Description: This sample demonstrates how to get/set Enhanced Sync.
Supported OS: Windows
Init and Destroy: Initialize the library before using it and destroy it after the usage. Refer to InitADL() for initialization and clean-up is done inside main function only.
- "get": Get current EnhancedSync state.
- "on": Set EnhqancedSync state on.
- "off": Set EnhqancedSync state off.
- Allow the Turbo Sync support get using "ADL2_TurboSyncSupport_Get".
- Return value "1" indicates the system supports EnhancedSync.
- Return value "-1" indicates the system does not support EnhancedSync.
- Allow the Enhanced Sync set and get using "ADL2_Adapter_RegValueString_Set" and "ADL2_User_Settings_Notify".
Sample Path: Sample\EnhancedSync