D3D12 Memory Allocator
No Matches
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
 CD3D12MA::ALLOCATION_CALLBACKSCustom callbacks to CPU memory allocation functions
 CD3D12MA::ALLOCATION_DESCParameters of created D3D12MA::Allocation object. To be used with Allocator::CreateResource
 CD3D12MA::CALLOCATION_DESCHelper structure that helps with complete and conscise initialization of the D3D12MA::ALLOCATION_DESC structure
 CD3D12MA::ALLOCATOR_DESCParameters of created Allocator object. To be used with CreateAllocator()
 CD3D12MA::BudgetStatistics of current memory usage and available budget for a specific memory segment group
 CD3D12MA::DEFRAGMENTATION_DESCParameters for defragmentation
 CD3D12MA::DEFRAGMENTATION_MOVESingle move of an allocation to be done for defragmentation
 CD3D12MA::DEFRAGMENTATION_PASS_MOVE_INFOParameters for incremental defragmentation steps
 CD3D12MA::DEFRAGMENTATION_STATSStatistics returned for defragmentation process by function DefragmentationContext::GetStats()
 CD3D12MA::DetailedStatisticsMore detailed statistics than D3D12MA::Statistics
 CD3D12MA::AllocationRepresents single memory allocation
 CD3D12MA::AllocatorRepresents main object of this library initialized for particular ID3D12Device
 CD3D12MA::DefragmentationContextRepresents defragmentation process in progress
 CD3D12MA::PoolCustom memory pool
 CD3D12MA::VirtualBlockRepresents pure allocation algorithm and a data structure with allocations in some memory block, without actually allocating any GPU memory
 CD3D12MA::POOL_DESCParameters of created D3D12MA::Pool object. To be used with D3D12MA::Allocator::CreatePool
 CD3D12MA::CPOOL_DESCHelper structure that helps with complete and conscise initialization of the D3D12MA::POOL_DESC structure
 CD3D12MA::StatisticsCalculated statistics of memory usage e.g. in a specific memory heap type, memory segment group, custom pool, or total
 CD3D12MA::TotalStatisticsGeneral statistics from current state of the allocator - total memory usage across all memory heaps and segments
 CD3D12MA::VIRTUAL_ALLOCATION_DESCParameters of created virtual allocation to be passed to VirtualBlock::Allocate()
 CD3D12MA::CVIRTUAL_ALLOCATION_DESCHelper structure that helps with complete and conscise initialization of the D3D12MA::VIRTUAL_ALLOCATION_DESC structure
 CD3D12MA::VIRTUAL_ALLOCATION_INFOParameters of an existing virtual allocation, returned by VirtualBlock::GetAllocationInfo()
 CD3D12MA::VIRTUAL_BLOCK_DESCParameters of created D3D12MA::VirtualBlock object to be passed to CreateVirtualBlock()
 CD3D12MA::CVIRTUAL_BLOCK_DESCHelper structure that helps with complete and conscise initialization of the D3D12MA::VIRTUAL_BLOCK_DESC structure
 CD3D12MA::VirtualAllocationRepresents single memory allocation done inside VirtualBlock