ADL2_GPUVMPageSize_Info_Set()

int ADL2_GPUVMPageSize_Info_Set ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
int  iVMPageSizeType 
Function to sets the GPU VM PageSize info.

This function sets the GPU VM PageSize type for a specified adapter.

Supported Platforms:
Windows 7, 10 and above; 32bit and 64bit
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[in]iVMPageSizeTypeType will be available only if iVMPageSizeSupport = 1.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes
Clients can use ADL2 version of the API to assure that there is no interference with other ADL clients that are running in the same process . Such clients have to call ADL2_Main_Control_Create first to obtain ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE instance that has to be passed to each subsequent ADL2 call and finally destroyed using ADL2_Main_Control_Destroy.

◆ ADL2_SmartShift_DeltaGain_Set()

int ADL2_SmartShift_DeltaGain_Set ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
int  iMode,
int  iValue 
Function to set the Smart shift Delta gain settings.

This function set the smart shift Delta gain settings for a specified adapter.

Supported Platforms:
Windows 7, 10 and above; 32bit and 64bit
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[in]iModeSmart shift Mode
[in]iValueSmart shift value
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes
Clients can use ADL2 version of the API to assure that there is no interference with other ADL clients that are running in the same process . Such clients have to call ADL2_Main_Control_Create first to obtain ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE instance that has to be passed to each subsequent ADL2 call and finally destroyed using ADL2_Main_Control_Destroy.

◆ ADL2_SmartShift_Settings_Get()

int ADL2_SmartShift_Settings_Get ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
ADLSmartShiftSettings lpCurrent 
Function to get the Smart shift Settings.

This function retrieves the smart shift settings for a specified adapter.

Supported Platforms:
Windows 7, 10 and above; 32bit and 64bit
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[out]lpCurrentSmart shift settings
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes
Clients can use ADL2 version of the API to assure that there is no interference with other ADL clients that are running in the same process . Such clients have to call ADL2_Main_Control_Create first to obtain ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE instance that has to be passed to each subsequent ADL2 call and finally destroyed using ADL2_Main_Control_Destroy.

◆ ADL2_SmartShift_Support()

int ADL2_SmartShift_Support ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
int *  lpSupported,
int *  lpVersion 
Function to get the Smart shift support.

This function retrieves the smart shift support for a specified adapter.

Supported Platforms:
Windows 7, 10 and above; 32bit and 64bit
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[out]lpSupportedSmart shift supported state
[out]lpVersionSmart shift supported version
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes
Clients can use ADL2 version of the API to assure that there is no interference with other ADL clients that are running in the same process . Such clients have to call ADL2_Main_Control_Create first to obtain ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE instance that has to be passed to each subsequent ADL2 call and finally destroyed using ADL2_Main_Control_Destroy.

◆ ADL2_Stress_Test_Cap()

int ADL2_Stress_Test_Cap ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
int *  iSupported,
int *  iEnabled,
int *  iVersion 
Function to retrieve current workattaion overdrive support capabilities

This function retrieves current Stress Test overdrivecapabilities for a specified adapter.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iSupportedThe pointer to an int variable which indicates if Overdrive feature is supported ( ADL_TRUE : supported, ADL_FALSE : not supported)
[in]iEnabledThe pointer to an int variable which indicates if Overdrive feature is enabled ( ADL_TRUE : enabled, ADL_FALSE : disabled)
[in]iVersionThe pointer to an int variable receiving the Overdrive feature version.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK (zero). Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code (non-zero). Result Codes. If Overdrive feature is not supported the return code is ADL_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED
Call this API prior to calling any other Overdrive APIs to determine if this feature is supported and enabled.
Clients can use ADL2 version of the API to assure that there is no interference with other ADL clients that are running in the same process . Such clients have to call ADL2_Main_Control_Create first to obtain ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE instance that has to be passed to each subsequent ADL2 call and finally destroyed using ADL2_Main_Control_Destroy.

