ADL (AMD Display Library) Public APIs
Version 17.1
int ADL_Adapter_XScreenInfo_Get(LPXScreenInfo lpXScreenInfo, int iInputSize)
Function to retrieve all X Screen information for all OS-known adapters.
int ADL2_Display_IdentifyDisplay(ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int iDisplayIndex, int iDisplayControllerIndex, int iShow, int iDisplayNum, int iPosX, int iPosY)
Function to set the desktop configuration.
Structure containing information about the Linux X screen information.
Definition: adl_structures.h:107
int ADL2_Display_LUTColor_Get(ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int iDisplayIndex, ADLGamma *lpGammaCurrent, ADLGamma *lpGammaDefault, ADLGamma *lpGammaMin, ADLGamma *lpGammaMax)
Function to get the current value of gamma for a LUT (controller).
Structure containing information about memory required by type.
Definition: adl_structures.h:316
int ADL2_Adapter_ConfigMemory_Get(ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int iScreenWidth, int iScreenHeight, int displayFeatureMask, int numDisplays, ADLMemoryDisplayFeatures *displayFeatureList, int *iNumMemTypes, ADLMemoryRequired **lppMemRequired)
Function to get the memory configuration of an adapter.
int ADL_Display_LUTColor_Get(int iAdapterIndex, int iDisplayIndex, ADLGamma *lpGammaCurrent, ADLGamma *lpGammaDefault, ADLGamma *lpGammaMin, ADLGamma *lpGammaMax)
Function to get the current value of gamma for a LUT (controller).
This file contains the structure declarations that are used by the public ADL interfaces for Linux an...
int ADL2_Adapter_Tear_Free_Set(ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapter, int iRequested, int *pStatus)
Set the requested tear free desktop setting.
int ADL2_Adapter_Tear_Free_Get(ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapter, int *pDefault, int *pRequested, int *pStatus)
Get the requested tear free desktop setting and current status.
int ADL_Display_LUTColor_Set(int iAdapterIndex, int iDisplayIndex, ADLGamma adlGamma)
Function to set the current gamma value for a LUT (controller).
int ADL2_Display_XrandrDisplayName_Get(ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int iDisplayIndex, char *lpXrandrDisplayName, int iBuffSize)
Function to retrieve the name of the Xrandr display.
int ADL_Adapter_Tear_Free_Set(int iAdapter, int iRequested, int *pStatus)
Set the requested tear free desktop setting.
int ADL_DisplayEnable_Set(int iAdapterIndex, int *lpDisplayIndexList, int iDisplayListSize, int bPersistOnly)
Function to dynamically enable displays on a GPU.
int ADL_Adapter_Tear_Free_Get(int iAdapter, int *pDefault, int *pRequested, int *pStatus)
Get the requested tear free desktop setting and current status.
int ADL_Display_XrandrDisplayName_Get(int iAdapterIndex, int iDisplayIndex, char *lpXrandrDisplayName, int iBuffSize)
Function to retrieve the name of the Xrandr display.
Structure containing information controller Gamma settings.
Definition: adl_structures.h:469
int ADL2_NumberOfDisplayEnable_Get(ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int *lpNumberOfDisplays)
Function to retrieve the number of enabled displays.
int ADL2_Adapter_XScreenInfo_Get(ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, LPXScreenInfo lpXScreenInfo, int iInputSize)
Function to retrieve all X Screen information for all OS-known adapters.
Structure containing information about the features associated with a display.
Definition: adl_structures.h:330
int ADL_Adapter_ConfigMemory_Get(int iAdapterIndex, int iScreenWidth, int iScreenHeight, int displayFeatureMask, int numDisplays, ADLMemoryDisplayFeatures *displayFeatureList, int *iNumMemTypes, ADLMemoryRequired **lppMemRequired)
Function to get the memory configuration of an adapter.
int ADL_Adapter_MemoryInfo_Get(int iAdapterIndex, ADLMemoryInfo *lpMemoryInfo)
Function to retrieve memory information from the adapter.
int int iAdapterIndex
Definition: radeonusbled.h:92
Structure containing information about the ASIC memory.
Definition: adl_structures.h:299
Handle to ADL client context.
Definition: adl_structures.h:2336
int ADL2_DisplayEnable_Set(ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int *lpDisplayIndexList, int iDisplayListSize, int bPersistOnly)
Function to dynamically enable displays on a GPU.
int ADL_DesktopConfig_Set(int iAdapterIndex, int iDesktopConfig)
Function to set the Desktop Configuration.
int ADL_DesktopConfig_Get(int iAdapterIndex, int *lpDesktopConfig)
Function to get the Desktop Configuration.
int ADL2_Adapter_Tear_Free_Cap(ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int *lpTFCap)
Functions to retreive Tear Free setting capabilities of the system.
int ADL2_DesktopConfig_Get(ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int *lpDesktopConfig)
Function to get the Desktop Configuration.
int ADL2_Adapter_MemoryInfo_Get(ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, ADLMemoryInfo *lpMemoryInfo)
Function to retrieve memory information from the adapter.
Definition: lnx.h:27
int ADL2_Display_LUTColor_Set(ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int iDisplayIndex, ADLGamma adlGamma)
Function to set the current gamma value for a LUT (controller).
int ADL_NumberOfDisplayEnable_Get(int iAdapterIndex, int *lpNumberOfDisplays)
Function to retrieve the number of enabled displays.
int ADL2_DesktopConfig_Set(ADL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, int iAdapterIndex, int iDesktopConfig)
Function to set the Desktop Configuration.
int ADL_Display_IdentifyDisplay(int iAdapterIndex, int iDisplayIndex, int iDisplayControllerIndex, int iShow, int iDisplayNum, int iPosX, int iPosY)
Function to set the desktop configuration.
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