ADL (AMD Display Library) Public APIs  Version 17.1
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
 C_ADLDCESupportStructure containing information related DCE support
 CAdapterInfoStructure containing information about the graphics adapter
 CAdapterInfoX2Structure containing information about the graphics adapter with extended caps
 CADL_BOOST_NOTFICATION_REASONStructure containing information about BOOST Settings change reason
 CADL_BOOST_SETTINGSStructure containing information about BOOST Settings
 CADL_CHILL_NOTFICATION_REASONStructure containing information about CHILL Settings change reason
 CADL_CHILL_SETTINGSStructure containing information about CHILL Settings
 CADL_DELAG_NOTFICATION_REASONStructure containing information about DELAG Settings change reason
 CADL_DELAG_SETTINGSStructure containing information about DELAG Settings
 CADL_DL_DISPLAY_MODEStructure containing the display mode definition used per controller
 CADL_DRIVERUPSCALE_NOTFICATION_REASONStructure containing information about DRIVERUPSCALE Settings change reason
 CADL_DRIVERUPSCALE_SETTINGSStructure containing information about DRIVERUPSCALE Settings
 CADL_FRTCPRO_CHANGED_REASONStructure containing information about FRTCPRO Settings changed reason
 CADL_FRTCPRO_SettingsStructure containing information about FRTCPRO Settings
 CADL_IMAGE_BOOST_NOTFICATION_REASONStructure containing information about Image Boost(OGL) Settings change reason
 CADL_IMAGE_BOOST_SETTINGSStructure containing information about OGL IMAGE BOOST Settings
 CADL_PROVSR_NOTFICATION_REASONStructure containing information about ProVSR Settings change reason
 CADL_PROVSR_SETTINGSStructure containing information about Pro VSR Settings
 CADL_RADEON_LED_COLOR_CONFIGStructure Containing R G B values for Radeon USB LED Bar
 CADL_RADEON_LED_CUSTOM_LED_CONFIGStructure Containing All custom grid pattern LED configuration for user requested LED grid pattern. The driver will apply the confgiuration as requested
 CADL_RADEON_LED_PATTERN_CONFIGStructure Containing All Radeon USB LED requests and controls
 CADL_RADEON_LED_PATTERN_CONFIG_GENERICStructure Containing All Generic LED configuration for user requested LED pattern. The driver will apply the confgiuration as requested
 CADL_RIS_NOTFICATION_REASONStructure containing information about RIS Settings change reason
 CADL_RIS_SETTINGSStructure containing information about RIS Settings
 CADLActivatableSourceStructure containing information about the activatable source
 CADLAdapterCapsStructure containing information about an controller mode
 CADLAdapterCapsX2Structure containing information about an controller mode including Number of Connectors
 CADLAdapterDisplayCapStructure containing information about the adapter display manner
 CADLAdapterLocationStructure containing information about adapter location
 CADLAdapterODClockConfigStructure containing the Overdrive clock configuration
 CADLAdapterODClockInfoStructure containing the Overdrive clock information
 CADLAdjustmentinfoStructure containing information about overlay adjustment
 CADLApplicationDataStructure containing information about an application
 CADLApplicationDataX2Structure containing information about an application
 CADLApplicationDataX3Structure containing information about an application
 CADLApplicationProfileStructure containing information about an application profile
 CADLApplicationRecordStructure containing information info for an application record
 CADLAVIInfoPacketStructure containing the AVI packet info of a display
 CADLBezelOffsetSteppingSizeStructure containing information about the Adapter offset stepping size
 CADLBiosInfoStructure containing information about the BIOS
 CADLBracketSlotInfoStructure containing the slot information
 CADLChipSetInfoStructure containing information about the Chipset
 CADLClockInfoStructure containing information about Clock
 CADLConnectionDataStructure containing connection information
 CADLConnectionPropertiesStructure containing connection properties information
 CADLConnectionStateStructure containing connection state of the connector
 CADLConnectorInfoStructure containing the Connector information
 CADLControllerModeStructure containing information about an controller mode
 CADLControllerOverlayInfoStructure containing information about controller overlay information
 CADLControllerOverlayInputStructure containing information about input of controller overlay adjustment
 CADLCrossfireCombStructure containing information about the proper CrossfireX chains combinations
 CADLCrossfireInfoStructure containing CrossfireX state and error information
 CADLCustomModeStructure containing information about component video custom modes
 CADLDceSettingsStructure containing per display Display Connectivty Experience Settings
 CADLDDCInfoStructure containing DDC information
 CADLDDCInfo2Structure containing DDC information
 CADLDetailedTimingStructure containing detailed timing parameters
 CADLDetailedTimingX2Structure containing detailed timing parameters
 CADLDevicePortStructure containing port information
 CADLDisplayConfigStructure containing HDTV information for display calls
 CADLDisplayDPMSTInfoStructure containing information about the display port MST device
 CADLDisplayEDIDDataStructure containing information about EDID data
