ADL (AMD Display Library) Public APIs
Version 17.1
Go to the documentation of this file.
29 #ifndef ADL_STRUCTURES_H_
30 #define ADL_STRUCTURES_H_
67 #if defined (_WIN32) || defined (_WIN64)
3758 unsigned short R : 8;
3759 unsigned short G : 8;
3760 unsigned short B : 8;
wchar_t strFileName[256]
File Name.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1952
char strTimeStamp[32]
Creation timestamp.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1936
struct ADLConnectionState ADLConnectionState
Structure containing connection state of the connector.
int iCapabilities
Definition: adl_structures.h:2214
int iFanMaxPercent
Maximum fan speed expressed as a percentage.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2218
int iExtValue
Value for future extension.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2199
struct ADLDisplayTarget ADLDisplayTarget
Structure containing information about display target information.
ADLODNParameterRange fanSpeed
Definition: adl_structures.h:2987
char strMemoryType[256]
Memory type in string.
Definition: adl_structures.h:175
Definition: adl_structures.h:233
Structure containing information related Frames Per Second for AC and DC.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3248
struct ADLApplicationProfile ADLApplicationProfile
Structure containing information about an application profile.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2396
void * pLoggingAddress
Definition: adl_structures.h:3346
int iCurrentBusSpeed
Current PCI-E bus speed.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2192
int minValue
Definition: adl_structures.h:3143
int iNumPEsPerWGP
Number of processing elements per WGP. Valid for RDNA (iGCGen == RDNA)
Definition: adl_structures.h:2881
Definition: adl_defines.h:2418
int defaultValue
Definition: adl_structures.h:3146
int ulMaxBacklightMaxLuminanceData
Definition: adl_structures.h:451
long ulReserved
Reserved field.
Definition: adl_structures.h:538
Structure containing information about I2C.
Definition: adl_structures.h:4020
long long iInvisibleMemorySize
Invisible Memory size in bytes.
Definition: adl_structures.h:158
@ ADLvRamVendor_Unsupported
Definition: adl_structures.h:225
char morseCodeText[260]
Definition: adl_structures.h:3775
int iExtMask
Mask for future extension.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2227
int iExtMask
Mask for future extension.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2201
int iBezelOffsetMask
The bit mask identifies the number of bits Offset is currently using.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1750
int iTriggerEdge
The signal edge that should trigger synchronization. ADL_GLSYNC_TRIGGEREDGE_* Genlock related values.
Definition: adl_structures.h:924
Definition: adl_defines.h:1349
struct ADLAdapterCapsX2 ADLAdapterCapsX2
Structure containing information about an controller mode including Number of Connectors.
int iTimingStandard
Timing standard of the current mode. Timing Standards.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3999
int iFunctionNumber
The function number.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3833
struct ADLSLSTarget * LPADLSLSTarget
int GlobalEnableChanged
Definition: adl_structures.h:3568
int iNumCUs
Total number of CUs. Valid for GCN (iGCGen == GCN)
Definition: adl_structures.h:2871
struct AdapterInfoX2 AdapterInfoX2
Structure containing information about the graphics adapter with extended caps.
int iExtValue
Value for future extension.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2265
int GlobalEnable
Definition: adl_structures.h:3639
struct ADLGLSyncPortCaps * LPADLGLSyncPortCaps
unsigned long EccInjVector
Definition: adl_structures.h:2768
int iCurrent
Current integer value. Valid only if ADLFeatureCaps indicates support for integers.
Definition: adl_structures.h:4136
unsigned int reserved
Definition: adl_structures.h:2710
int ulMaxHResolution
Returns the maximum Horizontal supported resolution. Should be zeroed if this information is not avai...
Definition: adl_structures.h:391
int iNumROPs
Total number of ROPs. Valid for both GCN and Pre GCN.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2888
Structure containing information about RIS Settings.
ADLDisplayID displayID
The ADLDisplayID structure.
Definition: adl_structures.h:622
unsigned int InputSize
Definition: adl_structures.h:3438
Structure containing supported connection types and properties.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2604
Definition: adl_structures.h:3805
Structure containing information about driver point coordinates.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3893
int iStep
Step integer value. Valid only if ADLFeatureCaps indicates support for integers.
Definition: adl_structures.h:4101
struct ADLAVIInfoPacket ADLAVIInfoPacket
Structure containing the AVI packet info of a display.
Structure containing information about thermal controller.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1142
int iNumLinkAdapter
Number of adapters in this combination.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1297
unsigned int numberOfActiveLanes
Definition: adl_structures.h:2843
int iStep
The minimum increment between clock values.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2909
int LogSourceMask
Definition: adl_structures.h:3236
int iExtValue
Value for future extension.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2130
int iSLSGridValue
The grid bit value identifies the display status. Refer to ADL_DISPLAY_SLSGRID_ORIENTATION_XXX.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1660
Structure containing information about display target information.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1489
PropertyRecord record[1]
Buffer to store all property records.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2008
int BreakOnWarn
Definition: adl_structures.h:3231
int iMax
The ending value of the clock range.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2097
int ulACFPSMinimum
Minimum FPS Threshold allowed in PPLib for AC.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3262
struct ADLMemoryInfoX4 ADLMemoryInfoX4
Structure containing additional information about the ASIC memory.
struct ADLPXConfigCaps ADLPXConfigCaps
Structure containing information about driver supported PowerExpress Config Caps.
int iFeature
Definition: adl_structures.h:3933
struct ADLFreeSyncCap ADLFreeSyncCap
Structure containing per display FreeSync capability information.
@ ADLPreFlipPostProcessingLUTAlgorithm_Default
Definition: adl_structures.h:3523
Structure containing the Connector information.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2538
Relative MST address. If MST RAD contains 0 it means DP or Root of the MST topology....
Definition: adl_structures.h:2594
int ASICFamilyId
Definition: adl_structures.h:251
int iExtValue
Value for future extension.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2311
int iFlags
Custom mode flags. They are returned by the ADL driver.
Definition: adl_structures.h:487
int iPossibleMapResultValue
The bit mask identifies the possible map result. The detail definition is defined in ADL_DISPLAY_POSS...
Definition: adl_structures.h:1633
struct ADLDDCInfo * LPADLDDCInfo
int iDataSize
actual size of EDID data block size.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2666
int count
Definition: adl_structures.h:3179
struct ADLBracketSlotInfo ADLBracketSlotInfo
Structure containing the slot information.
Structure containing connection properties information.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2634
Structure containing information about DELAG Settings.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3579
struct ADLAdapterODClockInfo ADLAdapterODClockInfo
Structure containing the Overdrive clock information.
Structure containing information about Overdrive 6 PowerControl settings.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2302
Structure containing information about RIS Settings.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3687
int iDisplayControllerIndex
The controller index to which display is mapped.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1615
int requested
Definition: adl_structures.h:3193
int maxValue
Definition: adl_structures.h:3154
int Od8SettingTable[OD8_COUNT]
Definition: adl_structures.h:3180
int iExtMask
Mask for future extension.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2313
int iStereo3DCaps
Definition: adl_structures.h:2644
int iPortState
Port state ADL_GLSYNC_PORTSTATE_* Genlock related values.
Definition: adl_structures.h:944
unsigned int WaitForResumeNeeded
Definition: adl_structures.h:2403
int iMemoryClockPercent
The current memory clock adjustment value, specified as a +/- percent.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2501
Structure containing information about the Linux X screen information.
Definition: adl_structures.h:107
Structure containing information about BOOST Settings change reason.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3595
int HotkeyChanged
Definition: adl_structures.h:3650
Definition: adl_structures.h:3774
unsigned char uData[1]
Property Value, can be any data type.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1994
int iXScreenNum
Internal X screen number from GPUMapInfo.
Definition: adl_structures.h:109
Definition: adl_structures.h:3551
int iDisplayIndex
Index of the display to which this GLSync applies to.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1006
int iSize
Must be set to sizeof the structure.
Definition: adl_structures.h:733
Definition: adl_structures.h:3141
Definition: adl_structures.h:2780
Definition: adl_structures.h:2378
int iStep
Parameter step value.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1224
char strVersion[32]
Definition: adl_structures.h:1938
struct ADLMemoryRequired * LPADLMemoryRequired
Structure containing the display mode definition used per controller.
Definition: adl_structures.h:649
long ulDeviceData
HDTV capabilities.
Definition: adl_structures.h:534
int iFanSpeed
Fan speed value (units as indicated above)
Definition: adl_structures.h:2262
Structure containing HDCP Settings info.
Definition: adl_structures.h:4154
ADLPoint Blue
blue channel chromasity coordinate
Definition: adl_structures.h:3913
int iAdapterIndex
The ADL index handle. One GPU may be associated with one or two index handles.
Definition: adl_structures.h:49
int iNativeDisplayChromaticityBlueX
Display Blue Chromaticity X coordinate multiplied by 10000.
Definition: adl_structures.h:432
struct ADLDisplayModeInfo ADLDisplayModeInfo
Structure containing display mode information.
bool linkProtectionEnabled
Definition: adl_structures.h:2851
int iDisplayOutputType
The display output type. For example: HDMI, SVIDEO, COMPONMNET VIDEO.
Definition: adl_structures.h:598
int iXScreenNum
Internal X screen number from GPUMapInfo (DEPRICATED use XScreenInfo)
Definition: adl_structures.h:87
int iSpeedType
Indicates the units of the fan speed. Possible values: ADL_OD6_FANSPEED_TYPE_PERCENT,...
Definition: adl_structures.h:2260
Structure containing information about an application.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1948
Definition: adl_structures.h:3800
char strXScreenConfigName[256]
Internal x config file screen identifier name.
Definition: adl_structures.h:111
unsigned int CU
Definition: adl_structures.h:2736
int iAdapterIndex
The Adapter Index.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1765
long long timestampFrequency
time stamp frequency
Definition: adl_structures.h:4194
Structure containing the slot information.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2560
int iAdapterID
AdapterID for this adapter.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2680
ADLDisplayTarget * lpDisplayTarget
The display target list for validation.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1805
struct ADLODNPerformanceLevelX2 ADLODNPerformanceLevelX2
Structure containing information about Overdrive level.
int iExtValue
Reserved for future expansion of the structure.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2485
int ulMaxHResolution
Returns the maximum Horizontal supported resolution. Should be zeroed if this information is not avai...
Definition: adl_structures.h:355
int iMode
Definition: adl_structures.h:3060
int iFanMinRPM
Minimum fan speed expressed in revolutions-per-minute.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2220
struct ADLODNCapabilities ADLODNCapabilities
Structure containing information about Overdrive N capabilities.
int iSLSMapIndex
The current display map index. It is the OS Desktop index. For example, OS Index 1 showing clone mode...
Definition: adl_structures.h:1675
Definition: adl_structures.h:2746
Structure containing information about memory required by type.
Definition: adl_structures.h:316
unsigned int padding[15]
Definition: adl_structures.h:3471
Definition: adl_structures.h:2699
int iExtMask
Mask for future extension.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2290
int iDisplayMapMask
The bit mask identifies the number of bits DisplayMap is currently using. It is the sum of all the bi...
Definition: adl_structures.h:1577
char strDriverPath[256]
Driver registry path.
Definition: adl_structures.h:73
struct ADLMemoryInfo2 * LPADLMemoryInfo2
Structure containing information about CHILL Settings change reason.
Definition: adl_structures.h:227
Structure containing information about DELAG Settings change reason.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3566
Definition: adl_structures.h:3216
float fBlue
Blue color channel gamma value.
Definition: adl_structures.h:475
Indicates the Maximum size of EDID data block size.
Definition: adl_defines.h:2132
int iExtValue
Reserved for future expansion of the structure.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2505
struct ADLPPLogSettings ADLPPLogSettings
Structure containing information about PPLog settings.
int iBezelOffsetX
SLS Bezel Offset X.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1738
struct tagADLBezelTransientMode ADLBezelTransientMode
Structure containing information about the display SLS bezel Mode information.
int PowerProfilingEnabled
Definition: adl_structures.h:3237
struct ADLODNCapabilitiesX2 ADLODNCapabilitiesX2
Structure containing information about Overdrive N capabilities.
int iDed
Definition: adl_structures.h:2327
wchar_t CommandLine[256]
Definition: adl_structures.h:2415
int CuCount
Definition: adl_structures.h:248
int ulAvgLuminanceData
Return average monitor luminance data.
Definition: adl_structures.h:413
int icurrentSizeInMB
Definition: adl_structures.h:268
Structure containing information related RAS Get Error Counts Information.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3398
int iHDCPMask
Definition: adl_structures.h:4159
int GlobalMinFPS
Definition: adl_structures.h:3719
int proVsr
Definition: adl_structures.h:3547
int iReserved
Reserved for future purposes.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1131
int sVSyncStart
Vertical sync signal offset.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3973
@ ADLPreFlipPostProcessingLUTAlgorithm_Approximation
Definition: adl_structures.h:3525
int iSyncDelay
Delay (ms) generating a sync signal.
Definition: adl_structures.h:914
ADLMode viewSize
The view size width, height and rotation angle per SLS Target.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1832
int iSize
Must be set to the size of the structure.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1144
unsigned int GlobalSharpeningDegreeChanged
Definition: adl_structures.h:3677
unsigned int count
Definition: adl_structures.h:2730
int iXPos
Screen position X coordinate.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1461
unsigned int ProcessId
Definition: adl_structures.h:2402
Structure containing information about MultiVPU capabilities.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1392
Structure Containing All custom grid pattern LED configuration for user requested LED grid pattern....
Definition: adl_structures.h:3787
int iSLSNativeModeValue
The bit mask identifies the display status.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1780
struct ADLCrossfireInfo ADLCrossfireInfo
Structure containing CrossfireX state and error information.
int ulMaxRefresh
Returns the maximum supported refresh rate. Should be zeroed if this information is not available.
Definition: adl_structures.h:395
int EnumStates
The States for the available bits for enumerated values.
Definition: adl_structures.h:4142
ADLPoint CustomWhitePoint
valid when in mask avails ADL_CUSTOM_WHITE_POINT
Definition: adl_structures.h:3942
ADLODNParameterRange minimumPerformanceClock
Definition: adl_structures.h:2990
ADLDisplayTarget * displayTarget
The display Targets list for these display Maps to be validated.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1603
int iHDCPCaps
Definition: adl_structures.h:4156
int iX
x coordinate
Definition: adl_structures.h:3895
Structure containing GL-Sync port control settings.
Definition: adl_structures.h:962
ADLODNParameterRange fanSpeed
Definition: adl_structures.h:2946
int iFlags
Definition: adl_structures.h:4287
int iSLSMapIndex
The SLS map index.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1820
int GlobalFPS_Step
Definition: adl_structures.h:3723
int GlobalSharpeningDegree
Definition: adl_structures.h:3689
int iDeviceNumber
The driver number associated with this adapter.