◆ ADL2_Throttle_Notification_Cap()

int ADL2_Throttle_Notification_Cap ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
int *  iSupported,
int *  iEnabled,
int *  iVersion 
Function to retrieve current workattaion overdrive support capabilities

This function retrieves current Throttle Notification overdrivecapabilities for a specified adapter.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.
[in]iSupportedThe pointer to an int variable which indicates if Overdrive feature is supported ( ADL_TRUE : supported, ADL_FALSE : not supported)
[in]iEnabledThe pointer to an int variable which indicates if Overdrive feature is enabled ( ADL_TRUE : enabled, ADL_FALSE : disabled)
[in]iVersionThe pointer to an int variable receiving the Overdrive feature version.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK (zero). Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code (non-zero). Result Codes. If Overdrive feature is not supported the return code is ADL_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED
Call this API prior to calling any other Overdrive APIs to determine if this feature is supported and enabled.
Clients can use ADL2 version of the API to assure that there is no interference with other ADL clients that are running in the same process . Such clients have to call ADL2_Main_Control_Create first to obtain ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE instance that has to be passed to each subsequent ADL2 call and finally destroyed using ADL2_Main_Control_Destroy.

◆ ADL_Adapter_Accessibility_Get()

int ADL_Adapter_Accessibility_Get ( int  iAdapterIndex,
int *  lpAccessibility 

Function to check if the GPU is accessible or not at the time of this call.

Some GPUs enter into various power savings mode when not in use, and during this time, direct access to the GPU can result in failures. Access through proper channels (such as via ADL) always works because the software accounts for the GPU's accessibility. However, direct access outside of authorised mechanisms may fail. Use this API to find out if the GPU is currently accessible or not. If API returns GPU accessible, this status will be maintained for 2 seconds.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[out]lpAccessibilityThe pointer to an int value which indicates if the adapter is accessible or not (ADL_TRUE : Accessible, ADL_FALSE : Not accessible)
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes

◆ ADL_Adapter_Active_Get()

int ADL_Adapter_Active_Get ( int  iAdapterIndex,
int *  lpStatus 

Function to determine if the adapter is active or not.

The function is used to check if the adapter associated with iAdapterIndex is active which has enabled desktop mapped on it.

Supported Platforms:
Windows 7, 10 and above; 32bit and 64bit
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[out]lpStatusThe pointer to the retrieved status. ADL_TRUE : Active; ADL_FALSE : Disabled.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes

◆ ADL_Adapter_Active_Set()

int ADL_Adapter_Active_Set ( int  iAdapterIndex,
int  iStatus,
int *  lpNewlyActivate 

Function to set the current extended desktop mode status for a display.

This function enables or disables extended desktop mode for a specified display.

Supported Platforms:
Windows 7, 10 and above; 32bit and 64bit
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[in]iStatusThe desired display extended desktop mode status. ADL_TRUE : extended desktop mode; ADL_FALSE : otherwise.
[out]lpNewlyActivateThe pointer to the retrieved adapter activation information. ADL_TRUE : the adapter is activated for the first time; ADL_FALSE : otherwise.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes

◆ ADL_Adapter_Active_SetPrefer()

int ADL_Adapter_Active_SetPrefer ( int  iAdapterIndex,
int  iStatus,
int  iNumPreferTarget,
ADLDisplayTarget lpPreferTarget,
int *  lpNewlyActivate 

Function to set the current extended desktop mode status for the display.

This function enables or disables the input adapter for a specified display. In addition, this function allows the user to enable the input adapter and pass in the preferred targets.