 CADLDisplayIDStructure containing information about the display device
 CADLDisplayIdentifierStructure containing information about a display
 CADLDisplayInfoStructure containing information about the display device
 CADLDisplayMapStructure containing information about display mapping
 CADLDisplayModeStructure containing the display mode definition used per controller
 CADLDisplayModeInfoStructure containing display mode information
 CADLDisplayModeInfoX2Structure containing display mode information
 CADLDisplayModeX2Structure containing the display mode definition used per controller
 CADLDisplayPropertyStructure containing information about display property
 CADLDisplayTargetStructure containing information about display target information
 CADLECCDataStructure containing ECC statistics namely SEC counts and DED counts Single error count - count of errors that can be corrected Doubt Error Detect - count of errors that cannot be corrected
 CADLErrorInjectionStructure containing information about EDC Error Injection
 CADLErrorRecordStructure containing information about EDC Error Record
 CADLFanSpeedInfoStructure containing information about thermal controller fan speed
 CADLFanSpeedValueStructure containing information about fan speed reported by thermal controller
 CADLFeatureCapsStructure containing information about MM Feature Capabilities
 CADLFeatureNameStructure containing the Multimedia Feature Name
 CADLFeatureValuesStructure containing information about MM Feature Values
 CADLFPSSettingsInputStructure containing information related Frames Per Second for AC and DC
 CADLFPSSettingsOutputStructure containing information related Frames Per Second for AC and DC
 CADLFreeSyncCapStructure containing per display FreeSync capability information
 CADLGammaStructure containing information controller Gamma settings
 CADLGamutCoordinatesStructure containing information about driver supported gamut coordinates
 CADLGamutDataStructure containing information about driver current gamut space , parent struct for ADLGamutCoordinates and ADLWhitePoint This structure is used to get/set driver supported gamut space
 CADLGamutInfoStructure containing information about driver supported gamut spaces , capability method
 CADLGamutReferenceStructure containing information about driver gamut space , whether it is related to source or to destination, overlay or graphics
 CADLGcnInfoStructure containing information about components of ASIC GCN architecture
 CADLGetClocksOUTStructure containing Clock information for OD5 calls
 CADLGLSyncGenlockConfigStructure containing GL-Sync Genlock settings
 CADLGlSyncModeStructure containing GL-Sync mode of a display
 CADLGlSyncMode2Structure containing GL-Sync mode of a display
 CADLGLSyncModuleIDStructure containing GL-Sync module information
 CADLGLSyncPortCapsStructure containing GL-Sync ports capabilities
 CADLGlSyncPortControlStructure containing GL-Sync port control settings
 CADLGlSyncPortInfoStructure containing GL-Sync port information
 CADLGraphicCoreInfoStructure containing information about Graphic Core
 CADLHDCPSettingsStructure containing HDCP Settings info
 CADLI2CStructure containing information about I2C
 CADLI2CLargePayloadStructure containing information about I2C
 CADLInfoPacketStructure containing the packet info of a display
 CADLMantleAppInfoStructure containing Mantle App info
 CADLMemoryDisplayFeaturesStructure containing information about the features associated with a display
 CADLMemoryInfoStructure containing information about the ASIC memory
 CADLMemoryInfo2Structure containing additional information about the ASIC memory
 CADLMemoryInfo3Structure containing additional information about the ASIC memory
 CADLMemoryInfoX4Structure containing additional information about the ASIC memory
 CADLMemoryRequiredStructure containing information about memory required by type
 CADLModeStructure containing information about display mode
 CADLMSTRadStructure containing MST branch information
 CADLMVPUCapsStructure containing information about MultiVPU capabilities
 CADLMVPUStatusStructure containing information about MultiVPU status
 CADLOD6CapabilitiesStructure containing information about Overdrive 6 capabilities
 CADLOD6CapabilitiesExStructure containing information about Overdrive 6 extension capabilities
 CADLOD6CurrentStatusStructure containing information about current Overdrive 6 performance status
 CADLOD6FanSpeedInfoStructure containing information about Overdrive 6 fan speed information
 CADLOD6FanSpeedValueStructure containing information about Overdrive 6 fan speed value
 CADLOD6MaxClockAdjustStructure containing information about Overdrive 6 extension recommended maximum clock adjustment values
 CADLOD6ParameterRangeStructure containing information about Overdrive 6 clock range
 CADLOD6PerformanceLevelStructure containing information about Overdrive 6 clock values
 CADLOD6PowerControlInfoStructure containing information about Overdrive 6 PowerControl settings
 CADLOD6StateExStructure containing information about Overdrive 6 extension state information
 CADLOD6StateInfoStructure containing information about Overdrive 6 clocks
 CADLOD6ThermalControllerCapsStructure containing information about Overdrive 6 thermal contoller capabilities
 CADLOD6VoltageControlInfoStructure containing information about Overdrive 6 PowerControl settings