Definition: adl_structures.h:55
short sVOverscanTop
Overscan top.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3985
int ulPTMCy
Returns the display device preferred timing mode's vertical resolution.
Definition: adl_structures.h:399
int iModeMask
The bit mask identifying the number of bits this Mode is currently using. It is the sum of all the bi...
Definition: adl_structures.h:1477
unsigned int CurrentValue
Definition: adl_structures.h:4224
struct ADLClockInfo ADLClockInfo
Structure containing information about Clock.
struct ADLPreFlipPostProcessingInfo ADLPreFlipPostProcessingInfo
int iDisplayInfoValue
The bit mask identifies the display status. Display Info Mask Values.
Definition: adl_structures.h:608
struct ADLBiosInfo ADLBiosInfo
Structure containing information about the BIOS.
struct ADLThermalControllerInfo ADLThermalControllerInfo
Structure containing information about thermal controller.
int iAdapterCount
Number of adapters.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1396
int radLinkCount
The link count of relative address, rad[0] upto rad[linkCount] are valid.
Definition: adl_structures.h:634
Structure containing information about driver supported PowerExpress Config Caps.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1891
Maximum MORSE code supported string.
Definition: adl_defines.h:2511
Structure Containing All custom grid pattern LED configuration for user requested LED grid pattern....
int iNumberOfPerformanceLevels
Definition: adl_structures.h:2121
int iOffset
Position of the connector(in millimeters), from the right side of the slot.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2548
int iConnectorId
used for disply identification/ordering
Definition: adl_structures.h:2542
int iSampleRate
Use sampled sync signal. A value of 0 specifies no sampling.
Definition: adl_structures.h:920
unsigned int OutputSize
Definition: adl_structures.h:3440
int iFirstSLSTargetArrayIndex
The first target array index in the Target array.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1690
int iRefreshRate
Refresh rate.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2361
char gpuName[256]
gpu name
Definition: adl_structures.h:4182
Definition: adl_structures.h:2371
int iActivatableSourceMask
The bit mask identifies the number of bits ActivatableSourceValue is using. (Not currnetly used)
Definition: adl_structures.h:1440
int iSupport
Display Property supported? 1: Supported, 0: Not supported.
Definition: adl_structures.h:739
int StateChanged
Definition: adl_structures.h:4237
struct ADLVirtualSegmentSettingsOutput ADLVirtualSegmentSettingsOutput
Structure containing information related virtual segment config information.
int GlobalMinFPSChanged
Definition: adl_structures.h:3705
int iSize
Must be set to the size of the structure.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1163
int GlobalEnabledChanged
Definition: adl_structures.h:3735
ADLODParameterRange sMemoryClock
Memory clock range.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1249
ADLMode displayMode
The mode for this map.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1774
int GlobalEnableChanged
Definition: adl_structures.h:3627
int iStatus
MVPU status.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1419
struct ADLAdjustmentinfo ADLAdjustmentinfo
Structure containing information about overlay adjustment.
float fMax
Maximum float value. Valid only if ADLFeatureCaps indicates support for floats.
Definition: adl_structures.h:4110
int GlobalLimitFPSChanged
Definition: adl_structures.h:3569
short speed
Definition: adl_structures.h:3772
int ulPTMRefreshRate
Returns the display device preferred timing mode's refresh rate.
Definition: adl_structures.h:401
int iExtValue
Value for future extension.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2165
struct ADLFeatureValues * LPADLFeatureValues
int maxValue
Definition: adl_structures.h:3144
struct ADLAdapterLocation ADLAdapterLocation
Structure containing information about adapter location.
int iMaxClock
Maximum clcok.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1056
int ulSize
Definition: adl_structures.h:3250
int iBusNumber
The BUS number associated with this adapter.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3829
struct ADLDisplayTarget * LPADLDisplayTarget
int iActivityPercent
GPU utilization.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1121
ADLAppInterceptionListType AppFormat
Definition: adl_structures.h:2416
int iViewPositionCy
Vertical view starting position.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2044
wchar_t strFileName[256]
File Name.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1970
Definition: adl_structures.h:2393
int iMaximumBusLanes
Maximum number of PCIE bus lanes.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1129
Structure containing detailed timing parameters.
Definition: adl_structures.h:667
int iGroupID
Group ID. All Features in the same group are shown sequentially in the same UI Page.
Definition: adl_structures.h:4065
long ulOverridedDeviceData
Overridden HDTV capabilities.
Definition: adl_structures.h:536
int iCapsMask
The bit mask identifies the adapter caps.
Definition: adl_structures.h:134
Display Get Cached EDID flag.
Definition: adl_defines.h:1065
struct ADLOD6VoltageControlInfo ADLOD6VoltageControlInfo
Structure containing information about Overdrive 6 PowerControl settings.
int iPelsWidth
Definition: adl_structures.h:4250
unsigned int ulVersion
Structure version.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3324
short sVSyncWidth
Vertical sync signal width.
Definition: adl_structures.h:687
int iDisplayWidth
SLS Display Width.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1744
Structure containing information about Image Boost(OGL) Settings change reason.
int ulPTMRefreshRate
Returns the display device preferred timing mode's refresh rate.
Definition: adl_structures.h:365
Structure containing information about current power management related activity.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1111
int iFirstDisplayTargetArrayIndex
The first target array index in the Target array .
Definition: adl_structures.h:1574
int iFWUserSectorVersion
GL-Sync module firmware version of User Sector.
Definition: adl_structures.h:883
ADLDetailedTiming sDetailedTiming
Detailed timing parameters.
Definition: adl_structures.h:721
Structure containing the AVI packet info of a display.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1033
int iModeValue
The bit mask identifying the display status. The detailed definition is in Display Mode Values.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1479
Structure containing information about Overdrive 6 thermal contoller capabilities.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2211
struct ADLHDCPSettings ADLHDCPSettings
Structure containing HDCP Settings info.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1914
int iDisplayHeight
SLS Display Height.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1747
Definition: adl_structures.h:2724
Structure containing information about MM Feature Capabilities.
Definition: adl_structures.h:4059
struct ADLODNFanControl ADLODNFanControl
Structure containing information about Overdrive N Fan Speed.
int GlobalFPS_MaxLimit
Definition: adl_structures.h:3722
struct ADLGLSyncModuleID ADLGLSyncModuleID
Structure containing GL-Sync module information.
float fGreen
Green color channel gamma value.
Definition: adl_structures.h:473
int iFlags
Fan speed cotrol
Definition: adl_structures.h:1180
Definition: adl_structures.h:3543
struct ADLMemoryInfo2 ADLMemoryInfo2
Structure containing additional information about the ASIC memory.
int Hotkey
Definition: adl_structures.h:3580
unsigned int numberofTotalLanes
Definition: adl_structures.h:2844
int iBezelModeIndex
SLS Bezel Mode Index.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1735
Definition: adl_structures.h:2749
int iTimingStandard
Timing Standard. Refer define_modetiming_standard.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2363
int iSyncField
For interlaced sync signals, the value can be ADL_GLSYNC_SYNCFIELD_1 or *_BOTH Genlock related values...
Definition: adl_structures.h:922
int iSize
Must be set to the size of the structure.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1113
int iReserved[4]
Definition: adl_structures.h:457
char strDisplayManufacturerName[256]
The display's manufacturer name.
Definition: adl_structures.h:592
int iPelsWidth
Horizontal resolution (in pixels).
Definition: adl_structures.h:653
int iNumSLSTarget
The number of display targets belongs to this map.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1687
int iTemperature
Temperature in millidegrees Celsius.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1165
int iTDPLimit
Definition: adl_structures.h:3061
int iAllocatedBandwidthInMbps
bandwidth allocated to this display
Definition: adl_structures.h:627
struct ADLAdapterODClockConfig ADLAdapterODClockConfig
Structure containing the Overdrive clock configuration.
int iExtValue
Value for future extension.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2288
struct ADLRASErrorInjection ADLRASErrorInjection
Structure containing information related RAS Error Injection information.
int currentPower
Definition: adl_structures.h:3136
Structure containing information about Overdrive N capabilities.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2959
struct ADLOD8SingleInitSetting ADLOD8SingleInitSetting
Structure containing HDTV information for display calls.
Definition: adl_structures.h:528
int iNumSLSTarget
the number of display map config to be validated.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1802
ADLAdjustmentinfo sOverlayInfo
Definition: adl_structures.h:862
struct ADLSingleSensorData ADLSingleSensorData
Structure containing information about Performance Metrics data.
bool directionCounterClockWise
Definition: adl_structures.h:3773
int featureID
Definition: adl_structures.h:3152
int iMemoryClock
Memory clock in 10 KHz.
Definition: adl_structures.h:758
int iVendorID
The vendor ID associated with this adapter.
Definition: adl_structures.h:59
Structure containing information about the display port MST device.
Definition: adl_structures.h:620
int iNumberOfPerformanceLevels
Definition: adl_structures.h:2162
Structure containing CrossfireX state and error information.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1310
DpLinkRate linkRate
Definition: adl_structures.h:2842
int iFanSpeedPercent
Contains current fan speed in percent (if valid flag exists in iSpeedType)
Definition: adl_structures.h:2241
unsigned short usSensors[ADL_PMLOG_MAX_SUPPORTED_SENSORS]
list of sensors defined by ADL_PMLOG_SENSORS
Definition: adl_structures.h:3300
int sTimingFlags
Timing flags. Detailed Timimg Flags.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3959
int iVddc
Current core voltage.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1119
int iSize
Size of the structure.
Definition: adl_structures.h:798
int iIndex
The current PossibleMap index. Each PossibleMap is assigned an index.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1593
int step
Definition: adl_structures.h:3145
struct ADLApplicationDataX3 ADLApplicationDataX3
Structure containing information about an application.
int iPXConfigCapValue
The bit mask identifies the PowerExpress Config Caps value. The detailed definition is in ADL_PX_CONF...
Definition: adl_structures.h:1899
unsigned int InputSize
Definition: adl_structures.h:3483
long ulHighVddc
Definition: adl_structures.h:510
wchar_t * strProfileName
Name of profile assigned to the application.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2457
int iSize
Must be set to sizeof( ADLMVPUStatus ).
Definition: adl_structures.h:1415
int GlobalFPS_MinLimit
Definition: adl_structures.h:3721
Structure containing information about the activatable source.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1434
int iCoreClock
Core clock in 10 KHz.
Definition: adl_structures.h:756
int ulPTMCx
Returns the display device preferred timing mode's horizontal resolution.
Definition: adl_structures.h:397
int iDefaultMode
Definition: adl_structures.h:4283
short sOverscan8B
Definition: adl_structures.h:3986
int iSize
Should be set to the sizeof the structure.
Definition: adl_structures.h:860
char morseCodeTextOutPut[260]
Definition: adl_structures.h:3776
struct ADLPMLogStartOutput ADLPMLogStartOutput
Structure containing information to start power management logging.
wchar_t strTimeStamp[32]
Creation timestamp.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1972
struct ADLChipSetInfo ADLChipSetInfo
Structure containing information about the Chipset.
int iSLSGridColumn
The grid column.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1654
unsigned int voltageSwing
Definition: adl_structures.h:4267
Structure containing per display FreeSync capability information.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2810
DceSettingsType type
Definition: adl_structures.h:2833
Structure containing information about ProVSR Settings change reason.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3625
int value
Definition: adl_structures.h:3192
Structure containing information about driver supported gamut spaces , capability method.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3877
ADLODNParameterRange minimumPerformanceClock
Definition: adl_structures.h:2949
int GlobalEnable
Definition: adl_structures.h:3610
short sHOverscanRight
Overscan right.
Definition: adl_structures.h:691
int iDisplayTargetValue
The bit mask identifies the display status. The detailed definition is in ADL_DISPLAY_DISPLAYTARGET_P...
Definition: adl_structures.h:1500
wchar_t AppName[256]
Definition: adl_structures.h:2386
struct ADLAdapterCaps ADLAdapterCaps
Structure containing information about an controller mode.
struct ADLODNPerformanceStatus ADLODNPerformanceStatus
ADLODNParameterRange fanTemperature
Definition: adl_structures.h:2984
int reset
Definition: adl_structures.h:3194
int bCurrent
User controlled Boolean current value. Valid only if ADLFeatureCaps supports Boolean.
Definition: adl_structures.h:4133
int supported
Definition: adl_structures.h:3211
int apiVersion
mantle api version
Definition: adl_structures.h:4172
Structure containing GL-Sync ports capabilities.
Definition: adl_structures.h:894
int iFlags
Definition: adl_structures.h:1150
char strDriverVer[256]
Driver Release (Packaging) Version (e.g. "16.20.1035-160621a-303814C")
Definition: adl_structures.h:1375
int iNumDisplayTarget
the number of display Targets for these display Maps
Definition: adl_structures.h:1601
char StructureName[32]
Definition: adl_structures.h:2737
struct AdapterInfo * LPAdapterInfo
int iOrientation
Screen orientation. E.g., 0, 90, 180, 270.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1684
long long iMemorySize
Memory size in bytes.
Definition: adl_structures.h:199
char strDisplayName[256]
Display name. For example, "\\\\Display0".
Definition: adl_structures.h:3839
Maximum Relative Address Link.
Definition: adl_defines.h:1387
int iSupportedHDR
Bit vector of supported color spaces ADLDDCInfo2 HDR support options.
Definition: adl_structures.h:444
struct ADLConnectionData ADLConnectionData
Structure containing connection information.
int iDefault
Display Property Default value.
Definition: adl_structures.h:743
char strMemoryType[256]
Memory type in string.
Definition: adl_structures.h:151
struct ADLOD6ParameterRange ADLOD6ParameterRange
Structure containing information about Overdrive 6 clock range.
int iLength
length of the slot(in millimeters).
Definition: adl_structures.h:2564
Structure containing information about DRIVERUPSCALE Settings change reason.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2701
int gpuType
mantle gpu type;
Definition: adl_structures.h:4180
struct ADLBiosInfo * LPADLBiosInfo
struct ADLAdapterDisplayCap ADLAdapterDisplayCap
Structure containing information about the adapter display manner.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2706
int iPossibleStandard
Applicable timing standards for the current mode.
Definition: adl_structures.h:713
int iBusSpeedType
Definition: adl_structures.h:284
struct ADLErrorInjection ADLErrorInjection
Structure containing information about EDC Error Injection.
int iMin
The starting value of the clock range.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2905
int iSDIState
The SDI state, ADL_SDI_ON or ADL_SDI_OFF, for the current SDI mode.