Supported Platforms:
Windows 7, 10 and above; 32bit and 64bit
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[in]iStatusThe desired display extended desktop mode status. ADL_TRUE : extended desktop mode; ADL_FALSE : otherwise.
[in]iNumPreferTargetIf iStatus is TRUE, the user can pass the size of preferred Display Targets array.
[in]lpPreferTargetIf iStatus is TRUE, the user can pass the preferred Display Targets array to be enabled (with targets cloned).
[out]lpNewlyActivateThe pointer to the retrieved adapter activation information. ADL_TRUE : the adapter is activated for the first time; ADL_FALSE : otherwise.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes

◆ ADL_Adapter_AdapterInfo_Get()

int ADL_Adapter_AdapterInfo_Get ( LPAdapterInfo  lpInfo,
int  iInputSize 

Retrieves all OS-known adapter information.

This function retrieves the adapter information of all OS-known adapters in the system. OS-known adapters can include adapters that are physically present in the system (logical adapters)
as well as ones that are no longer present in the system but are still recognized by the OS.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]iInputSizeThe size of the lpInfo buffer.
[out]lpInfoThe pointer to the buffer containing the retrieved adapter information.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes
This API take a fixed-size output array. For dynamic-size output, use ADL_Adapter_AdapterInfoX2_Get function.

◆ ADL_Adapter_AdapterInfoX2_Get()

int ADL_Adapter_AdapterInfoX2_Get ( AdapterInfo **  lppAdapterInfo)

Retrieves all OS-known adapter information.

This function retrieves the adapter information of all OS-known adapters in the system. OS-known adapters can include adapters that are physically present in the system (logical adapters)
as well as ones that are no longer present in the system but are still recognized by the OS.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[out]lppAdapterInfois pointer to the pointer of AdapterInfo array. Initialize to NULL before calling this API. ADL will allocate the necessary memory, using the user provided callback function.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes
This API uses the memory allocation callback function provided by the user.

◆ ADL_Adapter_AdapterList_Disable()

int ADL_Adapter_AdapterList_Disable ( int  iNumAdapters,
int *  lpAdapterIndexList 
Function to disable a list of logic adapters once.

This function disable multiple adapters in one CCD call for Win7 and later in order to improve the performace. the fucntion will fail if the current primary adapter is in the disabled adapter list

Supported Platforms:
Windows 7; 32bit and 64bit,WIN8
[in]iNumAdaptersAn integer indicates the number of desktops to be disabled.
[in]lpAdapterIndexListThe pointer to the integer array that contains the list of logicl adapter indexes to be disabled
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes

◆ ADL_Adapter_ASICFamilyType_Get()

int ADL_Adapter_ASICFamilyType_Get ( int  iAdapterIndex,
int *  lpAsicTypes,
int *  lpValids 

Function to get the ASICFamilyType from the adapter.

This function retrieves the ASIC family types for a specified adapter.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[out]lpAsicTypesThe pointer to the Detailed asic types information retrieved from the driver.
[out]lpValidsThe pointer to the bit vector indicating which bit is valid on the lpAsicTypes returned.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK (zero). Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code (non-zero). Result Codes

◆ ADL_Adapter_Aspects_Get()

int ADL_Adapter_Aspects_Get ( int  iAdapterIndex,
char *  lpAspects,
int  iSize 

ADL local interface. Function to retrieve the supported aspects list.

This function retrieves the list of supported aspects for a specified adapter.

[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[out]lpAspectsThe pointer to the buffer storing the list of aspects supported for the specified adapter.
[in]iSizeThe size of the lpAspects buffer.
Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
If the function valid, the return value is 1. Otherwise it is 0.

◆ ADL_Adapter_BigSw_Info_Get()

int ADL_Adapter_BigSw_Info_Get ( int  iAdapterIndex,
int *  lpBigSwSupportMajor,
int *  lpBigSwSupportMinor,
int *  lpRedStoneSupport 
Function to get the ASICFamilyType from the adapter.

