ADL (AMD Display Library) Public APIs  Version 17.1
Deprecated List
Global ADL2_Adapter_ClockInfo_Get (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, ADLClockInfo *lpClockInfo)
This API has been deprecated because it does not provide accurate clocks when the ASIC is over-clocked. Use the OD5 set of APIs, when OverDrive5 is supported.
Global ADL_Adapter_ClockInfo_Get (int iAdapterIndex, ADLClockInfo *lpClockInfo)
This API has been deprecated because it does not provide accurate clocks when the ASIC is over-clocked. Use the OD5 set of APIs, when OverDrive5 is supported.
Global ADL2_Display_AdapterID_Get (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int *lpAdapterID)
This API will be removed. Use the duplicate API ADL_Adapter_ID_Get()
Global ADL_Display_AdapterID_Get (int iAdapterIndex, int *lpAdapterID)
This API will be removed. Use the duplicate API ADL_Adapter_ID_Get()
Module define_desktop_config

This API has been deprecated because it was only used for RandR 1.1 (Red Hat 5.x) distributions which is now not supported.

Module define_tv_caps

Dropping support for TV displays

Module define_cv_dongle

Dropping support for Component Video displays

DolbyVision HDR supported
Global ADLSensorType
Global AdapterInfo::strXScreenConfigName [256]
Internal x config file screen identifier name. Use XScreenInfo instead.
Global ADLDisplayInfo::iDisplayControllerIndex
The controller index to which the display is mapped.
Will not be used in the future
Global ADL2_Controller_Color_Set (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int iControllerIndex, ADLGamma adlGamma)
This API has been deprecated because the controller index is no longer used with DAL2. Replaced by ADL_Display_LUTColor_Set
Global ADL_Controller_Color_Set (int iAdapterIndex, int iControllerIndex, ADLGamma adlGamma)
This API has been deprecated because the controller index is no longer used with DAL2. Replaced by ADL_Display_LUTColor_Set
Global ADL2_Controller_Color_Get (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int iControllerIndex, ADLGamma *lpGammaCurrent, ADLGamma *lpGammaDefault, ADLGamma *lpGammaMin, ADLGamma *lpGammaMax)
This API has been deprecated because the controller index is no longer used with DAL2. Replaced by ADL_Display_LUTColor_Get
Global ADL_Controller_Color_Get (int iAdapterIndex, int iControllerIndex, ADLGamma *lpGammaCurrent, ADLGamma *lpGammaDefault, ADLGamma *lpGammaMin, ADLGamma *lpGammaMax)
This API has been deprecated because the controller index is no longer used with DAL2. Replaced by ADL_Display_LUTColor_Get
Global ADL2_Display_ModeTimingOverride_Get (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int iDisplayIndex, ADLDisplayMode *lpModeIn, ADLDisplayModeInfo *lpModeInfoOut)
This API has been deprecated. It has been replaced with API ADL2_Display_ModeTimingOverrideX2_Get
Global ADL_Display_ModeTimingOverride_Get (int iAdapterIndex, int iDisplayIndex, ADLDisplayMode *lpModeIn, ADLDisplayModeInfo *lpModeInfoOut)
This API has been deprecated. It has been replaced with API ADL_Display_ModeTimingOverrideX2_Get
Global ADL2_Display_ModeTimingOverrideList_Get (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int iDisplayIndex, int iMaxNumOfOverrides, ADLDisplayModeInfo *lpModeInfoList, int *lpNumOfOverrides)
This API has been deprecated. It has been replaced with API ADL2_Display_ModeTimingOverrideListX2_Get
Global ADL_Display_ModeTimingOverrideList_Get (int iAdapterIndex, int iDisplayIndex, int iMaxNumOfOverrides, ADLDisplayModeInfo *lpModeInfoList, int *lpNumOfOverrides)
This API has been deprecated. It has been replaced with API ADL_Display_ModeTimingOverrideListX2_Get
Global ADL2_Display_ModeTimingOverrideInfo_Get (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int iDisplayIndex, ADL_DL_DISPLAY_MODE *lpModeIn, ADL_DL_DISPLAYMODEINFO *lpModeInfoOut)
This API has been deprecated.
Global ADL_Display_ModeTimingOverrideInfo_Get (int iAdapterIndex, int iDisplayIndex, ADL_DL_DISPLAY_MODE *lpModeIn, ADL_DL_DISPLAYMODEINFO *lpModeInfoOut)
This API has been deprecated.
Global ADL2_Display_TVCaps_Get (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int iDisplayIndex, int *lpcaps)
Dropping support for component, composite, and S-Video connectors.
Global ADL_Display_TVCaps_Get (int iAdapterIndex, int iDisplayIndex, int *lpcaps)
Dropping support for component, composite, and S-Video connectors.
Global ADL2_TV_Standard_Set (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int iDisplayIndex, int iCurrent)
Dropping support for component, composite, and S-Video connectors.
Global ADL_TV_Standard_Set (int iAdapterIndex, int iDisplayIndex, int iCurrent)