Definition: adl_structures.h:4207
Structure containing information about OGL IMAGE BOOST Settings.
int ulReserved[14]
Definition: adl_structures.h:3350
int maxMemRefsPerSubmission
mem size
Definition: adl_structures.h:4184
ADLRASResetErrorCountsOutput Output
Definition: adl_structures.h:3441
int Hotkey
Definition: adl_structures.h:3717
struct ADLPossibleSLSMap ADLPossibleSLSMap
Structure containing information about the display Possible SLS Map information.
int iSize
Must be set to sizeof( ADLMVPUCaps ).
Definition: adl_structures.h:1394
int ulDDCInfoFlag
Return EDID flags.
Definition: adl_structures.h:403
int iSize
Size of the structure.
Definition: adl_structures.h:771
int iCurrentMode
Definition: adl_structures.h:4285
unsigned int ulReserved[256]
Definition: adl_structures.h:3332
struct ADLRASResetErrorCounts ADLRASResetErrorCounts
Structure containing information related RAS Error Counts Reset Information.
int iMin
The starting value of the clock range.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2095
long long iMemoryReq
Definition: adl_structures.h:317
int ulManufacturerID
Returns the manufacturer ID of the display device. Should be zeroed if this information is not availa...
Definition: adl_structures.h:349
struct ADLChipSetInfo * LPADLChipSetInfo
@ ADLvRamVendor_Undefined
Definition: adl_structures.h:236
Structure containing information about the validated display device possible map result.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1627
int LogSeverityEnabled
Definition: adl_structures.h:3235
struct ADLSLSGrid * LPADLSLSGrid
int GlobalEnable
Definition: adl_structures.h:3581
int iExtMask
Mask for future extension.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2267
unsigned int OutputSize
Definition: adl_structures.h:3485
int iStepValue
The minimum change in between minValue and maxValue.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2024
short sHOverscanLeft
Overscan left.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3981
Structure containing information about the display device possible map for one GPU.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1591
Definition: adl_structures.h:2395
int iMinRange
Definition: adl_structures.h:4281
int iCurrentBusLanes
Number of PCIE bus lanes.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1127
struct ADLPossibleMapping ADLPossibleMapping
Structure containing information about display possible mapping.
int iNumberOfPerformanceLevels
Number of standard performance states.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1239
Definition: adl_structures.h:1920
union ADLDceSettings::@4 Settings
Structure containing information to start power management logging.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3342
int GlobalMinResChanged
Definition: adl_structures.h:3598
int ulMaxLuminanceData
Return maximum monitor luminance data.
Definition: adl_structures.h:415
int iExtValue
Value for future extension.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2246
Definition: adl_structures.h:2380
Definition: adl_structures.h:2791
int HotkeyChanged
Definition: adl_structures.h:3626
int iAdaptLink[3]
A list of ADL indexes of the linked adapters in this combination.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1299
Structure containing information about MM Feature Values.
Definition: adl_structures.h:4127
struct ADLGlSyncMode2 ADLGlSyncMode2
Structure containing GL-Sync mode of a display.
short sVOverscanBottom
Overscan bottom.
Definition: adl_structures.h:695
int value
Definition: adl_structures.h:3212
int iMemoryClockMax
Definition: adl_structures.h:2524
int iStep
Step value.
Definition: adl_structures.h:847
long long iMemorySize
Memory size in bytes.
Definition: adl_structures.h:149
struct ADLPossibleSLSMap * LPADLPossibleSLSMap
float fDefault
Default float value. Valid only if ADLFeatureCaps indicates support for floats.
Definition: adl_structures.h:4116
int SensorLimits[256][2]
Definition: adl_structures.h:3361
struct ADLOD6PerformanceLevel ADLOD6PerformanceLevel
Structure containing information about Overdrive 6 clock values.
int ulSerialID
Return EDID serial ID.
Definition: adl_structures.h:409
Structure containing information about overlay adjustment.
Definition: adl_structures.h:839
Structure containing information about display property.
Definition: adl_structures.h:731
short sHTotal
Total width (columns).
Definition: adl_structures.h:673
struct ADL_FRTCPRO_Settings * LPADLFRTCProSettings
int GlobalSharpeningDegree_MinLimit
Definition: adl_structures.h:3690
int iSurfaceMapIndex
OS surface index.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1681
Structure containing information related RAS Get Error Counts Information.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3384
long long iMemoryBandwidthX2
Memory Bandiwidth that is calculated and finalized on the driver side, grab and go.
Definition: adl_structures.h:214
int iDisplayType
The Display type. For example: CRT, TV, CV, DFP.
Definition: adl_structures.h:595
int iMinClock
Minimum clock.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1058
struct ADLOD6Capabilities ADLOD6Capabilities
Structure containing information about Overdrive 6 capabilities.
struct ADLGlSyncPortInfo * LPADLGlSyncPortInfo
unsigned int DefaultValue
Definition: adl_structures.h:4223
struct ADLAdapterLocation ADLBdf
struct ADLVersionsInfoX2 ADLVersionsInfoX2
Structure containing version information.
struct tagADLBezelTransientMode * LPADLBezelTransientMode
ADLODParameterRange sVddc
Core voltage range.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1251
int sVTotal
Total height (rows).
Definition: adl_structures.h:3969
int iCapsMask
The bit mask identifies the adapter caps.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2690
struct ADLDisplayEDIDData ADLDisplayEDIDData
Structure containing information about EDID data.
struct ADLOD8CurrentSetting ADLOD8CurrentSetting
Structure containing information about Overdrive8 current setting.
@ ADLvRamVendor_ESMT
Definition: adl_structures.h:234
Definition: adl_structures.h:2379
int ulSize
Size of the structure.
Definition: adl_structures.h:345
int iPelsHeight
Definition: adl_structures.h:4249
int chill
Definition: adl_structures.h:3546
int iNativeDisplayChromaticityWhitePointY
Display White Point Y coordinate multiplied by 10000.
Definition: adl_structures.h:438
ADLDisplayMap * displayMap
The display Maps list to validate.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1599
int sPixelClock
Pixel clock value.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3977
Structure containing detailed timing parameters.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3955
Structure containing information info for a property record in a profile.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2427
int iNumWGPs
Total number of WGPs. Valid for RDNA (iGCGen == RDNA)
Definition: adl_structures.h:2873
Definition: adl_structures.h:2373
The BDF of the GPU on which application runs.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3510
struct ADLDevicePort ADLDevicePort
Structure containing port information.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3127
struct ADLDetailedTiming ADLDetailedTiming
Structure containing detailed timing parameters.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3126
Structure containing information about the display SLS Map information.
struct ADLDceSettings::@4::@6 DpLink
ADLOD6ParameterRange sPowerControlPercent
Returns the hard limits of the Power Limit adjustment range. Power limit should not be adjusted outsi...
Definition: adl_structures.h:2483
struct ADLMemoryInfo3 ADLMemoryInfo3
Structure containing additional information about the ASIC memory.
ADLMode displayMode
The Display Mode for the current map.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1568
int iAdapterIndex
The Persistent logical Adapter Index.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1436
Structure containing GL-Sync module information.
Definition: adl_structures.h:875
int iScanRateCoeff
Scan rate multiplier applied to the sync signal. ADL_GLSYNC_SCANRATECOEFF_* Genlock related values.
Definition: adl_structures.h:926
int iModeHeight
Custom mode height.
Definition: adl_structures.h:491
long long int timeStamp
Timestamp at which application has run.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3504
long ulHighMemoryClock
Definition: adl_structures.h:509
long long iMemoryBandwidth
Highest default performance level Memory bandwidth in Mbytes/s.
Definition: adl_structures.h:153
long long virtualMemPageSize
virtual mem size
Definition: adl_structures.h:4186
struct ADLRASGetErrorCountsOutput ADLRASGetErrorCountsOutput
Structure containing information related RAS Get Error Counts Information.
int iDisplayLogicalAdapterIndex
The persistent logical adapter index for the display.
Definition: adl_structures.h:563
int iSLSBezelTransientModeMask
The bit mask identifies the bits this structure is currently using. It will be the total OR of all th...
Definition: adl_structures.h:1530
Structure containing connection state of the connector.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2618
Definition: adl_structures.h:2372
int iControlVector
Mode control vector. Bitfield of ADL_GLSYNC_MODECNTL_* Genlock related values.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1000
Definition: adl_structures.h:1912
Definition: adl_structures.h:3298
char cEDIDData[256]
EDID data.
Definition: adl_structures.h:806
struct ADLGLSyncPortCaps ADLGLSyncPortCaps
Structure containing GL-Sync ports capabilities.
int iGCGen
indicate the graphic core generation
Definition: adl_structures.h:2866
unsigned long long ptr_LoggingAddress
Definition: adl_structures.h:3347
char strName[64]
Property Name.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1988
int iControlVector
Port control data ADL_GLSYNC_PORTCNTL_* Genlock related values.
Definition: adl_structures.h:966
Structure containing information about the Adapter offset stepping size.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1848
int Hotkey
Definition: adl_structures.h:3638
int iNumSIMDs
Total number of SIMDs. Valid for Pre GCN (iGCGen == Pre-GCN)
Definition: adl_structures.h:2885
int iCapsValue
The bit identifies the adapter caps define_adapter_caps.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2692
int iOutputBandwidth
Output Bandwidth. Could be used for MST branch, DP or DP Active dongle. Define_linkrate_constants.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2646
Structure containing information about BOOST Settings change reason.
int iNumBezelOffset
The number of bezel offsets belongs to this map.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1524
long ulMemoryMin
Definition: adl_structures.h:513
Structure containing information about Pro VSR Settings.
ADLODNParameterRange svddcRange
Definition: adl_structures.h:2934
int GlobalEnable
Definition: adl_structures.h:3663
struct ADLSLSOffset * LPADLSLSOffset
Structure containing information about DRIVERUPSCALE Settings.
long long iVramVendorRevId
Vram vendor ID.
Definition: adl_structures.h:212
int iSec
Definition: adl_structures.h:2325
int iBezelffsetValue
The bit mask identifies the display status.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1753
struct ADLOD6PowerControlInfo ADLOD6PowerControlInfo
Structure containing information about Overdrive 6 PowerControl settings.
@ ADLvRamVendor_ETRON
Definition: adl_structures.h:229
Structure containing information about CHILL Settings change reason.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3702
float fRed
Red color channel gamma value.
Definition: adl_structures.h:471
Structure containing information about display possible mapping.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1613
int virtualSegmentCurrent
Definition: adl_structures.h:265
struct ADLVersionsInfo * LPADLVersionsInfo
struct ADLDisplayDPMSTInfo * LPADLDisplayDPMSTInfo
int iSupportedTransferFunction
Bit vector of supported transfer functions ADLSourceContentAttributes transfer functions (gamma).
Definition: adl_structures.h:418
int iEngineClockMax
The recommended maximum engine clock adjustment in percent, for the specified power limit value.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2519
int iMaxPercent
Maximum possible fan speed value in percents.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1184
long vendorId
mantle vendroe id
Definition: adl_structures.h:4176
Structure containing information about MultiVPU capabilities.
Structure containing information about Overdrive8 set setting.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3191
int ulReserved[12]
Definition: adl_structures.h:3539
Definition: adl_structures.h:3151
int iSLSGridPositionX
Target postion X in SLS grid.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1826
int iSpeedType
Definition: adl_structures.h:1203
Definition: adl_structures.h:2385
int iBezelOffsetSteppingSizeY
Bezel Y stepping size offset.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1859
char cDisplayName[256]
Returns the name of the display device. Should be zeroed if this information is not available.
Definition: adl_structures.h:389
int iModeWidth
Custom mode width.
Definition: adl_structures.h:489
Structure containing information about Overdrive 6 PowerControl settings.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2279
Structure containing information about Overdrive8 initial setting.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3165
Structure containing information about adapter location.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1341
long maxThreadGroupSize
thread group size
Definition: adl_structures.h:4192
unsigned long reserved
Definition: adl_structures.h:2772
struct ADLOD6FanSpeedInfo ADLOD6FanSpeedInfo
Structure containing information about Overdrive 6 fan speed information.
long multiColorTargetClears
color target
Definition: adl_structures.h:4196
int iYRes
Screen resolution Height.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1467
char hb2
Definition: adl_structures.h:1020
int iNumActivatableSources
The number of Activatable Sources.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1438
char hb1
Definition: adl_structures.h:1019
Structure containing GL-Sync Genlock settings.
Definition: adl_structures.h:910
int iPageID
Page ID. All Features with the same Page ID value are shown together on the same UI page.
Definition: adl_structures.h:4071
int iHDCPProtectionVersion
Definition: adl_structures.h:4155
ADLODNParameterRange powerTuneTemperature
Definition: adl_structures.h:2940
int iBezelOffsetSteppingSizeMask
Identifies the bits this structure is currently using. It will be the total OR of all the bit definit...
Definition: adl_structures.h:1862
Structure containing information about thermal controller fan speed.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1176
int iSLSMapMask
The bit mask identifies the number of bits DisplayMap is currently using. Sum all the bit definitions...
Definition: adl_structures.h:1711
Structure containing Mantle App info.
Definition: adl_structures.h:4170
int iSLSMapIndex
The current display map index. It is the OS Desktop index. For example, OS Index 1 showing clone mode...
Definition: adl_structures.h:1729
int iDisplayControllerIndex
Definition: adl_structures.h:586
struct ADLDisplayConfig ADLDisplayConfig
Structure containing HDTV information for display calls.
int TexCount
Definition: adl_structures.h:249
char strXScreenConfigName[256]
Definition: adl_structures.h:91
int iReserved[3]
Should be 0.
Definition: adl_structures.h:864
int iPortType
Port type. Bitfield of ADL_GLSYNC_PORTTYPE_* Genlock related values.
Definition: adl_structures.h:896
struct ADLGraphicCoreInfo ADLGraphicCoreInfo
Structure containing information about Graphic Core.
int iDevice
Device number : 5 bits.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1345
int GlobalSharpeningDegree_MaxLimit
Definition: adl_structures.h:3691
long ulManufacturerId
manufacturer ID of the display
Definition: adl_structures.h:2077
int iEngineClock
Current engine clock in 10 KHz.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2183
Structure Containing All Radeon USB LED requests and controls.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3799
Structure containing the packet info of a display.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1017
int iAdapterIndex
The Persistent logical Adapter Index.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1547
Structure containing information about thermal controller temperature.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1161
int iSupportedConnections
Bit vector of supported connections. Bitmask is defined in constants section. Define_connection_types...
Definition: adl_structures.h:2606
int ulSize
Definition: adl_structures.h:3531
unsigned int ProcessId
Definition: adl_structures.h:2412
int bEnabled
Current active state.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3533
struct ADLMemoryInfo * LPADLMemoryInfo
Structure containing information about Overdrive N Fan Speed.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3040
int iBezelOffsetY
SLS Bezel Offset Y.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1741
Structure containing information about the adapter display manner.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1545
int iFWBootSectorVersion
GL-Sync module firmware version of Boot Sector.