This function retrieves the Big Software & Red Stone support information for a specified adapter.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[out]lpBigSwSupportMajorThe pointer to the Big Software major version information retrieved from the driver. Detailed asic types
[out]lpBigSwSupportMinorThe pointer to the Big Software minor version information retrieved from the driver. Detailed asic types
[out]lpRedStoneSupportThe pointer to the Red Stone support information retrieved from the driver.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK (zero). Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code (non-zero). Result Codes

◆ ADL_Adapter_Caps()

int ADL_Adapter_Caps ( int  iAdapterIndex,
ADLAdapterCaps adapterCaps 
Function to retrieve adapter caps information.

This function implements a DI call to retrieve adapter capability information .

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[out]adapterCapsThe pointer to the structure storing the retrieved adapter capability information.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK, or an ADL error code otherwise. Result Codes

◆ ADL_Adapter_ChipSetInfo_Get()

int ADL_Adapter_ChipSetInfo_Get ( int  iAdapterIndex,
ADLChipSetInfo lpChipSetInfo 
ADL local interface. Function to retrieve chipset information.

This function retrieves the chipset information for a specified adapter.

[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[out]lpChipSetInfoThe pointer to the structure storing the retrieved chipset information.
Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes

◆ ADL_Adapter_ID_Get()

int ADL_Adapter_ID_Get ( int  iAdapterIndex,
int *  lpAdapterID 

Function to get the unique identifier of an adapter.

This function retrieves the unique identifier of a specified adapter.
The adapter ID is a unique value and will be used to determine what other controllers share the same adapter.
The desktop will use this to find which HDCs are associated with an adapter.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[out]lpAdapterIDThe pointer to the adapter identifier. Zero means: The adapter is not AMD.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes
This API is a duplicate to ADL_Display_AdapterID_Get()

◆ ADL_Adapter_MemoryInfo2_Get()

int ADL_Adapter_MemoryInfo2_Get ( int  iAdapterIndex,
ADLMemoryInfo2 lpMemoryInfo2 
Function to retrieve memory information from the adapter. Version 2

This function retrieves the memory information for a specified graphics adapter.

Supported Platforms:
Linux; 32bit and 64bit
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[out]lpMemoryInfo2The pointer to the structure storing the retrieved memory information.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes

◆ ADL_Adapter_Modes_ReEnumerate()

int ADL_Adapter_Modes_ReEnumerate ( )
Function to re-enumerate adapter modes.

This function re-enumerates adapter modes

Supported Platforms:
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes
For Win7 only. This internal AMD API is used to test driver's SLS middle mode feature.

◆ ADL_Adapter_ModeSwitch()

int ADL_Adapter_ModeSwitch ( int  iAdapterIndex)

Function to perform a mode switch for an adapter.

This function performs a mode switch for a specified adapter.

Supported Platforms:
Windows 7, 10 and above; 32bit and 64bit
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes

◆ ADL_Adapter_NumberOfAdapters_Get()

int ADL_Adapter_NumberOfAdapters_Get ( int *  lpNumAdapters)

Function to retrieve the number of OS-known adapters.

This function retrieves the number of graphics adapters recognized by the OS (OS-known adapters). OS-known adapters can include adapters that are physically present in the system (logical adapters)
as well as ones that no longer present in the system but are still recognized by the OS.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[out]lpNumAdaptersThe pointer to the number of OS-known adapters.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes

◆ ADL_Adapter_ObservedClockInfo_Get()

int ADL_Adapter_ObservedClockInfo_Get ( int  iAdapterIndex,
int *  lpCoreClock,
int *  lpMemoryClock 

Function to get the core and memory clock info of an adapter.  This is the clock displayed on CCC information center.          Specific logic is used to select appropriate clock for display in current configuration.

This function retrieves the core and memory clock of an adapter.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[out]lpCoreClockThe pointer to the core clock retrieved from the driver in Mhz.
[out]lpMemoryClockThe pointer to the memory clock retrieved from the driver in Mhz.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK (zero). Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code (non-zero). Result Codes

◆ ADL_Adapter_ObservedGameClockInfo_Get()

int ADL_Adapter_ObservedGameClockInfo_Get ( ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE  context,
int  iAdapterIndex,
int *  lpBaseClock,
int *  lpGameClock,
int *  lpBoostClock,
int *  lpMemoryClock 

Function to get the base, game, boost and memory clock info of an adapter.          Specific logic is used to select appropriate clock for display in current configuration.