Dropping support for component, composite, and S-Video connectors.
Global ADL2_TV_Standard_Get (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int iDisplayIndex, int *lpCurrent, int *lpDefault, int *lpSupportedStandards)
Dropping support for component, composite, and S-Video connectors.
Global ADL_TV_Standard_Get (int iAdapterIndex, int iDisplayIndex, int *lpCurrent, int *lpDefault, int *lpSupportedStandards)
Dropping support for component, composite, and S-Video connectors.
Global ADL2_CV_DongleSettings_Get (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int iDisplayIndex, int *lpDongleSetting, int *lpOverrideSettingsSupported, int *lpCurOverrideSettings)
Dropping support for component, composite, and S-Video connectors.
Global ADL_CV_DongleSettings_Get (int iAdapterIndex, int iDisplayIndex, int *lpDongleSetting, int *lpOverrideSettingsSupported, int *lpCurOverrideSettings)
Dropping support for component, composite, and S-Video connectors.
Global ADL2_CV_DongleSettings_Set (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int iDisplayIndex, int iOverrideSettings)
Dropping support for component, composite, and S-Video connectors.
Global ADL_CV_DongleSettings_Set (int iAdapterIndex, int iDisplayIndex, int iOverrideSettings)
Dropping support for component, composite, and S-Video connectors.
Global ADL2_CV_DongleSettings_Reset (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int iDisplayIndex)
Dropping support for component, composite, and S-Video connectors.
Global ADL_CV_DongleSettings_Reset (int iAdapterIndex, int iDisplayIndex)
Dropping support for component, composite, and S-Video connectors.
Global ADL2_DesktopConfig_Get (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int *lpDesktopConfig)
This API has been deprecated because it was only used for RandR 1.1 (Red Hat 5.x) distributions which is now not supported.
Global ADL_DesktopConfig_Get (int iAdapterIndex, int *lpDesktopConfig)
This API has been deprecated because it was only used for RandR 1.1 (Red Hat 5.x) distributions which is now not supported.
Global ADL2_DesktopConfig_Set (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int iDesktopConfig)
This API has been deprecated because it was only used for RandR 1.1 (Red Hat 5.x) distributions which is now not supported.
Global ADL_DesktopConfig_Set (int iAdapterIndex, int iDesktopConfig)
This API has been deprecated because it was only used for RandR 1.1 (Red Hat 5.x) distributions which is now not supported.
Global ADL2_NumberOfDisplayEnable_Get (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int *lpNumberOfDisplays)
This API has been deprecated because it was only used for RandR 1.1 (Red Hat 5.x) distributions which is now not supported.
Global ADL_NumberOfDisplayEnable_Get (int iAdapterIndex, int *lpNumberOfDisplays)
This API has been deprecated because it was only used for RandR 1.1 (Red Hat 5.x) distributions which is now not supported.
Global ADL2_DisplayEnable_Set (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int *lpDisplayIndexList, int iDisplayListSize, int bPersistOnly)
This API has been deprecated because it was only used for RandR 1.1 (Red Hat 5.x) distributions which is now not supported.
Global ADL_DisplayEnable_Set (int iAdapterIndex, int *lpDisplayIndexList, int iDisplayListSize, int bPersistOnly)
This API has been deprecated because it was only used for RandR 1.1 (Red Hat 5.x) distributions which is now not supported.
Global ADL2_Overdrive8_Init_Setting_Get (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, ADLOD8InitSetting *lpInitSetting)
This API has been deprecated.
Global ADL2_New_QueryPMLogData_Get (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, ADLPMLogDataOutput *lpDataOutput)
This API has been deprecated.
Global ADL2_OverdriveN_Capabilities_Get (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, ADLODNCapabilities *lpODCapabilities)
This API has been deprecated.
Global ADL2_OverdriveN_SystemClocks_Get (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, ADLODNPerformanceLevels *lpODPerformanceLevels)
This API has been deprecated.
Global ADL2_OverdriveN_SystemClocks_Set (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, ADLODNPerformanceLevels *lpODPerformanceLevels)
This API has been deprecated.
Global ADL2_OverdriveN_MemoryClocks_Get (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, ADLODNPerformanceLevels *lpODPerformanceLevels)
This API has been deprecated.
Global ADL2_OverdriveN_MemoryClocks_Set (ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, ADLODNPerformanceLevels *lpODPerformanceLevels)
This API has been deprecated.

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