Definition: adl_structures.h:881
Definition: adl_defines.h:1147
Structure containing information about FRTCPRO Settings.
Definition: adl_structures.h:4220
int iFanSpeedRPM
Contains current fan speed in RPM (if valid flag exists in iSpeedType)
Definition: adl_structures.h:2243
struct ADLECCData ADLECCData
Structure containing ECC statistics namely SEC counts and DED counts Single error count - count of er...
@ ADLvRamVendor_NANYA
Definition: adl_structures.h:230
char strUDID[256]
The unique device ID associated with this adapter.
Definition: adl_structures.h:51
struct ADLPossibleMapResult * LPADLPossibleMapResult
int minValue
Definition: adl_structures.h:3153
Definition: adl_structures.h:3804
ADLPoint Red
red channel chromasity coordinate
Definition: adl_structures.h:3909
unsigned int minSupportedFps
Definition: adl_structures.h:4226
short brightness
Definition: adl_structures.h:3788
struct ADLVersionsInfo ADLVersionsInfo
Structure containing version information.
int EnumMask
The Mask for available bits for enumerated values.(If ADLFeatureCaps supports ENUM values)
Definition: adl_structures.h:4119
int GlobalLimitFPS
Definition: adl_structures.h:3582
int iMode
Definition: adl_structures.h:3041
struct ADLSLSTarget ADLSLSTarget
Structure containing information about the SLS targets.
struct ADLOD8SetSetting ADLOD8SetSetting
int iDefaultValue
Definition: adl_structures.h:4284
char cReserved[3]
Definition: adl_structures.h:2820
int iMaxRefreshRateInMicroHz
Reports maximum FreeSync refresh rate supported by the display in micro hertz.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2816
int sHSyncStart
Horizontal sync signal offset.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3965
Structure containing information controller Gamma settings.
Definition: adl_structures.h:469
int iPowerControlPercent
The current power control adjustment value, specified as a +/- percent.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2503
ADLAppInterceptionListType AppFormat
Definition: adl_structures.h:2388
int iCaps
FreeSync capability flags. Define_freesync_caps.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2812
unsigned short G
Definition: adl_structures.h:3759
int iTargetTemperature
Definition: adl_structures.h:3046
int iStatusVector
Mode status vector. Bitfield of ADL_GLSYNC_MODECNTL_STATUS_* Genlock related values.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1002
int iIndex
The current display map index. It is the OS Desktop index. For example, OS Index 1 showing clone mode...
Definition: adl_structures.h:1629
float fCurrent
Current float value. Valid only if ADLFeatureCaps indicates support for floats.
Definition: adl_structures.h:4139
Structure containing information about driver supported gamut coordinates.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3907
struct ADLI2C ADLI2C
Structure containing information about I2C.
int iVendorID
The vendor ID associated with this adapter.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3835
Structure containing information about OGL IMAGE BOOST Settings.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3661
struct ADLPossibleMap ADLPossibleMap
Structure containing information about the display device possible map for one GPU.
ADL_AP_DATABASE recordSource
Definition: adl_structures.h:2459
int Hotkey
Definition: adl_structures.h:3662
int virtualSegmentSupported
Definition: adl_structures.h:263
Handle to ADL Frame Monitor Token.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2344
Definition: adl_structures.h:2698
struct ADLApplicationRecord ADLApplicationRecord
Structure containing information info for an application record.
char strPNPString[256]
PNP string from Windows.
Definition: adl_structures.h:77
struct ADLMemoryInfo3 * LPADLMemoryInfo3
Definition: adl_structures.h:3322
char strPathName[256]
Path Name.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1932
Structure containing information about an controller mode.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2034
int boost
Definition: adl_structures.h:3552
long ulConnectorType
HDTV connector type.
Definition: adl_structures.h:532
unsigned int iGPUAffinity
The GPU on which application runs.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3508
Structure containing information about Clock.
Definition: adl_structures.h:754
int iExpansionMode
Definition: adl_structures.h:737
int ulDCFPSCurrent
Current Value of FPS Monitor in DC state.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3258
int iSLSTargetValue
The bit mask identifies status info. It is for function extension purpose.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1838
Structure containing information about Graphic Core.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2864
char strPNPString[256]
PNP string from Windows.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3849
ADLRASResetErrorCountsInput Input
Definition: adl_structures.h:3439
int iDisplayLogicalIndex
The logical display index belonging to this adapter.
Definition: adl_structures.h:554
unsigned int GlobalEnableChanged
Definition: adl_structures.h:3676
ADLAdapterLocation aAdapterLocation[4]
PCI Bus/Device/Function for each active adapter participating in MVPU.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1421
struct ADLDisplayInfo ADLDisplayInfo
Structure containing information about the display device.
Structure containing information about the display Possible SLS Map information.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1790
Structure containing display mode information.
Definition: adl_structures.h:709
int LogDestinations
Definition: adl_structures.h:3234
Definition: adl_structures.h:2753
int iSLSGridRow
The grid row.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1651
struct XScreenInfo * LPXScreenInfo
int iPanelPixelFormat
Returns the Pixel formats the display supports DDCInfo Pixel Formats.
Definition: adl_structures.h:407
Definition: adl_structures.h:2778
wchar_t strTimeStamp[32]
Creation timestamp.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1954
int iVisualID
Visual ID. Places one or more features in a Group Box. If zero, no Group Box is added.
Definition: adl_structures.h:4068
int iBus
PCI Bus number : 8 bits.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1343
Structure containing information about MultiVPU status.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1413
Definition: adl_defines.h:1346
int ulMaxRefresh
Returns the maximum supported refresh rate. Should be zeroed if this information is not available.
Definition: adl_structures.h:359
char strDriverVer[256]
Driver Release (Packaging) Version (e.g. 8.71-100128n-094835E-ATI)
Definition: adl_structures.h:1359
int iAdapterIndex
The Adapter Index.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1726
long long iMemoryBitRateX2
Memory Bit Rate that is calculated and finalized on the driver side, grab and go.
Definition: adl_structures.h:216
struct ADLErrorInjectionX2 ADLErrorInjectionX2
struct ADLDisplayModeInfoX2 ADLDisplayModeInfoX2
Structure containing display mode information.
ADLOD6ParameterRange sEngineClockPercent
Returns the hard limits of the SCLK overdrive adjustment range. Overdrive clocks should not be adjust...
Definition: adl_structures.h:2479
int iLine
Numerical value representing hardware I2C.
Definition: adl_structures.h:773
int ModeOverrideEnabled
Definition: adl_structures.h:3746
int iNumOfGLSyncConnectors
Number of GLSyncConnectors.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2688
int iFlag
Set to 0.
Definition: adl_structures.h:800
struct ADLODNPerformanceLevel ADLODNPerformanceLevel
Structure containing information about Overdrive level.
int iViewPanLockLeft
Horizontal left panlock position.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2047
int iBaseModeHeight
Custom mode base height.
Definition: adl_structures.h:495
int iDisplayFeatureValue
Type of Memory Memory Type.
Definition: adl_structures.h:319
ADLDisplayID displayID
Display IDs.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1459
long long iInvisibleMemorySize
Invisible Memory size in bytes.
Definition: adl_structures.h:208
unsigned int maxSupportedFps
Definition: adl_structures.h:4225
int iAction
Read from or write to slave device. ADL_DL_I2C_ACTIONREAD or ADL_DL_I2C_ACTIONWRITE.
Definition: adl_structures.h:4030
struct ADLMode * LPADLMode
struct ADLGamutData ADLGamutData
Structure containing information about driver current gamut space , parent struct for ADLGamutCoordin...
int iActivityPercent
Definition: adl_structures.h:2188
int iAddress
The 7-bit I2C slave device address, shifted one bit to the left.
Definition: adl_structures.h:775
Structure Containing All Generic LED configuration for user requested LED pattern....
wchar_t strFileName[256]
Application file name.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3498
struct ADLODPerformanceLevel ADLODPerformanceLevel
Structure containing information about Overdrive level.
int iMaximumNumberOfPerformanceLevels
Definition: adl_structures.h:2963
Structure containing information about EDC Error Injection.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2790
char * pcData
Address of the characters which are to be sent or received on the I2C bus.
Definition: adl_structures.h:4038
int bDCFPSEnabled
FPS Monitor is enabled in the DC state if 1.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3254
struct ADLDisplayIdentifier ADLDisplayIdentifier
Structure containing information about a display.
Structure containing display mode information.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3997
ADLDisplayID displayID
The Display ID.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1732
struct ADLOD6FanSpeedValue ADLOD6FanSpeedValue
Structure containing information about Overdrive 6 fan speed value.
int iLine
Numerical value representing hardware I2C.
Definition: adl_structures.h:4024
Structure containing information about driver current gamut space , parent struct for ADLGamutCoordin...
Definition: adl_structures.h:3923
struct ADLGLSyncGenlockConfig ADLGLSyncGenlockConfig
Structure containing GL-Sync Genlock settings.
int iCurrentPerformanceLevel
Not used. Reserved for future use.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2190
int iSlotIndex
index of the slot, 0-based index.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2544
Definition: adl_structures.h:2761
the SLS mode for which the overlap is configured
Definition: adl_structures.h:1877
Structure containing information about an controller mode including Number of Connectors.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2678
short sVSyncStart
Vertical sync signal offset.
Definition: adl_structures.h:685
Structure containing information about Overdrive 6 extension capabilities.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2469
short sOverscanGR
Definition: adl_structures.h:3987
Definition: adl_structures.h:2760
int iErrorCode
Current error code of this CrossfireX combination.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1312
int iGlSyncGPUPort
GL-Sync GPU port index (to be passed into ADLGLSyncGenlockConfig.lSignalSource and ADLGlSyncPortContr...
Definition: adl_structures.h:879
int iStepClock
Definition: adl_structures.h:1062
struct ADLDisplayID ADLDisplayID
Structure containing information about the display device.
ADLDisplayID displayID
The DisplayID structure.
Definition: adl_structures.h:583
ADLDetailedTimingX2 sDetailedTiming
Detailed timing parameters.
Definition: adl_structures.h:4009
int iGLSyncConnectorIndex
Index of GL-Sync connector used to genlock the display/controller.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1004
Definition: adl_structures.h:3529
int iFlags
Flag Clock flags.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1096
short sHOverscanRight
Overscan right.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3979
int iAdapterIndex
The Adapter Index.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1672
wchar_t strPathName[256]
Path Name.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1950
int iFirstTargetArrayIndex
the first target array index in the target array
Definition: adl_structures.h:1881
int GlobalEnable
Definition: adl_structures.h:3718
int iSLSGridPositionY
Target postion Y in SLS grid.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1829
struct ADLBezelOffsetSteppingSize ADLBezelOffsetSteppingSize
Structure containing information about the Adapter offset stepping size.
int ulSupportsDDC
Indicates whether the attached display supports DDC. If this field is zero on return,...
Definition: adl_structures.h:347
Structure containing information related RAS Error Injection information.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3469
int iPortType
Type of GL-Sync port (ADL_GLSYNC_PORT_*).
Definition: adl_structures.h:940
Structure containing version information.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1373
struct ADLODNExtSingleInitSetting ADLODNExtSingleInitSetting
ADLOD6ParameterRange sEngineClockRange
Definition: adl_structures.h:2124
int iMax
Maximum parameter value.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1222
struct ADLDceSettings::@4::@7 Protection
int iOffset
The offset of the data from the address.
Definition: adl_structures.h:4028
bool qualityDetectionEnabled
Definition: adl_structures.h:2838
int iAdapterID
AdapterID for this adapter.
Definition: adl_structures.h:124
long long iMemorySize
Memory size in bytes.
Definition: adl_structures.h:173
unsigned int u32All
Definition: adl_structures.h:4270
struct ADLSGApplicationInfo ADLSGApplicationInfo
Structure containing information about an application.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2369
ADLODNParameterRange sEngineClockRange
Definition: adl_structures.h:2928
int iPossibleMVPUSlaves
Bits set for all possible MVPU slaves. MVPU_ADAPTER_0 .. MVPU_ADAPTER_3.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1400
int iMaximumBusLanes
Maximum possible PCI-E bus # of lanes.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2196
int Hotkey
Definition: adl_structures.h:3609
Structure containing the display mode definition used per controller.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2353
int iSize
Size of the structure.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1094
int iBaseModeWidth
Custom mode base width.
Definition: adl_structures.h:493
struct ADLOD6CurrentStatus ADLOD6CurrentStatus
Structure containing information about current Overdrive 6 performance status.
int iFunction
Function number : 3 bits.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1347
int iPossibleStandard
Applicable timing standards for the current mode.
Definition: adl_structures.h:4001
int iAdapterIndex
The adapter index identifying the GPU for which to validate these Maps & Targets.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1595
unsigned long long errorAddress
Definition: adl_structures.h:2779
int iStep
The minimum increment between clock values.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2099
int iMemoryClock
Current memory clock.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1117
struct ADLI2CLargePayload ADLI2CLargePayload
Structure containing information about I2C.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3128
Structure containing information about the features associated with a display.
Definition: adl_structures.h:330
int iBitrate
Definition: adl_structures.h:2638
struct ADLODNPerformanceLevels ADLODNPerformanceLevels
Structure containing information about Overdrive N performance levels.
int iSLSBezelTransientModeValue
The bit mask identifies the display status. The detail definition is defined below.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1533
int iAdapterIndex
the logic adapter index
Definition: adl_structures.h:1817
struct ADLDisplayProperty ADLDisplayProperty
Structure containing information about display property.
Structure containing information about Overdrive 6 extension state information.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2497
int iSLSModeIndex
The mode index.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1518
int iDisplayFrequency
Refresh rate.
Definition: adl_structures.h:657
Structure Containing All Radeon USB LED requests and controls.
struct ADLGlSyncPortInfo ADLGlSyncPortInfo
Structure containing GL-Sync port information.
int iAdapterDisplayCapValue
The bit mask identifies the status. Refer to ADL_ADAPTER_DISPLAYCAP_XXX.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1551
int bACFPSEnabled
FPS Monitor is enabled in the AC state if 1.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3252
struct ADLSDIData ADLSDIData
Structure containing information about SDIData This structure is used to store information about the ...
char EdidData[1024]
EDID Data.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2668
Structure containing information about the BIOS.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1327
int iPelsHeight
Vertical resolution (in pixels).
Definition: adl_structures.h:651
int iNativeDisplayChromaticityRedX
Display Red Chromaticity X coordinate multiplied by 10000.
Definition: adl_structures.h:424
Definition: adl_structures.h:1916
Structure containing information about DELAG Settings.
int HotkeyChanged
Definition: adl_structures.h:3703
int iSupportedStates
Definition: adl_structures.h:2116
int iSize
Size of the structure.
Definition: adl_structures.h:4022
Structure containing connection information.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2656
Structure containing information about PPLog settings.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3229
long ulSize
Size of the structure.