This function retrieves the game, base, boost and memory clock of an adapter.

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]contextClient's ADL context handle ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE obtained from ADL2_Main_Control_Create.

◆ ADL_Adapter_Primary_Get()

int ADL_Adapter_Primary_Get ( int *  lpPrimaryAdapterIndex)

Function to retrieve the primary display adapter index.

This function retrieves the adapter index for the primary display adapter.

Supported Platforms:
Windows 7, 10 and above; 32bit and 64bit
[out]lpPrimaryAdapterIndexThe pointer to the ADL index handle of the primary adapter.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes

◆ ADL_Adapter_Primary_Set()

int ADL_Adapter_Primary_Set ( int  iAdapterIndex)

Function to set the primary display adapter index.

This function sets the adapter index for a specified primary display adapter.

Supported Platforms:
Windows 7, 10 and above; 32bit and 64bit
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes

◆ ADL_Adapter_RegValueInt_Get()

int ADL_Adapter_RegValueInt_Get ( int  iAdapterIndex,
int  iDriverPathOption,
char *  szSubKey,
char *  szKeyName,
int *  lpKeyValue 

ADL local interface. Function to query a integer registry value set by driver.

This function queries a driver registry integer value for a specified adapter by specifying the subkey path and key name.

[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[in]iDriverPathOptionThe option of the driver path. 0: Current; 1: function1; 2: function2; 0xFFFF for all device.
[in]szSubKeyThe path of registry subkey to be accessed. This is a null terminated string and the parameter can be NULL.
[in]szKeyNameThe name of registry value to be got. This is a null terminated string.
[out]lpKeyValueThe pointer to registry value to be got.
Supported Platforms:
Windows 7, 10 and above; 32bit and 64bit
If the function valid, the return value is 1. Otherwise it is 0.

◆ ADL_Adapter_RegValueInt_Set()

int ADL_Adapter_RegValueInt_Set ( int  iAdapterIndex,
int  iDriverPathOption,
char *  szSubKey,
char *  szKeyName,
int  iKeyValue 

ADL local interface. Function to set a driver registry integer value.

This function sets a driver registry integer value for a specified adapter by specifying the subkey path and key name.

[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[in]iDriverPathOptionThe option of the driver path. 0: Current; 1: function1; 2: function2; 0xFFFF for all device.
[in]szSubKeyThe path of registry subkey to be accessed. This is a null terminated string and the parameter can be NULL.
[in]szKeyNameThe name of registry value to be set. This is a null terminated string.
[in]iKeyValueThe integer registry value to be set.
Supported Platforms:
Windows 7, 10 and above; 32bit and 64bit
If the function valid, the return value is 1. Otherwise it is 0.

◆ ADL_Adapter_RegValueString_Get()

int ADL_Adapter_RegValueString_Get ( int  iAdapterIndex,
int  iDriverPathOption,
char *  szSubKey,
char *  szKeyName,
int  iSize,
char *  lpKeyValue 

ADL local interface. Function to query a string registry value set by driver.

This function queries a driver registry string value for a specified adapter by specifying the subkey path and key name.

[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[in]iDriverPathOptionThe option of the driver path. 0: Current; 1: function1; 2: function2; 0xFFFF for all device.
[in]szSubKeyThe path of registry sub key to be accessed. This is a null terminated string and the parameter can be NULL.
[in]szKeyNameThe name of registry value to be got. This is a null terminated string.
[in]iSizeThe size of registry value to be got.
[out]lpKeyValueThe pointer to registry value to be got.
Supported Platforms:
Windows 7, 10 and above; 32bit and 64bit
If the function valid, the return value is 1. Otherwise it is 0.