 CADLOD8CurrentSettingStructure containing information about Overdrive8 current setting
 CADLOD8InitSettingStructure containing information about Overdrive8 initial setting
 CADLOD8SingleSetSettingStructure containing information about Overdrive8 set setting
 CADLODClockSettingStructure containing the Overdrive clock setting
 CADLODNCapabilitiesStructure containing information about Overdrive N capabilities
 CADLODNCapabilitiesX2Structure containing information about Overdrive N capabilities
 CADLODNFanControlStructure containing information about Overdrive N Fan Speed
 CADLODNParameterRangeStructure containing information about Overdrive N clock range
 CADLODNPerformanceLevelStructure containing information about Overdrive level
 CADLODNPerformanceLevelsStructure containing information about Overdrive N performance levels
 CADLODNPerformanceLevelsX2Structure containing information about Overdrive N performance levels
 CADLODNPerformanceLevelX2Structure containing information about Overdrive level
 CADLODNPowerLimitSettingStructure containing information about Overdrive N power limit
 CADLODParameterRangeStructure containing the range of Overdrive parameter
 CADLODParametersStructure containing information about Overdrive parameters
 CADLODPerformanceLevelStructure containing information about Overdrive level
 CADLODPerformanceLevelsStructure containing information about Overdrive performance levels
 CADLPMActivityStructure containing information about current power management related activity
 CADLPMLogSensorLimitsStructure containing information to query limts of power management logging
 CADLPMLogStartInputStructure containing information to start power management logging
 CADLPMLogStartOutputStructure containing information to start power management logging
 CADLPointStructure containing information about driver point coordinates
 CADLPossibleMapStructure containing information about the display device possible map for one GPU
 CADLPossibleMappingStructure containing information about display possible mapping
 CADLPossibleMapResultStructure containing information about the validated display device possible map result
 CADLPossibleSLSMapStructure containing information about the display Possible SLS Map information
 CADLPowerControlInfoStructure containing information about an OD5 Power Control feature
 CADLPPLogSettingsStructure containing information about PPLog settings
 CADLPropertyRecordCreateStructure containing information info for a property record in a profile
 CADLPXConfigCapsStructure containing information about driver supported PowerExpress Config Caps
 CADLRASErrorInjectionStructure containing information related RAS Error Injection information
 CADLRASErrorInjectionOutputStructure containing information related RAS Error Injection information
 CADLRASErrorInjectonInputStructure containing information related RAS Error Injection information
 CADLRASGetErrorCountsStructure containing information related RAS Get Error Counts Information
 CADLRASGetErrorCountsInputStructure containing information related RAS Get Error Counts Information
 CADLRASGetErrorCountsOutputStructure containing information related RAS Get Error Counts Information
 CADLRASResetErrorCountsStructure containing information related RAS Error Counts Reset Information
 CADLRASResetErrorCountsInputStructure containing information related RAS Error Counts Reset Information
 CADLRASResetErrorCountsOutputStructure containing information related RAS Error Counts Reset Information
 CADLSDIDataStructure containing information about SDIData This structure is used to store information about the state of the SDI whether it is on or off and the current size of the segment or aperture size
 CADLSGApplicationInfoStructure containing information about an application
 CADLSingleSensorDataStructure containing information about Performance Metrics data
 CADLSLSGridStructure containing information about the display SLS Grid information
 CADLSLSMapStructure containing information about the display SLS Map information
 CADLSLSModeStructure containing information about the display SLS Mode information
 CADLSLSOffsetStructure containing information about the display SLS Offset information
 CADLSLSOverlappedModeStructure containing information about the overlap offset info for all the displays for each SLS mode
 CADLSLSTargetStructure containing information about the SLS targets
 CADLSmartShiftSettingsStructure for Smart shift 2.0 settings
 CADLSupportedConnectionsStructure containing supported connection types and properties
 CADLTemperatureStructure containing information about thermal controller temperature
 CADLThermalControllerInfoStructure containing information about thermal controller
 CADLVersionsInfoStructure containing version information
 CADLVersionsInfoX2Structure containing version information
 CADLVirtualSegmentSettingsOutputStructure containing information related virtual segment config information
 CPropertyRecordStructure containing information of a property of an application profile
 CtagADLBezelTransientModeStructure containing information about the display SLS bezel Mode information
 CXScreenInfoStructure containing information about the Linux X screen information

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