Definition: adl_structures.h:530
int GlobalMaxFPSChanged
Definition: adl_structures.h:3706
Structure containing information about ProVSR Settings change reason.
int iConnectorIndex
index of the connector.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2592
struct ADLClockInfo * LPADLClockInfo
struct ADLSLSGrid ADLSLSGrid
Structure containing information about the display SLS Grid information.
char strFileName[256]
File Name.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1934
Structure containing the display mode definition used per controller.
Definition: adl_structures.h:4248
char sb[28]
Definition: adl_structures.h:1022
int defaultValue
Definition: adl_structures.h:3155
int iMinRefreshRateInMicroHz
Reports minimum FreeSync refresh rate supported by the display in micro hertz.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2814
int chill
Definition: adl_structures.h:3554
int iType
Type of the connector. Connector Type.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2546
struct ADLOD6StateInfo ADLOD6StateInfo
Structure containing information about Overdrive 6 clocks.
int SupportedGamutSpace
Any combination of following ADL_GAMUT_SPACE_CCIR_709 - ADL_GAMUT_SPACE_CUSTOM.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3879
int iAdapterIndex
The ADL index handle. One GPU may be associated with one or two index handles.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3825
int iPossibleMapResultMask
Definition: adl_structures.h:1631
int iDataSize
Data Size in bytes.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1992
ADLGamutCoordinates CustomGamut
valid when in mask avails ADL_CUSTOM_GAMUT
Definition: adl_structures.h:3945
struct ADLMemoryRequired ADLMemoryRequired
Structure containing information about memory required by type.
@ ADLPreFlipPostProcessingInfoInvalidLUTIndex
Definition: adl_structures.h:3519
int iAdapterIndex
Adapter index.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1457
Structure containing information info for an application record.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2443
struct ADLDisplayModeX2 ADLDisplayModeX2
Structure containing the display mode definition used per controller.
struct ADLFeatureCaps * LPADLFeatureCaps
int iNumSLSTarget
the number of target displays in SLS.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1879
struct ADLODNPerformanceLevelsX2 ADLODNPerformanceLevelsX2
Structure containing information about Overdrive N performance levels.
ADLProfilePropertyType eType
Data type of the property.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2431
int iExtMask
Mask for future extension.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2132
short sHOverscanLeft
Overscan left.
Definition: adl_structures.h:693
char strAdapterName[256]
Adapter name.
Definition: adl_structures.h:61
Structure containing information about the display SLS bezel Mode information.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1510
The display map list for validation.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1799
int iCapabilities
Definition: adl_structures.h:2474
int iNumDisplays
Number of displays for this adapter.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2684
Structure containing information about SDIData This structure is used to store information about the ...
Definition: adl_structures.h:4205
int iDisplayPhysicalAdapterIndex
The persistent physical adapter index for the display. It can be the current adapter or a non-local a...
Definition: adl_structures.h:569
int GlobalMinRes_Step
Definition: adl_structures.h:3614
int iAllowAll
Definition: adl_structures.h:4157
int iExtValue
Value for future extension.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2225
char strCatalystWebLink[256]
Web link to an XML file with information about the latest AMD drivers and locations (e....
Definition: adl_structures.h:1363
struct ADLBezelOffsetSteppingSize * LPADLBezelOffsetSteppingSize
struct ADLSDIData * LPADLSDIData
struct ADLCustomMode ADLCustomMode
Structure containing information about component video custom modes.
Structure containing information about Overdrive 6 fan speed information.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2237
struct ADLRASResetErrorCountsOutput ADLRASResetErrorCountsOutput
Structure containing information related RAS Error Counts Reset Information.
int ulACFPSCurrent
Current Value of FPS Monitor in AC state.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3256
int iMemoryClock
Current memory clock in 10 KHz.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2185
struct _ADL_ECC_EDC_FLAG::@2 bits
int iDefault
The default clock values.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2911
int iNumberOfLanes
Definition: adl_structures.h:2640
short sVDisplay
Displayed height.
Definition: adl_structures.h:683
ADLODNParameterRange svddcRange
Definition: adl_structures.h:2975
Definition: adl_structures.h:2370
ADLODParameterRange sEngineClock
Engine clock range.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1247
int iDrvIndex
Internal driver index from GPUMapInfo.
Definition: adl_structures.h:89
Structure containing additional information about the ASIC memory.
Definition: adl_structures.h:197
int iRefreshRate
Refresh rate factor.
Definition: adl_structures.h:715
short sVOverscanTop
Overscan top.
Definition: adl_structures.h:697
int iDataSize
A numerical value representing the number of bytes to be sent or received on the I2C bus.
Definition: adl_structures.h:783
int iReserved[15]
Definition: adl_structures.h:2854
int ulDDCInfoFlag
Return EDID flags.
Definition: adl_structures.h:367
ADLODNParameterRange autoSystemClock
Contains the hard limits of the Auto Systemclock.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2994
int iNumOverlays
Number of overlays for this adapter.
Definition: adl_structures.h:130
struct ADLGLSyncGenlockConfig * LPADLGLSyncGenlockConfig
Definition: adl_structures.h:3295
Structure containing information about Overdrive8 current setting.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3178
Structure containing information about Overdrive 6 capabilities.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2109
int GlobalMaxFPS
Definition: adl_structures.h:3720
int iStatusVector
Mode status vector. Bitfield of ADL_GLSYNC_MODECNTL_STATUS_* Genlock related values.
Definition: adl_structures.h:984
Structure containing information about Overdrive 6 extension recommended maximum clock adjustment val...
Definition: adl_structures.h:2517
int iMinValue
The minimum PowerControl adjustment value.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2281
Structure containing information about BOOST Settings.
int HotkeyChanged
Definition: adl_structures.h:3596
struct ADLTemperature ADLTemperature
Structure containing information about thermal controller temperature.
int ASICRevisionId
Definition: adl_structures.h:252
int iDisplayTargetMask
The bit mask identifies the number of bits DisplayTarget is currently using. It is the sum of all the...
Definition: adl_structures.h:1497
ADLODClockSetting sMemoryClock
Memory Clock.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1079
int iNumSLSMap
Number of display map to be validated.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1796
int iAdapterIndex
The Adapter index.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1645
int iPredefinedWhitePoint
Definition: adl_structures.h:3939
int ulProductID
Returns the product ID of the display device. Should be zeroed if this information is not available.
Definition: adl_structures.h:351
ADLODNParameterRange power
Definition: adl_structures.h:2978
struct ADLFPSSettingsInput ADLFPSSettingsInput
Structure containing information related Frames Per Second for AC and DC.
struct ADLPMLogSupportInfo ADLPMLogSupportInfo
int iPossibleMVPUMasters
Bits set for all possible MVPU masters. MVPU_ADAPTER_0 .. MVPU_ADAPTER_3.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1398
char strCrimsonVersion[256]
Crimson Version(e.g. "16.6.2").
Definition: adl_structures.h:1379
Structure containing information about Overdrive parameters.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1235
Structure containing information about an application.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3496
struct ADLFeatureCaps ADLFeatureCaps
Structure containing information about MM Feature Capabilities.
Structure containing information about CHILL Settings.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3716
int iEmulationStatus
The value is bit vector. Each bit represents status. See masks constants for details....
Definition: adl_structures.h:2620
struct ADLDDCInfo2 * LPADLDDCInfo2
int ulSelectedLUTAlgorithm
Current selected LUT Algorithm.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3537
Structure containing information related DCE support.
Definition: adl_structures.h:4263
Structure containing information to query limts of power management logging.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3360
int iInfoMask
The bit mask identifies the adapter info.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3853
ADLOD6PerformanceLevel aLevels[1]
Definition: adl_structures.h:2171
int ulDCFPSMinimum
Minimum FPS Threshold allowed in PPLib for DC.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3266
int iCurrentAGPSpeed
Current AGP speed.
Definition: adl_structures.h:288
struct ADLSLSMode ADLSLSMode
Structure containing information about the display SLS Mode information.
int iCurrentFanSpeedMode
Definition: adl_structures.h:3043
Structure containing information about FRTCPRO Settings changed reason.
Definition: adl_structures.h:4236
int iDisplayMapValue
The bit mask identifies the display status. The detailed definition is in ADL_DISPLAY_DISPLAYMAP_MANN...
Definition: adl_structures.h:1580
int ulPTMCy
Returns the display device preferred timing mode's vertical resolution.
Definition: adl_structures.h:363
struct ADLRASGetErrorCountsInput ADLRASGetErrorCountsInput
Structure containing information related RAS Get Error Counts Information.
int iDisplayConnector
The connector type for the device.
Definition: adl_structures.h:601
int iDeviceNumber
The driver number associated with this adapter.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3831
int iMax
Maximum Value.
Definition: adl_structures.h:845
int iTargetFanSpeed
Definition: adl_structures.h:3045
struct ADLMode ADLMode
Structure containing information about display mode.
int iSupportedStates
Definition: adl_structures.h:2477
int iSize
Size of the structure.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1075
int iSupportedProperties[32]
Array of bitvectors. Each bit vector represents supported properties for one connection type....
Definition: adl_structures.h:2608
int iAdapterIndex
The Persistent logical Adapter Index.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1893
int iPelsWidth
Num of pixels in a row.
Definition: adl_structures.h:4005
@ ADLvRamVendor_MOSEL
Definition: adl_structures.h:232
struct ADLMemoryInfo ADLMemoryInfo
Structure containing information about the ASIC memory.
Structure containing GL-Sync mode of a display.
Definition: adl_structures.h:980
ADLPoint Green
green channel chromasity coordinate
Definition: adl_structures.h:3911
int iType
Memory in bytes required.
Definition: adl_structures.h:318
int iNumDisplayTarget
The number of display targets belongs to this map .
Definition: adl_structures.h:1571
Structure containing information about Overdrive 6 clock range.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2093
struct ADLODClockSetting ADLODClockSetting
Structure containing the Overdrive clock setting.
int iAdapterIndex
the logic adapter index
Definition: adl_structures.h:1850
int iMaxValue
Maximum value.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2022
long ulHighCoreClock
Definition: adl_structures.h:508
int iCapsValue
The bit identifies the adapter caps define_adapter_caps.
Definition: adl_structures.h:136
int iExist
Exist or not; 1 is exist and 0 is not present.
Definition: adl_structures.h:71
int ulManufacturerID
Returns the manufacturer ID of the display device. Should be zeroed if this information is not availa...
Definition: adl_structures.h:385
Definition: adl_structures.h:2400
Structure containing information about a display.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2072
char strVersion[256]
Version number.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1329
Definition: adl_structures.h:3124
Definition: adl_structures.h:3133
struct _ADL_ERROR_PATTERN::@3 bits
int iSpecularScreenReflectance
Display specular screen reflectance 0-1 (100%) in units of 0.01.
Definition: adl_structures.h:442
struct ADLFanSpeedValue ADLFanSpeedValue
Structure containing information about fan speed reported by thermal controller.
int ulMinLuminanceNoDimmingData
Return minimum monitor luminance without dimming data.
Definition: adl_structures.h:449
ADLODNParameterRange throttleNotificaion
Contains the hard limits of the throttleNotification.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2992
ADLAppProcessState AppState
Definition: adl_structures.h:2389
int iCurrentFanSpeed
Definition: adl_structures.h:3044
int iMaxRPM
Maximum possible fan speed value in RPM.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1188
int iY
y coordinate
Definition: adl_structures.h:3897
int iPropertyType
Definition: adl_structures.h:735
int iFlags
I2C option flags. define_ADLI2CLargePayload.
Definition: adl_structures.h:4034
Structure containing information about Overdrive N capabilities.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2921
int ulMaxVResolution
Returns the maximum Vertical supported resolution. Should be zeroed if this information is not availa...
Definition: adl_structures.h:357
Size in bytes of the Feature Name.
Definition: adl_structures.h:4042
Structure containing information about Performance Metrics data.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3210
struct ADLFeatureValues ADLFeatureValues
Structure containing information about MM Feature Values.
ADLODClockSetting sEngineClock
Engine Clock.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1081
int virtualSegmentDefault
Definition: adl_structures.h:264
int iAddress
The 7-bit I2C slave device address.
Definition: adl_structures.h:4026
int count
Definition: adl_structures.h:3166
short sHSyncWidth
Horizontal sync signal width.
Definition: adl_structures.h:679
int iFanMinPercent
Minimum fan speed expressed as a percentage.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2216
int GlobalMinRes
Definition: adl_structures.h:3611
struct ADLDisplayDPMSTInfo ADLDisplayDPMSTInfo
Structure containing information about the display port MST device.
int iFanControlMode
Definition: adl_structures.h:3042
struct ADLControllerOverlayInput ADLControllerOverlayInput
Structure containing information about input of controller overlay adjustment.
int GlobalLimitFPS_Step
Definition: adl_structures.h:3585
int iSignalSource
Source of the sync signal. Either GL_Sync GPU Port index or ADL_GLSYNC_SIGNALSOURCE_* Genlock related...
Definition: adl_structures.h:918
int iBezelOffsetSteppingSizeX
Bezel X stepping size offset.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1856
ADLODNParameterRange sEngineClockRange
Definition: adl_structures.h:2969
long ulMemoryMax
Definition: adl_structures.h:514
Structure containing information about DRIVERUPSCALE Settings change reason.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3733
Contains all definitions exposed by ADL for Linux and Windows(XP, Vista and above); 32bit and 64bit p...
int iSize
Size of the structure.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3957
int iFreesyncFlags
Bit vector for freesync flags.
Definition: adl_structures.h:446
long long maxInlineMemoryUpdateSize
mem update
Definition: adl_structures.h:4188
long ulCurrentCoreClock
Definition: adl_structures.h:516
wchar_t strVersion[32]
Definition: adl_structures.h:1974
int iViewPanLockTop
Vertical top panlock position.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2053
Structure containing the display mode definition used per controller.
int iNumBezelMode
The number of bezel modes belongs to this map.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1699
int GlobalEnabled
Definition: adl_structures.h:3747
int iMax
Maximum integer value. Valid only if ADLFeatureCaps indicates support for integers.
Definition: adl_structures.h:4098
int iBlockIndex
0, 1 or 2. If set to 3 or above an error ADL_ERR_INVALID_PARAM is generated
Definition: adl_structures.h:804
Structure containing GL-Sync port information.
Definition: adl_structures.h:938
Structure containing information about the SLS targets.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1815
int iNumNativeMode
The number of native modes belongs to this map.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1693
needed for ADLDDCInfo structure
Definition: adl_defines.h:228
int iMin
Minimum value.