◆ ADL_Adapter_RegValueString_Set()

int ADL_Adapter_RegValueString_Set ( int  iAdapterIndex,
int  iDriverPathOption,
char *  szSubKey,
char *  szKeyName,
int  iSize,
char *  lpKeyValue 

ADL local interface. Function to set a driver registry string value.

This function sets a driver registry string value for a specified adapter by specifying the subkey path and key name.

[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[in]iDriverPathOptionThe option of the driver path. 0: Current; 1: function1; 2: function2; 0xFFFF for all device.
[in]szSubKeyThe path of registry sub key to be accessed. This is a null terminated string and the parameter can be NULL.
[in]szKeyNameThe name of registry value to be set. This is a null terminated string.
[in]iSizeThe size of registry value to be set.
[in]lpKeyValueThe pointer to registry value to be set.
Supported Platforms:
Windows 7, 10 and above; 32bit and 64bit
If the function valid, the return value is 1. Otherwise it is 0.

◆ ADL_Adapter_Speed_Caps()

int ADL_Adapter_Speed_Caps ( int  iAdapterIndex,
int *  lpCaps,
int *  lpValid 

Function to get the current Force3DClock setting from the adapter.

This function retrieves the adapter speed information for a specified adapter. Return valud can be ADL_ADAPTER_SPEEDCAPS_SUPPORTED or “0”

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[out]lpCapsThe caps of adapter speed settings
[out]lpValidThe valid bits of adapter speed settings
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK (zero). Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code (non-zero). Result Codes

◆ ADL_Adapter_Speed_Get()

int ADL_Adapter_Speed_Get ( int  iAdapterIndex,
int *  lpCurrent,
int *  lpDefault 

Function to get the current Speed setting from the adapter.

This function retrieves the adapter speed information for a specified adapter. Return value is either ADL_CONTEXT_SPEED_UNFORCED or ADL_CONTEXT_SPEED_FORCEHIGH

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[out]lpCurrentThe current speed setting
[out]lpDefaultThe default speed setting
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK (zero). Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code (non-zero). Result Codes

◆ ADL_Adapter_Speed_Set()

int ADL_Adapter_Speed_Set ( int  iAdapterIndex,
int  iSpeed 

Function to set the current Speed setting from the adapter.

This function set the adapter speed information for a specified adapter. Input value is either ADL_CONTEXT_SPEED_UNFORCED or ADL_CONTEXT_SPEED_FORCEHIGH

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[in]iSpeedThe speed to set on specified adapter
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK (zero). Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code (non-zero). Result Codes

◆ ADL_Adapter_VideoBiosInfo_Get()

int ADL_Adapter_VideoBiosInfo_Get ( int  iAdapterIndex,
ADLBiosInfo lpBiosInfo 

ADL local interface. Function to retrieve BIOS information.

This function retrieves the BIOS information for a specified adapter.

[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[out]lpBiosInfoThe pointer to the structure storing the retrieved BIOs information.
Supported Platforms:
Linux; 32bit and 64bit
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes

◆ ADL_AdapterX2_Caps()

int ADL_AdapterX2_Caps ( int  iAdapterIndex,
ADLAdapterCapsX2 adapterCaps 

Function to retrieve adapter caps information.

This function implements a DI call to retrieve adapter capability information .

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]iAdapterIndexThe ADL index handle of the desired adapter.
[out]adapterCapsThe pointer to the structure storing the retrieved adapter capability information.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK, or an ADL error code otherwise. Result Codes

◆ ADL_Flush_Driver_Data()

int ADL_Flush_Driver_Data ( int  iAdapterIndex)

Function to save driver data.

This function saves all required data from driver to persist updated settings

Supported Platforms:
Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit
[in]iAdapterIndexThe adapter index to be flushed.
If the function succeeds, the return value is ADL_OK. Otherwise the return value is an ADL error code. Result Codes

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