ADL (AMD Display Library) Public APIs
Version 17.1
int ADL_Display_PowerXpress_AutoSwitchConfig_Get(int iAdapterIndex, int *lpAutoSwitchOnACDCEvent, int *lpAutoSwitchOnDCACEvent)
Function to retrieve the auto switch configuration setting for PowerXpress. This is not supported whe...
int ADL_PowerXpress_AncillaryDevices_Get(int iAdapterIndex, int *lpNumberOfAncillaryDevices, ADLBdf **lppAncillaryDevices)
This function gets ancillary GPUs.
Structure containing information about driver supported PowerExpress Config Caps.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1891
int ADL_Display_PowerXpressActiveGPU_Set(int iAdapterIndex, int iActiveGPU, int *lpOperationResult)
Function to set the active GPU in PowerXpress.
int ADL2_SwitchableGraphics_Applications_Get(ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iListType, int *lpNumApps, ADLSGApplicationInfo **lppAppList)
ADL local interface. Function to get all the recently ran and currently running applications.
int ADL2_PowerXpress_Configuration_Get(ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, ADLPxType *lpPxType, ADLBdf *lpIGPUBdf, int *lpNumberOfDGPUs, ADLBdf **lppDGPUBDFs)
This function gets PX configuration.
Definition: powerxpress.h:22
int ADL2_Display_PowerXpressVersion_Get(ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int *lpVersion)
Function to retrieve the PowerXpress version.
int ADL2_PowerXpress_Config_Caps(ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, ADLPXConfigCaps *lpPXConfigCaps)
This function gets the PowerXpress configuration Caps.
int ADL2_PowerXpress_AncillaryDevices_Get(ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int *lpNumberOfAncillaryDevices, ADLBdf **lppAncillaryDevices)
This function gets ancillary GPUs.
int ADL_PowerXpress_Config_Caps(int iAdapterIndex, ADLPXConfigCaps *lpPXConfigCaps)
This function gets the PowerXpress configuration Caps.
Structure containing information about adapter location.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1341
int ADL2_Display_PowerXpress_AutoSwitchConfig_Get(ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int *lpAutoSwitchOnACDCEvent, int *lpAutoSwitchOnDCACEvent)
Function to retrieve the auto switch configuration setting for PowerXpress. This is not supported whe...
int ADL2_Win_IsHybridAI(ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context)
ADL local interface. Function to get Hybrid Discrete graphics support.
int ADL2_PowerXpress_Scheme_Set(ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, ADLPXScheme scheme)
This function sets the PowerXpress scheme.
int int iAdapterIndex
Definition: radeonusbled.h:92
int ADL2_PowerXpress_Scheme_Get(ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, ADLPXScheme *lpPXSchemeRange, ADLPXScheme *lpPXSchemeCurrentState, ADLPXScheme *lpPXSchemeDefaultState)
This function gets the PowerXpress scheme.
Structure containing information about an application.
Definition: adl_structures.h:3496
int ADL2_Display_PowerXpressActiveGPU_Get(ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int *lpActiveGPU)
Function to get the active GPU in PowerXpress.
int ADL_PowerXpress_Scheme_Set(int iAdapterIndex, ADLPXScheme scheme)
This function sets the PowerXpress scheme.
int ADL_PowerXpress_Scheme_Get(int iAdapterIndex, ADLPXScheme *lpPXSchemeRange, ADLPXScheme *lpPXSchemeCurrentState, ADLPXScheme *lpPXSchemeDefaultState)
This function gets the PowerXpress scheme.
PX Schemes.
Definition: adl_defines.h:1326
int ADL_Display_PowerXpress_AutoSwitchConfig_Set(int iAdapterIndex, int iAutoSwitchOnACDCEvent, int iAutoSwitchOnDCACEvent)
Function to set the auto switch configuration setting for PowerXpress. This is not supported when DPP...
Handle to ADL client context.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2336
int ADL_Display_PowerXpressVersion_Get(int iAdapterIndex, int *lpVersion)
Function to retrieve the PowerXpress version.
int ADL2_Display_PowerXpressActiveGPU_Set(ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int iActiveGPU, int *lpOperationResult)
Function to set the active GPU in PowerXpress.
int ADL2_Display_PowerXpress_AutoSwitchConfig_Set(ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int iAutoSwitchOnACDCEvent, int iAutoSwitchOnDCACEvent)
Function to set the auto switch configuration setting for PowerXpress. This is not supported when DPP...
Enum containing PX or HG type.
Definition: adl_structures.h:1910
int ADL_Display_PowerXpressActiveGPU_Get(int iAdapterIndex, int *lpActiveGPU)
Function to get the active GPU in PowerXpress.
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