Definition: adl_structures.h:843
int iExist
Exist or not; 1 is exist and 0 is not present.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3843
char strAdapterName[256]
Adapter name.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3837
struct ADLODNParameterRange ADLODNParameterRange
Structure containing information about Overdrive N clock range.
wchar_t * strVersion
File versin the application.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2451
Structure containing information about RIS Settings change reason.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3675
int iPortType
Port to control ADL_GLSYNC_PORT_RJ45PORT1 or ADL_GLSYNC_PORT_RJ45PORT2 Genlock related values.
Definition: adl_structures.h:964
struct ADLMemoryDisplayFeatures * LPADLMemoryDisplayFeatures
Definition: adl_structures.h:2700
long long iMemoryBandwidth
Highest default performance level Memory bandwidth in Mbytes/s.
Definition: adl_structures.h:203
int iNativeDisplayChromaticityGreenX
Display Green Chromaticity X coordinate multiplied by 10000.
Definition: adl_structures.h:428
Structure containing information of a property of an application profile.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1986
Structure containing information about the display SLS Offset information.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1724
struct ADLGcnInfo ADLGcnInfo
Structure containing information about components of ASIC GCN architecture.
int boost
Definition: adl_structures.h:3544
int GlobalEnableChanged
Definition: adl_structures.h:3597
int iDisplayMapIndex
The current display map index. It is the OS desktop index. For example, if the OS index 1 is showing ...
Definition: adl_structures.h:1565
Structure containing information about I2C.
Definition: adl_structures.h:769
char * pcData
Address of the characters which are to be sent or received on the I2C bus.
Definition: adl_structures.h:785
Definition: adl_defines.h:2517
int relativeVoltageSwing
Definition: adl_structures.h:2846
int iFrequency
Scanned frequency for this port (vertical refresh rate in milliHz; 60000 means 60 Hz).
Definition: adl_structures.h:946
Structure containing information about the graphics adapter.
Definition: adl_structures.h:43
struct ADLRASGetErrorCounts ADLRASGetErrorCounts
Structure containing information related RAS Get Error Counts Information.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2367
int iViewPanLockRight
Horizontal right panlock position.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2050
wchar_t * strArea
Driver area which the application uses.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2455
int iSignalType
Used for ADL_GLSYNC_PORT_BNC. It is ADL_GLSYNC_SIGNALTYPE_* Genlock related values.
Definition: adl_structures.h:948
Structure containing information about an application.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1930
ADLSingleSensorData sensors[256]
Definition: adl_structures.h:3218
long ulCoreMax
Definition: adl_structures.h:512
struct ADLOD8SingleSetSetting ADLOD8SingleSetSetting
Structure containing information about Overdrive8 set setting.
long long iVisibleMemorySize
Visible Memory size in bytes.
Definition: adl_structures.h:184
struct ADLGamutCoordinates ADLGamutCoordinates
Structure containing information about driver supported gamut coordinates.
int iControlVector
Mode control vector. Bitfield of ADL_GLSYNC_MODECNTL_* Genlock related values.
Definition: adl_structures.h:982
Structure containing version information.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1357
struct ADLControllerOverlayInfo ADLControllerOverlayInfo
Structure containing information about controller overlay information.
int ulMaxBacklightMinLuminanceData
Definition: adl_structures.h:453
struct ADLAppInterceptionInfoX2 ADLAppInterceptionInfoX2
int LogFieldMask
Definition: adl_structures.h:3233
int iDiffuseScreenReflectance
Display diffuse screen reflectance 0-1 (100%) in units of 0.01.
Definition: adl_structures.h:440
int GlobalEnable
Definition: adl_structures.h:3688
unsigned int WaitForResumeNeeded
Definition: adl_structures.h:2413
ADLODNParameterRange powerTuneTemperature
Definition: adl_structures.h:2981
Definition: adl_structures.h:2798
short sOverscan8B
Definition: adl_structures.h:698
struct ADLDDCInfo ADLDDCInfo
Structure containing DDC information.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2754
int iFlags
Definition: adl_structures.h:2966
int iModuleID
Unique GL-Sync module ID.
Definition: adl_structures.h:877
Definition: adl_structures.h:2394
int iGLSyncConnectorIndex
Index of GL-Sync connector used to genlock the display/controller.
Definition: adl_structures.h:986
int iNumOverlays
Number of overlays for this adapter.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2686
char strCatalystVersion[256]
Catalyst Version(e.g. "15.8").
Definition: adl_structures.h:1377
int iViewPositionCx
Horizontal view starting position.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2041
int ulMinBacklightMinLuminanceData
Definition: adl_structures.h:454
wchar_t AppName[256]
Definition: adl_structures.h:2401
int iSLSMapIndex
Definition: adl_structures.h:1793
Definition: adl_structures.h:3522
Definition: adl_defines.h:2514
struct ADLPMLogDataOutput ADLPMLogDataOutput
int iMaxSizeInMB
Definition: adl_structures.h:267
ADLRASErrorInjectonInput Input
Definition: adl_structures.h:3484
struct ADLPossibleMapResult ADLPossibleMapResult
Structure containing information about the validated display device possible map result.
int iSize
Must be set to the size of the structure.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1178
int HotkeyChanged
Definition: adl_structures.h:3567
Definition: adl_defines.h:1348
wchar_t CommandLine[256]
Definition: adl_structures.h:2404
float fStep
Step float value. Valid only if ADLFeatureCaps indicates support for floats.
Definition: adl_structures.h:4113
int iFirstNativeModeArrayIndex
The first native mode array index in the native mode array.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1696
int iReserved[4]
Definition: adl_structures.h:808
struct ADLOD6ThermalControllerCaps ADLOD6ThermalControllerCaps
Structure containing information about Overdrive 6 thermal contoller capabilities.
int ulSelectedLUTIndex
Current selected LUT index. 0xFFFFFFF returned if nothing selected.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3535
int iDisplayFrequency
Definition: adl_structures.h:4252
int iCurrentBusLanes
Current PCI-E bus # of lanes.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2194
Structure containing information about Pro VSR Settings.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3637
Structure containing information about Overdrive 6 fan speed value.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2258
int iSLSGridMask
The grid bit mask identifies the number of bits DisplayMap is currently using. Sum of all bits define...
Definition: adl_structures.h:1657
int iTimingStandard
Timing standard of the current mode. Timing Standards.
Definition: adl_structures.h:711
int iSize
Must be set to the size of the structure.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1237
int iHeight
Vertical resolution (in lines).
Definition: adl_structures.h:2357
int iEngineClock
Current engine clock.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1115
int iColorDepth
Definition: adl_structures.h:2642
Structure containing information about the ASIC memory.
Definition: adl_structures.h:299
float fMin
Minimum float value. Valid only if ADLFeatureCaps indicates support for floats.
Definition: adl_structures.h:4107
struct ADLGlSyncPortControl ADLGlSyncPortControl
Structure containing GL-Sync port control settings.
Structure containing information about fan speed reported by thermal controller.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1199
struct ADLOD6CapabilitiesEx ADLOD6CapabilitiesEx
Structure containing information about Overdrive 6 extension capabilities.
long ulCurrentMemoryClock
Definition: adl_structures.h:517
Definition: adl_structures.h:2796
int iNumDisplays
Number of displays for this adapter.
Definition: adl_structures.h:128
long long iVramVendorRevId
Vram vendor ID.
Definition: adl_structures.h:186
int sVDisplay
Displayed height.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3971
struct ADLPMLogStartInput ADLPMLogStartInput
Structure containing information to start power management logging.
char strDisplayName[256]
Display name. For example, "\\\\Display0" for Windows or ":0:0" for Linux.
Definition: adl_structures.h:63
int upscale
Definition: adl_structures.h:3556
short sVOverscanBottom
Overscan bottom.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3983
struct ADLDetailedTimingX2 ADLDetailedTimingX2
Structure containing detailed timing parameters.
unsigned int isEccAccessing
Definition: adl_structures.h:2709
Definition: adl_structures.h:3125
int iSLSNativeModeMask
The bit mask identifies the number of bits Mode is currently using.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1777
int iPhysicalConnectorID
The physical connector ID, used to identify the physical DP port.
Definition: adl_structures.h:636
int iDisplayIndex
Definition: adl_structures.h:331
ADLOD6ParameterRange sMemoryClockRange
Definition: adl_structures.h:2127
Handle to ADL client context.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2336
int iWidth
width of the slot(in millimeters).
Definition: adl_structures.h:2566
struct ADLODParameters ADLODParameters
Structure containing information about Overdrive parameters.
int iMin
Minimum integer value. Valid only if ADLFeatureCaps indicates support for integers.
Definition: adl_structures.h:4095
int iValidProperties
Definition: adl_structures.h:2636
int iLinkNumber
depth of the link.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2578
struct ADLActivatableSource * LPADLActivatableSource
int GlobalMinRes_MinLimit
Definition: adl_structures.h:3612
Structure containing DDC information.
Definition: adl_structures.h:343
struct ADLMVPUStatus ADLMVPUStatus
Structure containing information about MultiVPU status.
struct AdapterInfoX2 * LPAdapterInfoX2
struct ADLODParameterRange ADLODParameterRange
Structure containing the range of Overdrive parameter.
char strDriverPathExt[256]
Driver registry path Ext for.
Definition: adl_structures.h:75
wchar_t * strPathName
File path of the application.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2447
struct ADLDceSettings::@4::@5 HdmiLq
int iDomainIndex
GPU 0, 1, etc.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1148
struct ADLPossibleMapping * LPADLPossibleMapping
Structure containing MST branch information.
char strPartNumber[256]
Part number.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1328
unsigned int PrePhasis
Definition: adl_structures.h:4266
Structure containing information about DELAG Settings change reason.
struct ADLSLSOverlappedMode ADLSLSTargetOverlap
Structure containing information about the overlap offset info for all the displays for each SLS mode...
int sHDisplay
Displayed width.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3963
ADLRASGetErrorCountsInput Input
Definition: adl_structures.h:3400
Structure containing information about EDID data.
Definition: adl_structures.h:796
struct ADLGlSyncMode2 * LPADLGlSyncMode2
char cDisplayName[256]
Returns the name of the display device. Should be zeroed if this information is not available.
Definition: adl_structures.h:353
Structure containing information about Overdrive 6 clocks.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2158
int iSize
Must be set to the size of the structure.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1201
Definition: adl_structures.h:2747
long long iHyperMemorySize
HyperMemory size in bytes.
Definition: adl_structures.h:179
Structure containing information about RIS Settings change reason.
int iBitsPerPel
Definition: adl_structures.h:4251
int iActivityReportingSupported
Indicates whether the GPU is capable to measure its activity.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1241
Structure containing the range of Overdrive parameter.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1218
int iMaxRange
Definition: adl_structures.h:4282
struct ADLODNPowerLimitSetting ADLODNPowerLimitSetting
Structure containing information about Overdrive N power limit.
char hb0
Definition: adl_structures.h:1018
struct _ADLDCESupport::@16 bits
int iFeatureProperties
Feature Property Values. See definitions for ADL_FEATURE_PROPERTIES_XXX.
Definition: adl_structures.h:4077
long long iMemorySize
Memory size in bytes.
Definition: adl_structures.h:301
Structure containing information about Image Boost(OGL) Settings change reason.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3649
struct ADLPXConfigCaps * LPADLPXConfigCaps
Definition: adl_defines.h:1283
int iOSDisplayIndex
It is generated from EnumDisplayDevices.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3851
int GlobalSharpeningDegree_Step
Definition: adl_structures.h:3692
Structure containing per display Display Connectivty Experience Settings.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2832
struct ADLDisplayMap * LPADLDisplayMap
struct ADLAppInterceptionInfoX3 ADLAppInterceptionInfoX3
int iLength
Length of the connector(in millimeters).
Definition: adl_structures.h:2550
long ulProductId
product ID of the display
Definition: adl_structures.h:2080
int iMax
The ending value of the clock range.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2907
ADLOD6ParameterRange sMemoryClockPercent
Returns the hard limits of the MCLK overdrive adjustment range. Overdrive clocks should not be adjust...
Definition: adl_structures.h:2481
int iNumDisplayMap
Number of display Maps for this GPU to be validated.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1597
Definition: adl_defines.h:1926
struct ADLPowerControlInfo ADLPowerControlInfo
Structure containing information about an OD5 Power Control feature.
int iDiscretePerformanceLevels
Indicates whether the GPU supports discrete performance levels or performance range.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1243
int iCurrentBusSpeed
Current PCIE bus speed.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1125
Structure containing information related RAS Error Counts Reset Information.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3437
unsigned int ErrorInjectionStatus
Definition: adl_structures.h:3470
long maxBoundDescriptorSets
bound descriptot
Definition: adl_structures.h:4190
char tiestamp[32]
Definition: adl_structures.h:2740
struct ADLAdapterDisplayCap * LPADLAdapterDisplayCap
int iFlags
Definition: adl_structures.h:1207
int sHSyncWidth
Horizontal sync signal width.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3967
long ulDisplayIndex
ADL display index.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2074
int iState
Current CrossfireX state of a particular adapter CrossfireX combination.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1314
unsigned int CorrectedErrors
Definition: adl_structures.h:3385
struct ADLSmartShiftSettings ADLSmartShiftSettings
Structure for Smart shift 2.0 settings.
struct ADLApplicationData ADLApplicationData
Structure containing information about an application.
struct ADLDisplayMap ADLDisplayMap
Structure containing information about display mapping.
int iEngineClockPercent
The current engine clock adjustment value, specified as a +/- percent.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2499
int iAction
Read from or write to slave device. ADL_DL_I2C_ACTIONREAD or ADL_DL_I2C_ACTIONWRITE or ADL_DL_I2C_ACT...
Definition: adl_structures.h:779
Structure containing information related RAS Error Injection information.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3482
int iSupportedAGPSpeeds
Bit mask or AGP transfer speed.
Definition: adl_structures.h:287
unsigned long long ulLastUpdated
Timestamp of last update.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3328
int iXRes
Screen resolution Width.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1465
unsigned int reserved
Definition: adl_structures.h:4268
short sPixelClock
Pixel clock value.
Definition: adl_structures.h:689
int iNumOfLEDs
Number of LEDs associated for this port.
Definition: adl_structures.h:898
int iMode
The starting value of the clock range.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2903
int iReserved[4]
Definition: adl_structures.h:2821
struct ADLActivatableSource ADLActivatableSource
Structure containing information about the activatable source.
int SupportedWhitePoint
Any combination of following ADL_WHITE_POINT_5000K - ADL_WHITE_POINT_CUSTOM.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3882
struct ADLDisplayID * LPADLDisplayID
int iInfoValue
The bit identifies the adapter info define_adapter_info.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3855
unsigned int u32All
Definition: adl_structures.h:2712
struct ADLAppInterceptionInfo ADLAppInterceptionInfo
ADLAppProcessState AppState
Definition: adl_structures.h:2417
unsigned int UnCorrectedErrors
Definition: adl_structures.h:3386
wchar_t strFilePath[256]
Application file path.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3500
int iCurrent
Display Property current value.
Definition: adl_structures.h:741
unsigned long EccChEn
Definition: adl_structures.h:2771
wchar_t AppName[256]
Definition: adl_structures.h:2411
int bPackedPixelSupported
Returns 1 if the display supported packed pixel, 0 otherwise.
Definition: adl_structures.h:405
int iFirstBezelOffsetArrayIndex
The first bezel offset array index in the.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1708
unsigned long long u64Value
Definition: adl_structures.h:2774
int iStepValue
The minimum difference between VoltageControl adjustment values.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2308
Structure containing information about the display SLS Grid information.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1643
unsigned long EccBeatEn
Definition: adl_structures.h:2770
int iDisplayIndex
The display index. Each display is assigned an index.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1614
ADLConnectionProperties aConnectionProperties
Specifies the connection properties.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2660
int sVSyncWidth
Vertical sync signal width.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3975
int iAdjustmentStyle
Style of the Adjustment Controls.
Definition: adl_structures.h:4089
Structure containing information about controller overlay information.
Definition: adl_structures.h:858
int iPelsHeight
Num of pixels in a column.
Definition: adl_structures.h:719
Definition: adl_defines.h:2436
char strUDID[256]
The unique device ID associated with this adapter.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3827
int ulMinBacklightMaxLuminanceData
Definition: adl_structures.h:452
struct ADLFeatureName ADLFeatureName
Structure containing the Multimedia Feature Name.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2368
Structure containing information about component video custom modes.
Definition: adl_structures.h:485
int iExtValue
Reserved for future expansion of the structure.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2526
int iMinValue
The minimum VoltageControl adjustment value.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2304
Definition: adl_defines.h:2462
int iMaxPCIELaneWidth
Maximum Bus Speed of the current platform.
Definition: adl_structures.h:285
Definition: adl_structures.h:2758
long deviceId
mantle device id
Definition: adl_structures.h:4178
struct ADL_FRTCPRO_Settings ADL_FRTCPRO_Settings
Structure containing information about FRTCPRO Settings.
struct ADLOD8InitSetting ADLOD8InitSetting
Structure containing information about Overdrive8 initial setting.
int iMinPercent
Minimum possible fan speed value in percents.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1182
struct ADLInfoPacket ADLInfoPacket
Structure containing the packet info of a display.
struct ADLGamma ADLGamma
Structure containing information controller Gamma settings.
int iDisplayMannerSupported
The supported display manner.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1616
ADLODNCurrentPowerType powerType
Definition: adl_structures.h:3135
ADLODNParameterRange sMemoryClockRange
Definition: adl_structures.h:2931
int iModeFlag
Vista mode flag indicating Progressive or Interlaced mode.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1475
int iMin
Minimum parameter value.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1220
struct ADLODNCurrentPowerParameters ADLODNCurrentPowerParameters
Structure containing the Multimedia Feature Name.
Definition: adl_structures.h:4049
int iMaxValue
The maximum PowerControl adjustment value.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2283
int iSignalSource
Definition: adl_structures.h:950
int iMinFanLimit
Definition: adl_structures.h:3048
Definition: adl_structures.h:2702
struct ADLMantleAppInfo * LPADLMantleAppInfo
unsigned int RayTracingStatus
Definition: adl_structures.h:2414
wchar_t * strTitle
Title of the application.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2445
int iSLSMapIndex
The SLS map index.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1853
int iDefault
Default integer value. Valid only if ADLFeatureCaps indicates support for integers.
Definition: adl_structures.h:4104
int iPXConfigCapMask
The bit mask identifies the number of bits PowerExpress Config Caps is currently using....
Definition: adl_structures.h:1896
short sVTotal
Total height (rows).
Definition: adl_structures.h:681
Definition: adl_structures.h:2748
int delag
Definition: adl_structures.h:3553
int iNumberofPorts
Number of ports.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2662
Definition: adl_defines.h:1921
Structure containing the Overdrive clock information.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1073
Definition: adl_structures.h:224
int iHDCPVale
Definition: adl_structures.h:4158
int iExtMask
Mask for future extension.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2167
int ValueChanged
Definition: adl_structures.h:4238
Structure containing information about the display device.
Definition: adl_structures.h:581
int iMask
Definition: adl_structures.h:270
int iValidMask
Specifies what fields in this structure are valid Genlock related values.
Definition: adl_structures.h:912
struct ADLApplicationDataX2 ADLApplicationDataX2
Structure containing information about an application.
int iFirstBezelModeArrayIndex
The first bezel mode array index in the native mode array.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1702
Definition: adl_structures.h:3198
Definition: adl_defines.h:1290
wchar_t strVersion[256]
Application version.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3502
unsigned int Reserved[14]
Definition: adl_structures.h:3387
Definition: adl_structures.h:2752
char strGlobalUniqueIdentifier[256]
string identifier for the display
Definition: adl_structures.h:631
wchar_t strVersion[32]
Definition: adl_structures.h:1956
int iDisplayInfoMask
The bit mask identifies the number of bits ADLDisplayInfo is currently using. It will be the sum al...
Definition: adl_structures.h:605
struct ADLMemoryDisplayFeatures ADLMemoryDisplayFeatures
Structure containing information about the features associated with a display.
struct ADLGlSyncMode * LPADLGlSyncMode
struct ADLGamma * LPADLGamma
Structure Containing R G B values for Radeon USB LED Bar.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3757
int iBusNumber
The BUS number associated with this adapter.
Definition: adl_structures.h:53
struct ADLDDCInfo2 ADLDDCInfo2
Structure containing DDC information.
int iActivatableSourceValue
The bit mask identifies the status. (Not currnetly used)
Definition: adl_structures.h:1442
char cAdapterPath[4][256]
Registry path for each adapter.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1402
unsigned int iProfileExists
Holds whether the applicaition profile exists or not.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3506
Structure containing DDC information.
Definition: adl_structures.h:378
char strDriverPathExt[256]
Driver registry path Ext for.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3847
Definition: adl_structures.h:2751
int sHTotal
Total width (columns).
Definition: adl_structures.h:3961
Structure containing information about Overdrive N power limit.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3059
wchar_t * strNotes
Nostes on the application.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2453
ADLFeatureName Name
The Feature Name.
Definition: adl_structures.h:4061
int iReserved
Reserved for future use.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1245
Definition: adl_structures.h:2792
int iFirstBezelOffsetArrayIndex
The first bezel offset array index in the native mode array.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1527
Definition: adl_structures.h:2410
int iCapabilities
Definition: adl_structures.h:2112
int iFanSpeed
Fan speed value.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1205
int iCount
Number of properties.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2006
ADLDisplayTarget displayTarget
The target ID.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1823
int iPredefinedGamut
Definition: adl_structures.h:3936
int iOSDisplayIndex
It is generated from EnumDisplayDevices.
Definition: adl_structures.h:79
Structure containing additional information about the ASIC memory.
Definition: adl_structures.h:147
@ ADLvRamVendor_MICRON
Definition: adl_structures.h:235
int iCurrentPCIELaneWidth
Current PCIE Lane Width.
Definition: adl_structures.h:286
int iFramelockCntlVector
Vector of framelock control bits. Bitfield of ADL_GLSYNC_FRAMELOCKCNTL_* Genlock related values.
Definition: adl_structures.h:916
int iSize
Size of the structure.
Definition: adl_structures.h:669
Definition: adl_structures.h:2381
long long iHyperMemorySize
HyperMemory size in bytes.
Definition: adl_structures.h:205
int iAdapterDisplayCapMask
The bit mask identifies the number of bits AdapterDisplayCap is currently using. Sum all the bits def...
Definition: adl_structures.h:1549
Structure containing information related virtual segment config information.
Definition: adl_structures.h:262
Structure containing information about the overlap offset info for all the displays for each SLS mode...
Definition: adl_structures.h:1875
Definition: adl_structures.h:1918
int iRefreshRate
Refresh rate factor.
Definition: adl_structures.h:4003
int iThermalDomain
Definition: adl_structures.h:1146
char strDriverPath[256]
Driver registry path.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3845
int iMinRPM
Minimum possible fan speed value in RPM.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1186
int ulSize
Size of the structure.
Definition: adl_structures.h:380
Structure containing information about EDC Error Record.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2722
int iReserved[11]
reserved for future use
Definition: adl_structures.h:2891
int iNumConnectors
Number of Connectors for this adapter.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2694
struct ADLSLSOffset ADLSLSOffset
Structure containing information about the display SLS Offset information.
short sTimingFlags
Timing flags. Detailed Timimg Flags.
Definition: adl_structures.h:671
ADLSLSGrid grid
Indicate the current grid.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1678
int overdrive8Capabilities
Definition: adl_structures.h:3167
int iPresent
Present or not; 1 if present and 0 if not present.It the logical adapter is present,...
Definition: adl_structures.h:65
struct ADLMemoryInfoX4 * LPADLMemoryInfoX4
unsigned short B
Definition: adl_structures.h:3760
unsigned int ulActiveSampleRate
Current driver sample rate.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3326
int iMaxOperatingTemperature
Definition: adl_structures.h:3062
unsigned int InputSize
Definition: adl_structures.h:3399
int iExtMask
Reserved for future expansion of the structure.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2507
ADLProfilePropertyType eType
Property Type.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1990
int iPresent
Present or not; 1 if present and 0 if not present.It the logical adapter is present,...
Definition: adl_structures.h:3841
float fRefreshRate
Screen refresh rate. Could be fractional E.g. 59.97.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1471
int iSize
Size of the structure.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3823
Structure containing information about the display SLS Mode information.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1763
int iSpeed
I2C clock speed in KHz.
Definition: adl_structures.h:4032
struct ADLConnectorInfo ADLConnectorInfo
Structure containing the Connector information.
char strCatalystVersion[256]
Catalyst Version(e.g. "10.1").
Definition: adl_structures.h:1361
struct ADLSmartShiftSettings * LPADLSmartShiftSettings
int iScanType
Interlaced/Progressive. The value will be set for Interlaced as ADL_DL_TIMINGFLAG_INTERLACED....
Definition: adl_structures.h:2359
int iActiveAdapterCount
Number of active adapters.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1417
int iDataSize
A numerical value representing the number of bytes to be sent or received on the I2C bus.
Definition: adl_structures.h:4036
int iSLSMapIndex
The current display map index. It is the OS Desktop index. For example, OS Index 1 showing clone mode...
Definition: adl_structures.h:1768
int ulPTMCx
Returns the display device preferred timing mode's horizontal resolution.
Definition: adl_structures.h:361
long long iVisibleMemorySize
Visible Memory size in bytes.
Definition: adl_structures.h:160
struct ADLPoint ADLPoint
Structure containing information about driver point coordinates.
int persistFlag
Definition: adl_structures.h:2847
struct ADLCrossfireComb ADLCrossfireComb
Structure containing information about the proper CrossfireX chains combinations.
int size
Definition: adl_structures.h:3134
Structure containing the Overdrive clock configuration.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1092
char rad[15]
Relative address, address scheme starts from source side.
Definition: adl_structures.h:639
int iAdapterIndex
Adapter Index.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1512
Structure containing information about the proper CrossfireX chains combinations.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1295
struct ADLFeatureName * LPADLFeatureName
ADLODNParameterRange fanTemperature
Definition: adl_structures.h:2943
int count
Definition: adl_structures.h:3199
int idefaultSizeInMB
Definition: adl_structures.h:269
int iFlags
Flag Clock flags.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1077
int iDefaultClock
Deafult clock.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1052
Definition: adl_structures.h:226
int locationValid
Definition: adl_structures.h:2733
int iDisplayFeatureValue
ADL Display index.
Definition: adl_structures.h:332
int iGamutRef
mask whether it is related to source or to destination, overlay or graphics
Definition: adl_structures.h:3866
struct ADLOD6StateEx ADLOD6StateEx
Structure containing information about Overdrive 6 extension state information.
int BreakOnAssert
Definition: adl_structures.h:3230
int GlobalLimitFPS_MinLimit
Definition: adl_structures.h:3583
int iBusType
Bus type.
Definition: adl_structures.h:283
int iRefreshRate
Custom mode refresh rate.
Definition: adl_structures.h:497
int iNativeDisplayChromaticityWhitePointX
Display White Point X coordinate multiplied by 10000.
Definition: adl_structures.h:436
int iNativeDisplayChromaticityBlueY
Display Blue Chromaticity Y coordinate multiplied by 10000.
Definition: adl_structures.h:434
struct ADLVersionsInfoX2 * LPADLVersionsInfoX2
int iNumOfLEDs
The number of LEDs for this port. It's also filled within ADLGLSyncPortCaps.
Definition: adl_structures.h:942
int iSizeofSDISegment
Size of the memory segment for SDI (in MB).
Definition: adl_structures.h:4209
char rad[15]
Relative address, address scheme starts from source side.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2580
unsigned int iProcessId
Definition: adl_structures.h:1976
unsigned int OutputSize
Definition: adl_structures.h:3401
struct ADLGamutInfo ADLGamutInfo
Structure containing information about driver supported gamut spaces , capability method.
int iExtMask
Reserved for future expansion of the structure.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2528
int iViewResolutionCx
View resolution in pixels (width)
Definition: adl_structures.h:2059
int iOrientation
Screen orientation. E.g., 0, 90, 180, 270.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1473
ADLAppInterceptionListType AppFormat
Definition: adl_structures.h:2405
ADLAppProcessState AppState
Definition: adl_structures.h:2406
wchar_t strPathName[256]
Path Name.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1968
struct ADLPossibleMap * LPADLPossibleMap
struct ADLGlSyncMode ADLGlSyncMode
Structure containing GL-Sync mode of a display.
int iMaxValue
The maximum VoltageControl adjustment value.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2306
struct ADLGamutReference ADLGamutReference
Structure containing information about driver gamut space , whether it is related to source or to des...
Structure containing information about the display SLS Map information.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1670
int GlobalEnableChanged
Definition: adl_structures.h:3651
int size
Definition: adl_structures.h:3217
char strMemoryType[256]
Memory type in string.
Definition: adl_structures.h:303
Structure containing GL-Sync mode of a display.
Definition: adl_structures.h:998
Structure Containing All Generic LED configuration for user requested LED pattern....
Definition: adl_structures.h:3770
int iWidth
Horizontal resolution (in pixels).
Definition: adl_structures.h:2355
int iFeatureMask
Feature Property Mask. Indicates which are the valid bits for iFeatureProperties.
Definition: adl_structures.h:4074
wchar_t * strPropertyName
Name of the property.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2429
int iCurrentPerformanceLevel
Performance level index.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1123
int bDefault
Default user-controlled boolean value. Valid only if ADLFeatureCaps supports user-controlled boolean.
Definition: adl_structures.h:4092
int delag
Definition: adl_structures.h:3545
struct ADLRASResetErrorCountsInput ADLRASResetErrorCountsInput
Structure containing information related RAS Error Counts Reset Information.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2765
int iSLSTargetMask
The bit mask identifies the bits in iSLSTargetValue are currently used.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1835
char bPB5
byte 5, bit [7:4].
Definition: adl_structures.h:1037
Structure containing information about BOOST Settings.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3608
Structure containing information about an application.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1966
int iViewPanLockBottom
Vertical bottom panlock position.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2056
int iModifiers
Definition: adl_structures.h:2038
int iControlType
Apperance of the User-Controlled Boolean.
Definition: adl_structures.h:4080
struct PropertyRecord PropertyRecord
Structure containing information of a property of an application profile.
wchar_t * strFileName
File name of the application.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2449
long long iMemoryBandwidth
Memory bandwidth in Mbytes/s.
Definition: adl_structures.h:305
int iStepValue
The minimum difference between PowerControl adjustment values.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2285
int iFanMaxRPM
Maximum fan speed expressed in revolutions-per-minute.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2222
int ulACFPSMaximum
Maximum FPS Threshold allowed in PPLib for AC.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3260
struct ADLFPSSettingsOutput ADLFPSSettingsOutput
Structure containing information related Frames Per Second for AC and DC.
char bPB3_ITC
byte 3, bit 7
Definition: adl_structures.h:1035
struct ADLCustomMode * LPADLCustomMode
Indicates the Maximum supported properties of connection.
Definition: adl_defines.h:2128
int iExtMask
Reserved for future expansion of the structure.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2487
Definition: adl_structures.h:2759
#define ADL_MAX_PATH
Defines the maximum string length.
Definition: adl_defines.h:53
int iNativeDisplayChromaticityRedY
Display Red Chromaticity Y coordinate multiplied by 10000.
Definition: adl_structures.h:426
Structure containing additional information about the ASIC memory.
Definition: adl_structures.h:171
char strMemoryType[256]
Memory type in string.
Definition: adl_structures.h:201
int iColourDepth
Screen Color Depth. E.g., 16, 32.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1469
int iMaximumNumberOfPerformanceLevels
Definition: adl_structures.h:2925
Definition: adl_structures.h:3789
Definition: adl_structures.h:2750
struct ADLSLSMode * LPADLSLSMode
ADLOD8SingleSetSetting od8SettingTable[OD8_COUNT]
Definition: adl_structures.h:3200
Definition: adl_structures.h:2797
unsigned int ProcessId
Definition: adl_structures.h:2387
int iCurrentValue
Definition: adl_structures.h:4286
long ulSerialNo
serial number of the display
Definition: adl_structures.h:2083
int GlobalEnableChanged
Definition: adl_structures.h:3704
struct XScreenInfo XScreenInfo
Structure containing information about the Linux X screen information.
int iNumControllers
Number of controllers for this adapter.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2682
unsigned int padding[3]
Definition: adl_structures.h:2742
int iNumBezelOffset
The number of bezel offsets belongs to this map.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1705
struct ADLRASErrorInjectonInput ADLRASErrorInjectonInput
Structure containing information related RAS Error Injection information.
Structure containing information about display mode.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1455
struct ADLPMLogData ADLPMLogData
int iNativeDisplayChromaticityGreenY
Display Green Chromaticity Y coordinate multiplied by 10000.
Definition: adl_structures.h:430
int ModeOverrideEnabledChanged
Definition: adl_structures.h:3734
unsigned char ucLabelIndex
Index of FreeSync Label to use: ADL_FREESYNC_LABEL_*.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2818
ADLRASGetErrorCountsOutput Output
Definition: adl_structures.h:3402
ADLRASErrorInjectionOutput Output
Definition: adl_structures.h:3486
int iOffset
The offset of the data from the address.
Definition: adl_structures.h:777
int iTotalAvailableBandwidthInMpbs
total bandwidth available on the DP connector
Definition: adl_structures.h:625
int iConnectorIndex
index of the connector(0-based)
Definition: adl_structures.h:2540
int iActiveConnections
Number of Active Connections.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2664
int GlobalLimitFPS_MaxLimit
Definition: adl_structures.h:3584
long ulCoreMin
Definition: adl_structures.h:511
struct ADLPropertyRecordCreate ADLPropertyRecordCreate
Structure containing information info for a property record in a profile.
int ulDCFPSMaximum
Maximum FPS Threshold allowed in PPLib for DC.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3264
ADLODNParameterRange sMemoryClockRange
Definition: adl_structures.h:2972
Structure containing information related RAS Error Counts Reset Information.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3425
struct AdapterInfo AdapterInfo
Structure containing information about the graphics adapter.
int iSupported
If CrossfireX is supported by this combination. The value is either ADL_TRUE or ADL_FALSE.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1316
long long iVisibleMemorySize
Visible Memory size in bytes.
Definition: adl_structures.h:210
ADLOD8SingleInitSetting od8SettingTable[OD8_COUNT]
Definition: adl_structures.h:3168
Structure containing information about display mapping.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1563
struct ADLMantleAppInfo ADLMantleAppInfo
Structure containing Mantle App info.
int iRequestedClock
Requested clcock.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1060
Structure containing information about an controller mode.
Definition: adl_structures.h:122
int iDisplayPhysicalIndex
The physical display index. For example, display index 2 from adapter 2 can be used by current adapte...
Definition: adl_structures.h:560
int ulReserved[16]
Definition: adl_structures.h:3302
int mode
Definition: adl_structures.h:3142
struct ADLSLSOverlappedMode * LPADLSLSTargetOverlap
int iExtMask
Mask for future extension.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2248
unsigned int ulValues[ADL_PMLOG_MAX_SUPPORTED_SENSORS][2]
2D array of senesor and values
Definition: adl_structures.h:3330
int iSLSMapIndex
SLS Map Index.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1515
@ ADLvRamVendor_ELPIDA
Definition: adl_structures.h:228
Structure containing information about components of ASIC GCN architecture.
Definition: adl_structures.h:247
int iDisplayMapIndex
The display map index identify this manner and the desktop surface.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1494
Definition: adl_structures.h:2374
Structure containing information about the graphics adapter with extended caps.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3819
struct ADLDisplayMode ADLDisplayMode
Structure containing the display mode definition used per controller.
int iDisplayIndex
If connection is active it will contain display id, otherwise CWDDEDI_INVALID_DISPLAY_INDEX.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2624
long ulActivityPercent
Definition: adl_structures.h:515
int iSLSGridIndex
The grid index.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1648
Structure containing information about an application profile.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2004
char strDate[256]
BIOS date in yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm format.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1330
int iBitsPerPel
Color depth.
Definition: adl_structures.h:655
int iViewResolutionCy
View resolution in pixels (hight)
Definition: adl_structures.h:2062
int iNumControllers
Number of controllers for this adapter.
Definition: adl_structures.h:126
Structure containing information about the display device.
Definition: adl_structures.h:552
@ ADLvRamVendor_HYNIX
Definition: adl_structures.h:231
ADLMode displayMode
The mode.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1521
Definition: adl_defines.h:1142
int iConnectionType
Connection type. based on the connection type either iNumberofPorts or IDataSize,EDIDdata is valid,...
Definition: adl_structures.h:2658
Structure containing information about DRIVERUPSCALE Settings.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3745
short sHSyncStart
Horizontal sync signal offset.
Definition: adl_structures.h:677
ADLODNParameterRange power
Definition: adl_structures.h:2937
int iEDIDSize
Size of cEDIDData. Set by ADL_Display_EdidData_Get() upon return.
Definition: adl_structures.h:802
int DefaultState
Definition: adl_structures.h:4221
@ ADLPreFlipPostProcessingLUTAlgorithm_Full
Definition: adl_structures.h:3524
int GlobalMinRes_MaxLimit
Definition: adl_structures.h:3613
int iYPos
Screen position Y coordinate.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1463
Structure containing information about the Chipset.
Definition: adl_structures.h:282
Structure containing information about an OD5 Power Control feature.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2018
Structure Containing R G B values for Radeon USB LED Bar.
Definition: adl_defines.h:1362
Structure for Smart shift 2.0 settings.
Definition: adl_structures.h:4280
long long iMemoryBandwidth
Highest default performance level Memory bandwidth in Mbytes/s.
Definition: adl_structures.h:177
int relativePreEmphasis
Definition: adl_structures.h:2845
short sOverscanGR
Definition: adl_structures.h:699
int iValue
Definition: adl_structures.h:271
struct ADLDceSettings ADLDceSettings
Structure containing per display Display Connectivty Experience Settings.
int iAdjustmentType
Apperance of the Adjustment Controls.
Definition: adl_structures.h:4086
int iBezelOffsetSteppingSizeValue
Bit mask identifies the display status.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1865
union _ADLDCESupport ADLDCESupport
Structure containing information related DCE support.
int ulMinLuminanceData
Return minimum monitor luminance data.
Definition: adl_structures.h:411
struct ADLDisplayInfo * LPADLDisplayInfo
int iMinPerformanceClock
Definition: adl_structures.h:3047
struct ADLPMActivity ADLPMActivity
Structure containing information about current power management related activity.
int proVsr
Definition: adl_structures.h:3555
unsigned int Reserved[8]
Definition: adl_structures.h:3426
Structure containing information about current Overdrive 6 performance status.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2181
Structure containing information about Overdrive N clock range.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2901
struct ADLConnectionProperties ADLConnectionProperties
Structure containing connection properties information.
char strDisplayName[256]
The display's EDID name.
Definition: adl_structures.h:589
Structure containing ECC statistics namely SEC counts and DED counts Single error count - count of er...
Definition: adl_structures.h:2323
int iSupportedColorSpace
Bit vector of supported color spaces ADLSourceContentAttributes color spaces.
Definition: adl_structures.h:421
int iFunctionNumber
The function number.
Definition: adl_structures.h:57
int iNumOfGLSyncConnectors
Number of GLSyncConnectors.
Definition: adl_structures.h:132
Structure containing the Overdrive clock setting.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1050
struct ADLRASErrorInjectionOutput ADLRASErrorInjectionOutput
Structure containing information related RAS Error Injection information.
int morseCodeTextOutPutLen
Definition: adl_structures.h:3777
Structure containing information about driver gamut space , whether it is related to source or to des...
Definition: adl_structures.h:3864
int iPelsWidth
Num of pixels in a row.
Definition: adl_structures.h:717
int LogEnabled
Definition: adl_structures.h:3232
int iMinValue
Minimum value.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2020
Definition: adl_defines.h:2528
unsigned long EccInjEn
Definition: adl_structures.h:2769
struct ADLGLSyncModuleID * LPADLGLSyncModuleID
struct ADLPMLogSensorLimits ADLPMLogSensorLimits
Structure containing information to query limts of power management logging.
struct ADLSupportedConnections ADLSupportedConnections
Structure containing supported connection types and properties.
int iDefault
Default value.
Definition: adl_structures.h:841
wchar_t * strPropertyValue
Definition: adl_structures.h:2433
unsigned short R
Definition: adl_structures.h:3758
int ulMaxVResolution
Returns the maximum Vertical supported resolution. Should be zeroed if this information is not availa...
Definition: adl_structures.h:393
char strCatalystWebLink[256]
Web link to an XML file with information about the latest AMD drivers and locations (e....
Definition: adl_structures.h:1381
int iCurrentClock
Current clock.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1054
Structure containing port information.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2590
Definition: adl_structures.h:2799
struct ADLODPerformanceLevels ADLODPerformanceLevels
Structure containing information about Overdrive performance levels.
Definition: adl_defines.h:1347
long long iHyperMemorySize
HyperMemory size in bytes.
Definition: adl_structures.h:155
int iEngineClock
Engine Clock.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1100
int iControlStyle
Style of the User-Controlled Boolean.
Definition: adl_structures.h:4083
int iSLSMapValue
The bit mask identifies the display map status. Refer to ADL_DISPLAY_SLSMAP_XXX.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1714
long driverVersion
mantle driver version
Definition: adl_structures.h:4174
int iEmulationMode
It contains information about current emulation mode. See constants for details. Define_emulation_mod...
Definition: adl_structures.h:2622
struct ADLControllerMode ADLControllerMode
Structure containing information about an controller mode.
int ulSupportsDDC
Definition: adl_structures.h:383
int CurrentState
Definition: adl_structures.h:4222
int iSpeedType
Contains a bitmap of the valid fan speed type flags. Possible values: ADL_OD6_FANSPEED_TYPE_PERCENT,...
Definition: adl_structures.h:2239
int countValid
Definition: adl_structures.h:2727
ADLDisplayID displayID
The Display ID.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1491
long ulReserved
Definition: adl_structures.h:518
Structure containing MST branch information.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2576
Structure containing information about CHILL Settings.
ADLFeatureName Name
The Feature Name.
Definition: adl_structures.h:4129
Structure containing information about FRTCPRO Settings changed reason.
int iMemoryClock
Memory Clock.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1098
struct ADLGetClocksOUT ADLGetClocksOUT
Structure containing Clock information for OD5 calls.
Structure containing Clock information for OD5 calls.
Definition: adl_structures.h:507
int iPelsHeight
Num of pixels in a column.
Definition: adl_structures.h:4007
int iSLSModeIndex
The mode index.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1771
short sHDisplay
Displayed width.
Definition: adl_structures.h:675
long long iInvisibleMemorySize
Invisible Memory size in bytes.
Definition: adl_structures.h:182
int iNumPEsPerCU
Number of processing elements per CU. Valid for GCN (iGCGen == GCN)
Definition: adl_structures.h:2879
short brightness
Definition: adl_structures.h:3771
struct ADLOD6MaxClockAdjust ADLOD6MaxClockAdjust
Structure containing information about Overdrive 6 extension recommended maximum clock adjustment val...
int PowerProfilingTimeInterval
Definition: adl_structures.h:3238
int RopCount
Definition: adl_structures.h:250
Enum containing PX or HG type.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1910
struct ADLFanSpeedInfo ADLFanSpeedInfo
Structure containing information about thermal controller fan speed.
int iMinSizeInMB
Definition: adl_structures.h:266
int iSize
Size of the structure.
Definition: adl_structures.h:47
char FeatureName[16]
The Feature Name.
Definition: adl_structures.h:4051
int iSlotIndex
index of the slot, 0-based index.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2562
int iSignalSource
Source of the sync signal. Either GL_Sync GPU Port index or ADL_GLSYNC_SIGNALSOURCE_* Genlock related...
Definition: adl_structures.h:968
int ulProductID
Returns the product ID of the display device. Should be zeroed if this information is not available.
Definition: adl_structures.h:387
int iSpeed
I2C clock speed in KHz.
Definition: adl_structures.h:781
struct ADLErrorRecord ADLErrorRecord
Structure containing information about EDC Error Record.
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